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# gauge [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/dfcreative/gauge/badges/gpa.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/dfcreative/gauge) ![size](https://img.shields.io/badge/size-2.4kb-brightgreen.svg) <a href="UNLICENSE"><img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/62/PD-icon.svg" width="20"/></a>

A simple circular gauge indicator component.


[Live demo](https://cdn.rawgit.com/dfcreative/gauge/d9bcf65f3bf0a4e6e52fb8add5bc6f5dc3bba1c5/test/index.html).

## Installation

`$ npm install component-gauge`

Or use standalone browser version [gauge.min.js](gauge.min.js), using global `Gague` class.

Don’t forget to include [index.css](gauge.min.js) and [arrow.svg](arrow.svg).

## Example

var Gauge = require('component-gauge');
var q = require('query');

var gauge = new Gauge(q('.gauge'), options);


### new Gauge(el, options)

Create a new Gauge component.

### Gauge.prototype.update()

Update gauge rings, marks & labels position.

### Gauge.prototype.value

Current gauge percent value, `0..100`.

# Options

| Param | Default | Description |
| `angle` | `[150, 390]` | Start and end angles defining gauge’s aperture |
| `values` | `{0: 'start', 100: 'end'}` | Dict of labels corresponding to percentage values |
| `colors` | `{0:'gray', 70:'orange', 90:'red'}` | Dict of colors corresponding to percentage values |
| `marks` | `[0,10,..100]` | List of marks, corresponding to percentage |
| `value` | `0` | Initial value |


There are a bunch of styles you can tack to adjust gauge view. Look into [index.css](index.css).
For example, you can adjust arrow shape and visibility, inset/outset of values and marks.
