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1 wk
Test Coverage
 * Simple gauge indicator.
 * @module  gauge

var Emitter = require('component-emitter');
var extend = require('xtend/mutable');
var css = require('mucss/css');

var doc = document;

 * Gauge component constructor
function Gauge(el, options) {
    //ensure proper el is passed
    if (!(el instanceof HTMLElement)) throw Error('Bad target element');

    //ensure instance
    if (!(this instanceof Gauge)) return new Gauge(el, options);

    //adopt options
    extend(this, options);

    //save element
    this.el = el;
    this.el.innerHTML = [
        '<svg class="gauge-colors" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">',
        '<rect width="100%" height="100%" opacity="0"/>', //Firefix
        '<div class="gauge-marks"></div>',
        '<div class="gauge-values"></div>',
        '<div class="gauge-arrow"></div>'

    //save references
    this.colorsEl = this.el.querySelector('.gauge-colors');
    this.valuesEl = this.el.querySelector('.gauge-values');
    this.arrowEl = this.el.querySelector('.gauge-arrow');
    this.marksEl = this.el.querySelector('.gauge-marks');



    //bind to window resize
    var that = this;
    window.addEventListener('resize', function(){

 * Gauge prototype
var proto = Gauge.prototype = Object.create(Emitter.prototype);

 * Start/end angles
proto.angle = [150, 390];

 * List of marks values
 * `{ percent: value }`
proto.values = (function(){
    var res = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        res[~~(100*i/10)] = i;
    return res;
proto.values[100] = 10;

 * List of marks to show.
proto.marks = Object.keys(proto.values).map(parseFloat);

 * Colors for circumferent line, clockwise
 * `{ percent: color }`
proto.colors = {
    0: '#666',
    60: '#ffa500',
    80: 'red'

 * Current gauge value & setter
proto.value = 0;
proto.setValue = function(v){
    //notify change

    //find out proper angle, set it
    this.value = +v;
    var angle = getPercentAngle(this.value, this.angle);
    css(this.arrowEl, {
        transform: 'rotate(' + (angle + 90) + 'deg)'

    this.value = v;

 * Create notches
 * CSS-rotated rectangles are far more customizable than SVG-lines
proto.createMarks = function(){
    var markEl;

    //list of marks els per angle
    this.marksEls = {};

    for (var i = 0; i < this.marks.length; i++){
        markEl = doc.createElement('span');
        markEl.className = 'gauge-mark';

        this.marksEls[this.marks[i]] = markEl;

 * Mark gauge according to values
proto.createValues = function(){
    //for each mark value - place proper text label on a circle line
    var value, valueEl, d;

    //reset contents
    this.valuesEl.innerHTML = '';
    this.valuesEls = {};

    //for each value create text node
    for (var percent in this.values) {
        value = this.values[percent];

        valueEl = doc.createElement('span');
        valueEl.textContent = value;
        valueEl.setAttribute('class', 'gauge-value');

        //save values els
        this.valuesEls[percent] = valueEl;

 * Create colors based on marks list
proto.createColors = function(){
    var color, colorEl, d;

    //reset contents
    this.colorsEl.innerHTML = '';
    this.colorsEls = {};

    //for each color create svg arc path of the according color
    for (var percent in this.colors) {
        color = this.colors[percent];

        colorEl = doc.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path');
        colorEl.setAttribute('class', 'gauge-color');

        //save colors els
        this.colorsEls[percent] = colorEl;

 * Update colors & marks size/position
proto.update = function(){
    var w = this.el.clientWidth, h = this.el.clientHeight;
    var cw = this.colorsEl.clientWidth || w, ch = this.colorsEl.clientHeight || h;

    //1. Update colors
    var lastColor = '',
        lastAngle = this.angle[0],
        lastCoords = getAngleCoords(lastAngle, cw, ch),
        reverse = this.angle[0] > this.angle[1];

    this.walk(this.colors, function(percent, angle){
        var d, coords = getAngleCoords(angle, cw, ch);

        //ignore first step
        if (lastPath) {
            //color arc to a new step
            d = 'M ' + lastCoords + ' A ' + cw/2 + ' ' + ch/2 + ' 0 ' + (Math.abs(angle - lastAngle) > 180 ? 1 : 0) + ' ' + (reverse ? 0 : 1) + ' ' + coords;
            lastPath.setAttribute('d', d);
            lastPath.setAttribute('stroke', lastColor);

        lastPath = this.colorsEls[percent];
        lastCoords = coords;
        lastColor = this.colors[percent];
        lastAngle = angle;

    //append max → 100 arc
    var endAngle = this.angle[1];
    lastPath.setAttribute('stroke', lastColor);
    lastPath.setAttribute('d', 'M ' + lastCoords + ' A ' + cw/2 + ' ' + ch/2 + ' 0 ' + (Math.abs(endAngle - lastAngle) > 180 ? 1 : 0) + ' 1 ' + getAngleCoords(endAngle, cw, ch));

    //2. Update values
    var vw = this.valuesEl.clientWidth, vh = this.valuesEl.clientHeight;

    this.walk(this.values, function(percent, angle){
        var coords = getAngleCoords(angle, vw, vh);
        var valueEl = this.valuesEls[percent];

        css(valueEl, {
            left: coords[0] - valueEl.clientWidth/2,
            top: coords[1] - valueEl.clientHeight/2

    //3. Update marks
    var mw = this.marksEl.clientWidth, mh = this.marksEl.clientHeight;
    this.walk(this.marksEls, function(percent, angle){
        var coords = getAngleCoords(angle, mw, mh);
        var markEl = this.marksEls[percent];

        css(markEl, {
            transform: 'rotate(' + (angle + 90) + 'deg)',
            left: coords[0] - markEl.clientWidth/2,
            top: coords[1] - markEl.clientHeight/2

 * Walk by circle calling an fn with angle
proto.walk = function(obj, fn){
    var angle, that = this;

    //sort percents
    var percents = Object.keys(obj).map(parseFloat).sort()

        angle = getPercentAngle(percent, that.angle);
        fn.call(that, percent, angle);

 * Get degrees angle for percent from range
function getPercentAngle(percent, range){
    return ((percent * .01) * (range[1] - range[0]) + range[0]);

 * Get coords of an angle
function getAngleCoords(angle, w, h){
    //to rads
    angle *= Math.PI/180;
    return [
        Math.cos(angle) * w/2 + w/2,
        Math.sin(angle) * h/2 + h/2

module.exports = Gauge;