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2 days
Test Coverage
* @module  placer
* Places any element relative to any other element the way you define

//TODO: use translate3d instead of absolute repositioning (option?)
//TODO: implement avoiding strategy (graphic editors use-case when you need to avoid placing over selected elements)
//TODO: enhance best-side strategy: choose the most closest side

var css = require('mucss/css');
var scrollbarWidth = require('mucss/scrollbar');
var isFixed = require('mucss/is-fixed');
var offsets = require('mucss/offset');
var hasScroll = require('mucss/has-scroll');
var borders = require('mucss/border');
var margins = require('mucss/margin');
var softExtend = require('soft-extend');
var align = require('aligner');
var parseValue = require('mucss/parse-value');

var win = window, doc = document, root = doc.documentElement;

module.exports = place;

place.align = align;
place.toFloat = align.toFloat;

 * Default options
var defaults = {
    //an element to align relatively to
    target: win,

    //which side to place element
    //t/r/b/l, 'center', 'middle'
    side: 'auto',

     * An alignment trbl/0..1/center
     * @default  0
     * @type {(number|string|array)}
    align: 0.5,

    avoid: undefined,

    within: window,

    //look for better blacement, if doesn’t fit
    auto: true

 * Place element relative to the target by the side & params passed.
 * @main
 * @param {Element} element An element to place
 * @param {object} options Options object
 * @return {boolean} The result of placement - whether placing succeeded
function place (element, options) {
    //inherit defaults
    options = softExtend(options, defaults);

    options.target = options.target || options.to || win;

    if (!options.within) {
        options.within = options.target === win ? win : root;

    //TODO: query avoidables
    // options.avoid = q(element, options.avoid, true);

    //set the same position as the target or absolute
    var elStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
    if (elStyle.position === 'static') {
        if (options.target instanceof Element && isFixed(options.target)) {
            element.style.position = 'fixed';
        else {
            element.style.position = 'absolute';

    //force placing into DOM
    if (!document.contains(element)) (document.body || document.documentElement).appendChild(element);

    //else place according to the position
    var side = (options.auto || options.side === 'auto') ? getBestSide(element, options) : options.side;
    placeBySide[side](element, options);

    return element;

 * Set of positioning functions
 * @enum {Function}
 * @param {Element} placee Element to place
 * @param {object} target Offsets rectangle (absolute position)
 * @param {object} ignore Sides to avoid entering (usually, already tried)
var placeBySide = {
    center: function(placee, opts){
        //get to & within rectangles
        var targetRect = offsets(opts.target);
        var parentRect = getParentRect(placee.offsetParent);

        //align centered
        var al = opts.align;
        if (!(al instanceof Array)) {
            if (/,/.test(al)) {
                al = al.split(/\s*,\s*/);
                al = [parseFloat(al[0]), parseFloat(al[1])];
            else if (/top|bottom|middle/.test(al)) al = [.5, al];
            else al = [al, .5];

        align([opts.target, placee], al);

        //apply limits
        //FIXME: understand this use-case when it should be called for centered view
        if (opts.within && opts.within !== window) {
            trimPositionY(placee, opts, parentRect);
            trimPositionX(placee, opts, parentRect);

        //upd options
        opts.side = 'center';

    left: function(placee, opts){
        var parent = placee.offsetParent || document.body || root;

        var targetRect = offsets(opts.target);
        var parentRect = getParentRect(parent);

        //correct borders
        contractRect(parentRect, borders(parent));

        //place left (set css right because placee width may change)
        css(placee, {
            right: parentRect.right - targetRect.left,
            left: 'auto'

        //place vertically properly
        align([opts.target, placee], [null, opts.align]);

        //apply limits
        if (opts.within) trimPositionY(placee, opts, parentRect);

        //upd options
        opts.side = 'left';

    right: function (placee, opts) {
        var parent = placee.offsetParent || document.body || root;

        //get to & within rectangles
        var targetRect = offsets(opts.target);
        var parentRect = getParentRect(parent);

        //correct borders
        contractRect(parentRect, borders(parent));

        //place right
        css(placee, {
            left: targetRect.right - parentRect.left,
            right: 'auto',

        //place vertically properly
        align([opts.target, placee], [null, opts.align]);

        //apply limits
        if (opts.within) trimPositionY(placee, opts, parentRect);

        //upd options
        opts.side = 'right';

    top: function(placee, opts){
        var parent = placee.offsetParent || document.body || root;

        var targetRect = offsets(opts.target);
        var parentRect = getParentRect(parent);

        //correct borders
        contractRect(parentRect, borders(parent));

        if (isFixed(placee)) {
            parentRect.top = 0;
            parentRect.bottom = window.innerHeight;
            targetRect.top -= window.pageYOffset;
            targetRect.bottom -= window.pageYOffset;

        //place vertically top-side
        css(placee, {
            bottom: parentRect.bottom - targetRect.top,
            top: 'auto'

        //place horizontally properly
        align([opts.target, placee], [opts.align]);

        //apply limits
        if (opts.within) trimPositionX(placee, opts, parentRect);

        //upd options
        opts.side = 'top';

    bottom: function(placee, opts){
        var parent = placee.offsetParent || document.body || root;

        //get to & within rectangles
        var targetRect = offsets(opts.target);
        var parentRect = getParentRect(parent);

        //correct borders
        contractRect(parentRect, borders(parent));

        if (isFixed(placee)) {
            parentRect.top = 0;
            parentRect.bottom = window.innerHeight;
            targetRect.top -= window.pageYOffset;
            targetRect.bottom -= window.pageYOffset;

        //place bottom
        css(placee, {
            top: targetRect.bottom - parentRect.top,
            bottom: 'auto',

        //place horizontally properly
        align([opts.target, placee], [opts.align]);

        //apply limits
        if (opts.within) trimPositionX(placee, opts, parentRect);

        //upd options
        opts.side = 'bottom';

 * Find the most appropriate side to place element
function getBestSide (placee, opts) {
    var initSide = opts.side === 'auto' ? 'bottom' : opts.side;

    var withinRect = offsets(opts.within),
        placeeRect = offsets(placee),
        targetRect = offsets(opts.target);

    contractRect(withinRect, borders(opts.within));

    var placeeMargins = margins(placee);

    //rect of "hot" area (available spaces from placer to container)
    var hotRect = {
        top: targetRect.top - withinRect.top,
        bottom: withinRect.bottom - targetRect.bottom,
        left: targetRect.left - withinRect.left,
        right: withinRect.right - targetRect.right

    //rect of available spaces
    var availSpace = {
        top: hotRect.top - placeeRect.height - placeeMargins.top - placeeMargins.bottom,
        bottom: hotRect.bottom - placeeRect.height - placeeMargins.top - placeeMargins.bottom,
        left: hotRect.left - placeeRect.width - placeeMargins.left - placeeMargins.right,
        right: hotRect.right - placeeRect.width - placeeMargins.left - placeeMargins.right

    //TODO: if avoidable el is within the hot area - specify the side limits

    //if fits initial side, return it
    if (availSpace[initSide] >= 0) return initSide;

    //if none of sides fit, return center
    if (availSpace.top < 0 && availSpace.bottom < 0 && availSpace.left < 0 && availSpace.right < 0) return 'center';

    //else find the most free side within others
    var maxSide = initSide, maxSpace = availSpace[maxSide];
    for (var side in availSpace) {
        if (availSpace[side] > maxSpace) {
            maxSide = side; maxSpace = availSpace[maxSide];

    return maxSide;

/** contract rect 1 with rect 2 */
function contractRect(rect, rect2){
    //correct rect2
    rect.left += rect2.left;
    rect.right -= rect2.right;
    rect.bottom -= rect2.bottom;
    rect.top += rect2.top;
    return rect;

/** Apply limits rectangle to the position of an element */
function trimPositionY(placee, opts, parentRect){
    var within = opts.within;

    var placeeRect = offsets(placee);
    var withinRect = offsets(within);
    var placeeMargins = margins(placee);

    if (within === window && isFixed(placee)) {
        withinRect.top = 0;
        withinRect.left = 0;

    contractRect(withinRect, borders(within));

    //shorten withinRect by the avoidable elements
    //within the set of avoidable elements find the ones
    if (opts.avoid) {


    if (withinRect.top > placeeRect.top - placeeMargins.top) {
        css(placee, {
            top: withinRect.top - parentRect.top,
            bottom: 'auto'

    else if (withinRect.bottom < placeeRect.bottom + placeeMargins.bottom) {
        css(placee, {
            top: 'auto',
            bottom: parentRect.bottom - withinRect.bottom
function trimPositionX(placee, opts, parentRect){
    var within = opts.within;

    var placeeRect = offsets(placee);
    var withinRect = offsets(within);
    var placeeMargins = margins(placee);

    if (within === window && isFixed(placee)) {
        withinRect.top = 0;
        withinRect.left = 0;

    contractRect(withinRect, borders(within));

    if (withinRect.left > placeeRect.left - placeeMargins.left) {
        css(placee, {
            left: withinRect.left - parentRect.left,
            right: 'auto'

    else if (withinRect.right < placeeRect.right + placeeMargins.right) {
        css(placee, {
            left: 'auto',
            right: parentRect.right - withinRect.right

 * Return offsets rectangle for an element/array/any target passed.
 * I. e. normalize offsets rect
 * @param {*} el Element, selector, window, document, rect, array
 * @return {object} Offsets rectangle
function getParentRect (target) {
    var rect;

    //handle special static body case
    if (target == null || (target === window) || (target === doc.body && getComputedStyle(target).position === 'static') || target === root) {
        rect = {
            left: 0,
            right: win.innerWidth - (hasScroll.y() ? scrollbarWidth : 0),
            width: win.innerWidth,
            top: 0,
            bottom: win.innerHeight - (hasScroll.x() ? scrollbarWidth : 0),
            height: win.innerHeight
    else {
        rect = offsets(target);

    return rect;