# encoding: utf-8require "spanish_vat_validators/version"require 'active_model' module ActiveModel::Validations module SpanishVatValidatorsHelpers def message(kind='spanish_vat') I18n.translate!("errors.messages.not_valid_#{kind}") rescue 'is invalid' end # Validates NIF def validate_nif(v) return false if v.nil? || v.empty? value = v.upcase return false unless value.match(/^[0-9]{8}[a-z]$/i) letters = "TRWAGMYFPDXBNJZSQVHLCKE" check = value.slice!(value.length - 1..value.length - 1) calculated_letter = letters[value.to_i % 23].chr return check === calculated_letter end # Validates CIFMethod `validate_cif` has a Cognitive Complexity of 11 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring. def validate_cif(v) return false if v.nil? || v.empty? value = v.clone return false unless value.match(/^[a-wyz][0-9]{7}[0-9a-z]$/i) even = 0 odd = 0 uletter = ["J", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I"] text = value.upcase regular = /^[ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSVW]\d{7}[0-9,A-J]$/#g); if regular.match(value).blank? false else last = text[8,1] [1,3,5,7].collect do |cont| xxx = (2 * text[cont,1].to_i).to_s + "0" odd += xxx[0,1].to_i + xxx[1,1].to_i even += text[cont+1,1].to_i if cont < 7 end sum = (even + odd).to_s unumber = sum[-1].to_i unumber = (10 - unumber).to_s unumber = 0 if(unumber.to_i == 10) ((last.to_i == unumber.to_i) || (last == uletter[unumber.to_i])) end end # Validates NIE # a NIE is really a NIF with first number changed to capital X, Y or Z letter def validate_nie(v) return false if v.nil? || v.empty? value = v.upcase return false unless value.match(/^[xyz][0-9]{7}[a-z]$/i) value[0] = {"X" => "0", "Y" => "1", "Z" => "2"}[value[0]] validate_nif(value) end end # Validates any Spanish VAT number class ValidSpanishVatValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator include SpanishVatValidatorsHelpers def validate_each(record, attribute, value) record.errors.add(attribute, message) unless validate_nif(value) or validate_cif(value) or validate_nie(value) end end # Validates any Spanish person number class ValidSpanishIdValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator include SpanishVatValidatorsHelpers def validate_each(record, attribute, value) record.errors.add(attribute, message('spanish_id')) unless validate_nif(value) or validate_nie(value) end end # Validates NIF number only class ValidNifValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator include SpanishVatValidatorsHelpers def validate_each(record, attribute,value) record.errors.add(attribute, message('nif')) unless validate_nif(value) end end # Validates CIF number only class ValidCifValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator include SpanishVatValidatorsHelpers def validate_each(record, attribute,value) record.errors.add(attribute, message('cif')) unless validate_cif(value) end end # Validates NIE number only class ValidNieValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator include SpanishVatValidatorsHelpers def validate_each(record, attribute,value) record.errors.add(attribute, message('nie')) unless validate_nie(value) end end end