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# d2-ui

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## Introduction

D2-UI is a user interface component library for developing
[DHIS2]( applications. The core development team
uses and maintains these components to ensure visual consistency between
DHIS2 web applications.

## Structure

This is a monorepo comprised of many packages which are individually
published to [NPM]( using [Yarn Workspaces]( Yarn Workspaces
handles linking the packages in this repository together, and ensures that
everything is using the latest code.

See [packages]( to
see what components are available.

## The example application

In [examples]( you
will find an application bootstrapped with
[create-react-app]( which
demonstrates how one consumes the components d2-ui provides.

## Getting started

In the d2-ui root directory:

yarn install
yarn watch

In the

yarn start

Now you are able to change any component in
[packages/]( and the
changes will be reflected live in the example application.

## Linking individual components

When working on a component that's consumed by a different app, you can preview the changes without publishing by using `yarn link`. Let's say you're working on the `legend` component. First you'll need to build the components. Run this from the d2-ui root directory:

yarn install
yarn run build

After that link the components you're working on (we'll use legend for this example):

cd d2-ui/packages/legend/build
yarn link

After that, change directory to the app that consumes the component you're working on (let's say the maintenance-app). From the root of that project run:

yarn link @dhis2/d2-ui-legend`

This will link your local version of the component and your local changes will be reflected in the app.

## Contributing

See [how to

## Release process

Documented in [RELEASING](

## License
[![FOSSA Status](](

## Report an issue

The issue tracker can be found in [DHIS2 JIRA](
under the [LIBS]( project.

Deep links:

-   [Bug](!init.jspa?pid=10700&issuetype=10006&components=11012)
-   [Feature](!init.jspa?pid=10700&issuetype=10300&components=11012)
-   [Task](!init.jspa?pid=10700&issuetype=10003&components=11012)