

4 hrs
Test Coverage
import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import log from 'loglevel';

import Card from 'material-ui/Card/Card';
import CardText from 'material-ui/Card/CardText';

import {CheckBox} from '@dhis2/d2-ui-core';
import {SelectField} from '@dhis2/d2-ui-core';
import {TextField} from '@dhis2/d2-ui-core';
import {DatePicker} from '@dhis2/d2-ui-core';
import {MultiToggle} from '@dhis2/d2-ui-core';
import { FormBuilder } from '@dhis2/d2-ui-forms';
import { Validators } from '@dhis2/d2-ui-forms';

export default class FormExample extends React.Component {
    constructor() {
        this.onUpdateField = this.onUpdateField.bind(this);

    getChildContext() {
        return {
            d2: {
                Api: {
                    getApi() {
                        return 'dummy_url';
                i18n: {
                    getTranslation(key) {
                        return key;

    onUpdateField(fieldName, newValue) {
        log.info(fieldName, '=', newValue);

    render() {
        const fields = [
                name: 'exampleTextField',
                value: 'Default Value',
                component: TextField,
                props: {
                    floatingLabelText: 'Floating Label',
                    style: { width: '100%' },
                    hintText: 'Example hint text',
                    changeEvent: 'onBlur',
                    type: 'search',
                validators: [{
                    message: 'The field must have a value',
                    validator(value) {
                        return Validators.isRequired(value);
                name: 'exampleMultilineTextField',
                value: 'DHIS2',
                component: TextField,
                props: {
                    floatingLabelText: 'Multiline TextField',
                    style: { width: '100%' },
                    hintText: 'Press enter for new line',
                    multiLine: true,
                    changeEvent: 'onBlur',
                name: 'exampleCheckBox',
                value: '',
                component: CheckBox,
                props: {
                    label: 'Checkbox Example',
                    style: { width: '100%' },
                    onCheck: (e, v) => {
                        this.onUpdateField('exampleCheckBox', v ? 'true' : 'false');
                name: 'exampleDropDown',
                value: null,
                component: SelectField,
                props: {
                    menuItems: [{ id: '1', displayName: 'Option 1' }, { id: '2', displayName: 'Option 2' }],
                    includeEmpty: true,
                    emptyLabel: 'No Options',
                name: 'startDate',
                value: new Date(),
                component: DatePicker,
                props: {
                    floatingLabelText: 'Example Start Date Picker',
                    dateFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd',
                    allowFuture: false,
                validators: [{
                    message: 'Closed date cannot be before open date',
                    validator(value, formModel) {
                        return Validators.isStartDateBeforeEndDate(value, formModel.fields.endDate.value);
                name: 'endDate',
                value: new Date(),
                component: DatePicker,
                props: {
                    floatingLabelText: 'Example End Date Picker',
                    dateFormat: 'yyyy-MM-dd',
                    allowFuture: false,
                validators: [{
                    message: 'Closed date cannot be before open date',
                    validator(value, formModel) {
                        return Validators.isStartDateBeforeEndDate(formModel.fields.startDate.value, value);
                name: 'exampleMultiToggle',
                value: '',
                component: MultiToggle,
                props: {
                    items: [
                            name: 'Monday',
                            value: true,
                            text: 'Monday is best',
                            name: 'Friday',
                            text: 'Friday is worst',
                    label: 'Example of MultiToggle',
                    onChange: () => {},
        return (
                    Example Form

FormExample.childContextTypes = {
    d2: PropTypes.object,