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import { mapValues, flattenDeep, isInteger, get, isFunction, mapKeys, Dictionary, isUndefined, isArray, some, isEqual, isNil, isNumber, isString } from 'lodash';

import { Adapter as _Adapter } from '../base';
import AAdapterEntity = _Adapter.Base.AAdapterEntity;
import AAdapter = _Adapter.Base.AAdapter;
import { QueryLanguage } from '../../types/queryLanguage';
import { IEntityAttributes } from '../../types/entity';

 * Generic constructor for a certain type
export type Constructor<TClass> = new ( ...args: any[] ) => TClass;

// Cast a number component to a number
const getNum = ( ...params: Array<string | string[]> ) => {
    const flatten = flattenDeep( params ) as string[];
    const [fullMatch, sign, val] = flatten;
    if ( '∞' === val ) {
        if ( '-' === sign ) {
            return -Infinity;
        } else {
            return Infinity;
    } else {
        return parseInt( fullMatch, 10 );
const validations = {
    type: {
        int( key: string, val: number ) {
            if ( isString( val ) ) {
                val = parseInt( val, 10 );
            if ( !isInteger( val ) && isFinite( val ) ) {
                throw new TypeError( `Expect "${key}" to be an integer` );
            return val;
    rng( key: string, val: number, range: string ) {
        const rangeMatch = range.match(
        if ( rangeMatch ) {
            const lower = getNum( rangeMatch.splice( 2, 3 ) );
            const upper = getNum( rangeMatch.splice( 2, 3 ) );
            const isInRangeLower = '[' === rangeMatch[1] ? val >= lower : val > lower;
            const isInRangeUpper = ']' === rangeMatch[2] ? val <= upper : val < upper;
            if ( !( isInRangeLower && isInRangeUpper ) ) {
                throw new RangeError(
                    `Expect "${key}" to be within ${range}, have "${val}"`
        return val;

 * Check if a validation matches
 * @param key - The name of the option checked
 * @param val - The value to match against
const validateOption = (
    key: string,
    val: any,
    config: { type: string; rng?: string }
): any => {
    const valTypes: any = validations.type;
    if ( valTypes[config.type] ) {
        val = valTypes[config.type]( key, val );
    if ( config.rng ) {
        if ( !isString( val ) && !isNumber( val ) ){
            throw new TypeError( `A range operator to match against the option ${key} must be a string or a number, not a ${typeof val}` );
        if ( isString( val ) ){
            val = parseInt( val );
        val = validations.rng( key, val, config.rng );
    return val;

 * TODO.
 * @author gerkin
 * @see TODO remapping.
export const remapIO = <TEntity extends IEntityAttributes>(
    adapter: AAdapter<any>,
    tableName: string,
    query: TEntity,
    input: boolean
) => {
    const direction = input ? 'input' : 'output';
    const filtered = mapValues( query, ( value, key ) => {
        const filter = get(
            ['filters', tableName, direction, key],
        if ( isFunction( filter ) ) {
            return filter( value );
        return value;
    } );
    const remapType = input ? 'normal' : 'inverted';
    const remaped = mapKeys( filtered, ( value, key ) => get( adapter, ['remaps', tableName, remapType, key], key ) );
    return remaped as TEntity;

export type IQueryCheckFunction = ( entityVal: any, targetVal: any ) => boolean;

export const OPERATORS: Dictionary<IQueryCheckFunction | undefined> = {
    $exists: ( entityVal: any, targetVal: any ) =>
    targetVal === !isUndefined( entityVal ),
    $equal: ( entityVal: any, targetVal: any ) =>
    !isUndefined( entityVal ) && entityVal === targetVal,
    $diff: ( entityVal: any, targetVal: any ) =>
    !isUndefined( entityVal ) && entityVal !== targetVal,
    $less: ( entityVal: any, targetVal: any ) =>
    !isUndefined( entityVal ) && entityVal < targetVal,
    $lessEqual: ( entityVal: any, targetVal: any ) =>
    !isUndefined( entityVal ) && entityVal <= targetVal,
    $greater: ( entityVal: any, targetVal: any ) =>
    !isUndefined( entityVal ) && entityVal > targetVal,
    $greaterEqual: ( entityVal: any, targetVal: any ) =>
    !isUndefined( entityVal ) && entityVal >= targetVal,
    $contains: ( entityVal: any, targetVal: any ) =>
    !isUndefined( entityVal ) &&
    isArray( entityVal ) &&
    some( entityVal, val => isEqual( val, targetVal ) ),
export const CANONICAL_OPERATORS: Dictionary<string> = {
    '~': '$exists',
    '==': '$equal',
    '!=': '$diff',
    '<': '$less',
    '<=': '$lessEqual',
    '>': '$greater',
    '>=': '$greaterEqual',

export type TQueryOptionsValidator = ( ops: QueryLanguage.IQueryOptions ) => void;
export const QUERY_OPTIONS_TRANSFORMS: Dictionary<TQueryOptionsValidator> = {
    limit( opts: QueryLanguage.IQueryOptions ) {
        opts.limit = validateOption( 'limit', opts.limit as number, {
            type: 'int',
            rng: '[0,∞]',
        } );
    skip( opts: QueryLanguage.IQueryOptions ) {
        opts.skip = validateOption( 'skip', opts.skip as number, {
            type: 'int',
            rng: '[0,∞[',
        } );
    page( opts: QueryLanguage.IQueryOptions ) {
        if ( !isNumber( opts.limit ) ) {
            throw new ReferenceError(
                'Usage of "options.page" requires "options.limit" to be defined.'
        if ( !isFinite( opts.limit as number ) ) {
            throw new RangeError(
                'Usage of "options.page" requires "options.limit" to not be infinite'
        if ( !isNil( opts.skip ) ) {
            throw new ReferenceError( 'Use either "options.page" or "options.skip"' );
        opts.skip =
        validateOption( 'page', opts.page as number, {
            type: 'int',
            rng: '[0,∞[',
        } ) * ( opts.limit as number );
        delete opts.page;