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import { omit, cloneDeep, isNil, merge, get } from 'lodash';

import { Adapter as _AAdapter } from './adapter';
import AAdapter = _AAdapter.Base.AAdapter;

import { QueryLanguage } from '../../types/queryLanguage';
import { Adapter as _DataAccessLayer } from '../dataAccessLayer';
import DataAccessLayer = _DataAccessLayer.DataAccessLayer;
import { IEntityAttributes, EntityUid, IEntityProperties } from '../../types/entity';

export namespace Adapter {
    export interface IAdapterEntityCtr<TAdapterEntity extends Base.AAdapterEntity> {
        new ( data: IEntityProperties, adapter: AAdapter<TAdapterEntity> ): TAdapterEntity;
         * Checks if the provided `attributes` matches the `query`.
         * @author gerkin
         * @param attributes - An object containing the properties to test.
         * @param query      - The query to match against the attributes.
            attributes: IEntityProperties,
            query: QueryLanguage.ISelectQuery
        ): boolean;
         * Defines the `id` (& `idHash`) on the provided object
         * @author gerkin
         * @param attributes - An object representing an entity's attributes
         * @param adapter    - The source adapter of the entity, to load mapping informations from
         * @param id         - The actual id value
         * @param propName   - The name of the property used as `id` field
            attributes: IEntityAttributes,
            adapter: AAdapter<TAdapterEntity>,
            id?: EntityUid,
            propName?: string
        ): IEntityProperties;

export namespace Adapter.Base {
     * AdapterEntity is the sub-entity reflecting a single source content. Values may differ from the Entity itself.
    export abstract class AAdapterEntity {
        public readonly dataSource: AAdapter;
        public readonly dataAccessLayer: DataAccessLayer;
        protected _properties: IEntityProperties;
         * Returns all attributes of this adapterEntity.
         * **Note:** Attributes does not include `id` nor `idHash`, that are managed. Use {@link properties} to get them.
         * @author Gerkin
        public get attributes() {
            // TODO WARNING! Cast not OK
            return omit( this.properties, ['idHash', 'id'] );

         * Returns a copy of the object's properties.
         * @description The adapter entity is strictly private and represent the state of the entity in the data source. Thus, it can't be modified directly.
         * When an {@link Entity} is updated, it will retrieve new instances of this entity.
         * @author Gerkin
        public get properties() {
            return cloneDeep( this._properties );

         * Returns the ID of the entity in a specific adapter. Shorthand getter for `this._properties.id`.
         * @author Gerkin
        public get id() {
            return this._properties.id;
         * Construct a new data source entity with specified content & parent.
         * @author gerkin
        public constructor( entity: IEntityProperties, dataSource: AAdapter ) {
            if ( isNil( entity ) ) {
                throw new Error( "Can't construct entity from nil value" );
            if ( isNil( dataSource ) ) {
                throw new TypeError(
                    `Expect 2nd argument to be the parent of this entity, have "${dataSource}"`
            if ( !entity.id ) {
                throw new Error( 'Entity from adapter should have an id.' );
            merge( entity, { idHash: { [dataSource.name]: entity.id } } );
            this._properties = entity;
            this.dataSource = dataSource;
            this.dataAccessLayer = DataAccessLayer.retrieveAccessLayer( dataSource );
         * Applies the id in the appropriate field & id hash
         * @author Gerkin
         * @param attributes - Attributes of the entity
         * @param adapter    - Adapter that will persist the entity
         * @param propName   - Property that should contain the ID
         * @param id         - Value of the ID
        public static setId(
            attributes: IEntityAttributes,
            adapter: AAdapter,
            id?: EntityUid,
            propName: string = 'id'
        ): IEntityProperties {
            const defaultedId = id || get( attributes, propName );
            const adapterEntityAttributes = merge( attributes, {
                id: defaultedId,
                idHash: {
                    [adapter.name]: defaultedId,
            } );
            return adapterEntityAttributes;
         * Is implemented only by decorator
         * @param query Query to match entity against
        public static matches(
            attributes: IEntityAttributes,
            query: QueryLanguage.SelectQueryOrCondition
        ): boolean {
            return false;
         * Is implemented only by decorator
         * @param query Query to match entity against
        public matches( query: QueryLanguage.SelectQueryOrCondition ): boolean {
            return false;
         * Calls the static {@link AdapterEntity.setId} with provided arguments
         * @author Gerkin
         * @param adapter    - Adapter that will persist the entity
         * @param propName   - Property that should contain the ID
         * @param id         - Value of the ID
        protected setId( adapter: AAdapter, id?: EntityUid, propName?: string ): this {
            this._properties = AAdapterEntity.setId(
            return this;