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import { assign } from 'lodash';
import { resolve, basename } from 'path';

import { Adapter } from './adapters';
import { Model } from './model';
import {
} from './staticStores';
import { logger } from './logger';
import { BrowserLogger } from './logger/browserLogger';
import { NodeLogger } from './logger/nodeLogger';
import { ModelDescription } from './types/modelDescription';

interface IAdapterRegistry {
    [key: string]: Adapter.IAdapterCtr;

 * Diaspora main namespace
 * @author gerkin
export class DiasporaStatic {
    public static get instance() {
        return new this();
     * This class is a singleton: the constructor may return the already created instance
    private constructor() {
        if ( DiasporaStatic._instance ) {
            return DiasporaStatic._instance;
        } else {
            DiasporaStatic._instance = this;
    private static _instance: DiasporaStatic;
     * Logger used by Diaspora and its adapters.
     * @author gerkin
    public get logger(): BrowserLogger | NodeLogger {
        return logger;
     * Returns a copy of available data sources. Data sources are adapters already instanciated & registered in Diaspora.
     * @author gerkin
    public get dataSources() {
        return assign( {}, this._dataSources );
    public get models() {
        return assign( {}, this._models );
     * Hash containing all available adapters. The only universal adapter is `inMemory`.
     * @author gerkin
     * @see Use {@link Diaspora.registerAdapter} to add adapters.
    private readonly adapters: IAdapterRegistry = {};
     * Hash containing all available data sources.
     * @author gerkin
     * @see Use {@link Diaspora.createNamedDataSource} or {@link Diaspora.registerDataSource} to make data sources available for models.
    private readonly _dataSources: IDataSourceRegistry = dataSourceRegistry;
     * Hash containing all available models.
     * @author gerkin
     * @see Use {@link Diaspora.declareModel} to add models.
    private readonly _models: IModelRegistry = modelRegistry;
    // tslint:disable-next-line:comment-format
    //#if !_BROWSER
     * Get the name of the closest function caller in another file
     * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/29581862/4839162
    private static getCallerFile() {
        const originalFunc = Error.prepareStackTrace;
        try {
            const err = new Error();
            let callerfile: string | undefined;
            Error.prepareStackTrace = function( er: Error, stack: any ) {
                return stack;
            const stack = err.stack as any;
            const currentfile = stack.shift().getFileName();
            do {
                callerfile = stack.shift().getFileName();
                if ( currentfile !== callerfile ) {
                    return callerfile;
            } while ( stack.length );
        } finally {
            Error.prepareStackTrace = originalFunc;
        return undefined;
    // tslint:disable-next-line:comment-format
     * Import the desired adapter after having auto-resolved it, then register it
     * @param adapterLabel - Name of the adapter to import
     * @throws {Error} if the module does not exists or does not inherit the base Adapter class.
    private loadAdapter( adapterLabel: string ): string {
        /*#if _BROWSER
        throw new Error(`Could't load dynamically the adapter ${adapterLabel} in browser build`);
        //#else */
        const moduleName = adapterLabel.match( /^\.{1,2}[/\\].+/ )
        ? // If relative path (typically starting with `./` or `../`)
        resolve( DiasporaStatic.getCallerFile() || __dirname, '..', adapterLabel )
        : // If node_module
        try {
            try {
                require.resolve( moduleName );
            } catch ( e ) {
                const adapterKeys = Object.keys( this.adapters ).join( ', ' );
                throw new Error(
                    `Unknown adapter "${adapterLabel}" (expected in module "${moduleName}"). Available currently are ${adapterKeys}. Additionnaly, an error was thrown: ${e}`
            const requiredAdapter = require( moduleName );
            const adapterLabelNormalized = basename( adapterLabel.replace( /\.\w{2,3}$/, '' ) );
            this.registerAdapter( adapterLabelNormalized, requiredAdapter );
            return adapterLabelNormalized;
        } catch ( e ) {
            throw new Error(
                `Could not load adapter "${adapterLabel}" (expected in module "${moduleName}"), an error was thrown: ${e}`
        // tslint:disable-next-line:comment-format
     * Create a data source (usually, a database connection) that may be used by models.
     * @author gerkin
     * @throws  {Error} Thrown if provided `adapter` label does not correspond to any adapter registered.
     * @param   adapterLabel - Label of the adapter used to create the data source.
     * @param   config       - Adapter specific configuration. Check your adapter's doc
     * @returns New adapter spawned.
    private createDataSource(
        adapterLabel: string,
        sourceName?: string,
        ...config: any[]
    ) {
        if ( !this.adapters.hasOwnProperty( adapterLabel ) ) {
            adapterLabel = this.loadAdapter( adapterLabel );
        const adapterCtr = this.adapters[adapterLabel];
        const baseAdapter = new adapterCtr( sourceName || adapterLabel, ...config );
        const newDataSource = new Adapter.DataAccessLayer( baseAdapter );
        return newDataSource;
     * Create a data source (usually, a database connection) that may be used by models.
     * @author gerkin
     * @throws  {Error} Thrown if provided `adapter` label does not correspond to any adapter registered.
     * @param   sourceName   - Name associated with this datasource.
     * @param   adapterLabel - Label of the adapter used to create the data source.
     * @param   configHash   - Configuration hash. This configuration hash depends on the adapter we want to use.
     * @returns New adapter spawned.
    public createNamedDataSource(
        sourceName: string,
        adapterLabel: string,
        ...otherConfig: any[]
    ) {
        const dataSource = this.createDataSource(
        if ( this._dataSources.hasOwnProperty( sourceName ) ) {
            throw new Error( `DataSource name already used, had "${sourceName}"` );
        this._dataSources[sourceName] = dataSource;
        return dataSource;
     * Create a new Model with provided description.
     * @author gerkin
     * @param   name      - Name associated with this datasource.
     * @param   modelDesc - Description of the model to define.
     * @returns Model created.
    public declareModel<TEntity>( name: string, modelDesc: ModelDescription.IModelDescription ) {
        const model = new Model<TEntity>( name, modelDesc );
        this._models[name] = model;
        return model;
     * Register a new adapter and make it available to use by models.
     * @author gerkin
     * @throws  {Error} Thrown if an adapter already exists with same label.
     * @throws  {TypeError} Thrown if adapter does not extends {@link Adapters.DiasporaAdapter}.
     * @param   label   - Label of the adapter to register.
     * @param   adapter - The adapter to register.
     * @returns This function does not return anything.
    public registerAdapter( label: string, adapter: Adapter.IAdapterCtr ) {
        if ( !( adapter.prototype instanceof Adapter.Base.AAdapter ) ) {
            throw new TypeError(
                'Required adapter does not extends the base Adapter type'
        if ( this.adapters.hasOwnProperty( label ) ) {
            throw new Error( `Adapter with label "${label}" already exists.` );
        this.adapters[label] = adapter;

export const Diaspora = DiasporaStatic.instance;

// ## Register adapters
Diaspora.registerAdapter( 'inMemory', Adapter.InMemory.InMemoryAdapter );

/*#ifset _BROWSER
// If browser, will be BrowserWebApiAdapter. If node, will be NodeWebApiAdapter
Diaspora.registerAdapter( 'webApi', Adapter.WebApi.WebApiAdapter );

// tslint:disable-next-line:comment-format
//#if _BROWSER
Diaspora.registerAdapter( 'webStorage', Adapter.WebStorage.WebStorageAdapter );
// tslint:disable-next-line:comment-format

// If we are in unbuilt state (like for unit tests), include all adapters aliased if required
//#else //*/
Diaspora.registerAdapter( 'webStorage', Adapter.WebStorage.WebStorageAdapter );

Diaspora.registerAdapter( 'webApiBrowser', Adapter.WebApi.BrowserWebApiAdapter );
Diaspora.registerAdapter( 'webApiNode', Adapter.WebApi.NodeWebApiAdapter );
// tslint:disable-next-line:comment-format