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import { SequentialEvent } from 'sequential-event';
import { isArray, Function1, partial, flatten, compact, map } from 'lodash';

import { Model } from '../model';
import { Entity } from './entity';
import { Errors } from '../errors';
import * as Utils from '../utils';
import { IEntityAttributes } from '../types/entity';

 * Emit events on each entities.
 * @author Gerkin
 * @inner
 * @param   entities - Items to iterate over.
 * @param   verb     - Verb of the action to emit.
 * @param   prefix   - Prefix to prepend to the verb.
 * @returns Promise resolved once all promises are done.
const allEmit = (
    entities: SequentialEvent[],
    verb: string | string[],
    prefix: string
): Promise<SequentialEvent[]> =>
    entities.map( ( entity, index ) =>
    entity.emit( `${prefix}${isArray( verb ) ? verb[index] : verb}` )

 * Emit `before` & `after` events around the entity action. `this` must be bound to the calling {@link Set}.
 * @author Gerkin
 * @param   sourceName    - Name of the data source to interact with.
 * @param   action        - Name of the entity function to apply.
 * @param   verb - String or array of strings to map for events suffix.
 * @returns Promise resolved once events are finished.
async function wrapEventsAction<TEntity extends IEntityAttributes>(
    this: Set<TEntity>,
    sourceName: string | undefined,
    action: string,
    verb: string | string[]
): Promise<void> {
    const _allEmit: Function1<string, Promise<SequentialEvent[]>> = partial(
    await _allEmit( 'before' );
    await Promise.all(
        map( this, entity =>
            ( entity as any )[action]( sourceName, {
                skipEvents: true,
            } )
    await _allEmit( 'after' );

 * Collections are used to manage multiple entities at the same time. You may try to use this class as an array.
export class Set<TEntity extends IEntityAttributes> extends Array<Entity<TEntity>>{
    public get model() {
        return this._model;
     * Model that generated this set.
     * @author Gerkin
    private _model: Model<TEntity>;
     * PRIVATE SYMBOL. Please use {@link create}
     * Create a new set, managing provided `entities` that must be generated from provided `model`.
     * @see {@link create}
     * @author Gerkin
     * @param model    - Model describing entities managed by this set.
     * @param entities - Entities to manage with this set. Arguments are flattened, so you can provide as many nested arrays as you want.
    private constructor( model: Model<TEntity>, entities?: Array<Entity<TEntity>> ) {
        // Flatten arguments
        const wrappedEntities = flatten( entities );
        // Check if each entity is from the expected model
        Set.checkEntitiesFromModel( wrappedEntities, model );
        super( ...wrappedEntities );
        this._model = model;

     * Create a new set, managing provided `entities` that must be generated from provided `model`.
     * @param model    - Model describing entities managed by this set.
     * @param entities - Entities to manage with this set. Arguments are flattened, so you can provide as many nested arrays as you want.
    public static create<T>( model: Model<T>, entities?: Array<Entity<T>> ): Set<T> {
        const newSet: Set<T> = Object.create( Set.prototype );
        newSet._model = model;
        if ( isArray( entities ) ){
            newSet.push( ...entities );
        return newSet;
     * Check if all entities in the first argument are from the expected model.
     * @author gerkin
     * @throws {TypeError} Thrown if one of the entity is not from provided `model`.
     * @param entities - Array of entities to check.
     * @param model    - Model expected to be the source of all entities.
     * @returns This function does not return anything.
    public static checkEntitiesFromModel<TStatic extends IEntityAttributes>( entities: Array<Entity<TStatic>>, model: Model<TStatic> ): void {
        entities.forEach( ( entity, index ) => {
            if ( ( entity.constructor as Entity.IEntitySpawner<TStatic> ).model !== model ) {
                throw new TypeError(
                    `Provided entity n°${index} ${entity} is not from model ${model} (${
        } );
     * Persist all entities of this collection.
     * @fires EntityFactory.Entity#beforeUpdate
     * @fires EntityFactory.Entity#afterUpdate
     * @author gerkin
     * @param sourceName - Data source name to persist in.
     * @returns Promise resolved once all items are persisted.
     * @see {@link EntityFactory.Entity#persist}
    public async persist( sourceName?: string ): Promise<Set<TEntity>> {
        const suffixes = map( this, entity => ( 'orphan' === entity.state ? 'Create' : 'Update' ) );
        const _allEmit = partial( allEmit, this );
        await _allEmit( 'Persist', 'before' );
        await _allEmit( 'Validate', 'before' );
        const validationResults = map( this, entity => {
            try {
            } catch ( error ) {
                return error;
        } );
        const errors = compact( validationResults ).length;
        if ( errors > 0 ) {
            throw new Errors.SetValidationError(
                `Set validation failed for ${errors} elements (on ${this.length}): `,
        map( this, entity => entity.applyDefaults() );
        await _allEmit( 'Validate', 'after' );
        await wrapEventsAction.call(
            map( suffixes, suffix => `Persist${suffix}` )
        await _allEmit( 'Persist', 'after' );
        return this;
     * Reload all entities of this collection.
     * @fires EntityFactory.Entity#beforeFind
     * @fires EntityFactory.Entity#afterFind
     * @author gerkin
     * @param sourceName - Data source name to reload entities from.
     * @returns Promise resolved once all items are reloaded.
     * @see {@link EntityFactory.Entity#fetch}
    public async fetch( sourceName?: string ): Promise<Set<TEntity>> {
        await wrapEventsAction.call( this, sourceName, 'fetch', 'Fetch' );
        return this;
     * Destroy all entities from this collection.
     * @fires EntityFactory.Entity#beforeDelete
     * @fires EntityFactory.Entity#afterDelete
     * @author gerkin
     * @param sourceName - Name of the data source to delete entities from.
     * @returns Promise resolved once all items are destroyed.
     * @see {@link EntityFactory.Entity#destroy}
    public async destroy( sourceName?: string ): Promise<Set<TEntity>> {
        await wrapEventsAction.call( this, sourceName, 'destroy', 'Destroy' );
        return this;
     * Update all entities in the set with given object. This does **not** persist entities in the data source: you may then call {@link persist} afterwards.
     * @author gerkin
     * @param   newData - Attributes to change in each entity of the collection.
     * @returns `this`.
    public update( newData: IEntityAttributes ): Set<TEntity> {
        this.forEach( entity => {
            Utils.applyUpdateEntity( newData, entity );
        } );
        return this;