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import { get, isInteger, map, isEmpty, some, isNil, compact, flatten, values, every, chain, assign, defaults, forEach, Dictionary, isString, isNumber, isDate, isBoolean, isObject, isArray, castArray, mapValues, omitBy } from 'lodash';

import { EntityTransformers as EntityTransformers_EntityTransformer } from './entityTransformer';
import EntityTransformer = EntityTransformers_EntityTransformer.AEntityTransformer;
import { PathStack } from './pathStack';
import { EntityValidationError } from '../errors/entityValidationError';
import { _ModelDescription, EFieldType } from '../types/modelDescription';
import { IEntityAttributes } from '../types/entity';

export namespace EntityTransformers{
    const messageRequired = ( keys: PathStack, fieldDesc: _ModelDescription.FieldDescriptor ) => `${keys.toValidatePath()} is a required property of type "${fieldDesc.type}"`;
     * A checker is a function that can return an error component with provided standard args.
     * @param   keys      - Pathstack so far.
     * @param   fieldDesc - Description of the field.
     * @param   value     - Value to check.
     * @returns Error component.
    type CheckFunction = (
        this: CheckTransformer,
        keys: PathStack,
        fieldDesc: _ModelDescription.FieldDescriptor,
        value: any
    ) => CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal | undefined;
     * Execute the simple tester and return an error component if it returns falsey.
     * @param   tester - The test function to invoke.
     * @returns Function to execute to validate the type.
    const validateWrongType = ( tester: ( value: any ) => boolean ): CheckFunction => (
        keys: PathStack,
        fieldDesc: _ModelDescription.FieldDescriptor,
        value: any
    ): CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal | undefined => {
        if ( !tester( value ) ) {
            return {
                type: `${keys.toValidatePath()} expected to be a "${fieldDesc.type}"`,
        return undefined;
     * Store for validation functions.
     * @author Gerkin
    const VALIDATIONS = {
        TYPE: {
             * String type checker
             * @author Gerkin
            [EFieldType.STRING]: validateWrongType( isString ),
             * Integer type checker
             * @author Gerkin
            [EFieldType.INTEGER]: validateWrongType( isInteger ),
             * Float type checker. Any numeric other NaN or ±Infinity is accepted
             * @author Gerkin
            [EFieldType.FLOAT]: validateWrongType( isNumber ),
             * Date type checker
             * @author Gerkin
            [EFieldType.DATETIME]: validateWrongType( isDate ),
             * Boolean type checker
             * @author Gerkin
            [EFieldType.BOOLEAN]: validateWrongType( isBoolean ),
             * Object type checker
             * @param this      - Current validator to use
             * @param keys      - PathStack containing keys to access this property
             * @param fieldDesc - Description of the current field to check
             * @param value     - Entity attributes to check
             * @author Gerkin
                this: CheckTransformer,
                keys: PathStack,
                fieldDesc: _ModelDescription.FieldDescriptor.IObjectFieldDescriptor,
                value: IEntityAttributes
            ): CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal | undefined {
                if ( !isObject( value ) ) {
                    return {
                        type: `${keys.toValidatePath()} expected to be a "${fieldDesc.type}"`,
                } else {
                    // Try each definition
                    const deepTestErrors: Array<Dictionary<CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal> | undefined> = map(
                        ( objdDesc, defIndex ) => {
                            const defErrors = this.applyObject( value, keys.clone().pushValidationProp( 'attributes', String( defIndex ) ), { getProps: false } );
                            // Substitute empty error object with `undefined`
                            return isEmpty( defErrors ) ? undefined : defErrors;
                    // Check if at least one definition was OK
                    if ( deepTestErrors.length === 0 || some( deepTestErrors, deepTestError => isNil( deepTestError ) ) ){
                        return undefined;
                    } else {
                        return { children: compact( flatten( map( deepTestErrors, deepTestError => values( deepTestError ) ) ) ), value };
             * Array type checker
             * @param this      - Current validator to use
             * @param keys      - PathStack containing keys to access this property
             * @param fieldDesc - Description of the current field to check
             * @param values    - Entity attributes to check
             * @author Gerkin
                this: CheckTransformer,
                keys: PathStack,
                fieldDesc: _ModelDescription.FieldDescriptor.IArrayFieldDescriptor,
                values: any[]
            ): CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal | undefined {
                if ( !isArray( values ) ) {
                    return {
                        type: `${keys.toValidatePath()} expected to be a "${fieldDesc.type}"`,
                        value: values,
                } else {
                    // For each value element
                    const valuesTestErrors = map( values, ( value, valIndex ) => {
                        // Try each definition
                        const valueErrors: Array<CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal | undefined> = map(
                            ( arrFieldDesc, defIndex ) => {
                                const defErrors = this.applyField(
                                    keys.clone().pushEntityProp( String( valIndex ) ).pushValidationProp( 'of', String( defIndex ) ),
                                    {getProps: false}
                                // Substitute empty error object with `undefined`
                                return isEmpty( defErrors ) || isNil( defErrors ) ? undefined : defErrors;
                        return valueErrors;
                    } );
                    // Check if at least one definition was OK
                    if (
                        valuesTestErrors.length === 0 ||
                            valueTestErrors => valueTestErrors.length === 0 || some(
                                valueTestError => isNil( valueTestError )
                        return undefined;
                    } else {
                        return { children: compact( flatten( valuesTestErrors ) ), value: values };

             * Match all type checker
             * @param this      - Current validator to use
             * @param keys      - PathStack containing keys to access this property
             * @param fieldDesc - Description of the current field to check
             * @param value     - Entity attributes to check
             * @author Gerkin
                this: CheckTransformer,
                keys: PathStack,
                fieldDesc: _ModelDescription.FieldDescriptor,
                value: any
            ): CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal | undefined {
                return isNil( value )
                ? {
                    type: `${keys.toValidatePath()} expected to be assigned with any type`,
                : undefined;
                this: CheckTransformer,
                keys: PathStack,
                fieldDesc: _ModelDescription.FieldDescriptor,
                value: any
            ): CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal | undefined {
                return {
                    type: `${keys.toValidatePath()} requires to be unhandled type "${fieldDesc.type}"`,

     * The CheckTransformer class is used to check an entity or its fields against a model description.
    export class CheckTransformer extends EntityTransformer {
         * Those validation steps are called one after one during the validation of a single field.
         * @author Gerkin
        protected static validationSteps = [
             * Apply the custom `validate` function or function array, if it exists.
             * @param   validationArgs - Validation step argument.
             * @returns This function returns nothing.
            function checkCustoms(
                this: CheckTransformer,
                validationArgs: CheckTransformer.IValidationStepArgs
            ) {
                const { error, fieldDesc, keys, value } = validationArgs;
                // It the field has a `validate` property, try to use it
                const validateFcts = compact( castArray( fieldDesc.validate ) );
                validateFcts.forEach( validateFct => {
                    if ( !validateFct.call( this, value, fieldDesc ) ) {
                        error.validate = `${keys.toValidatePath()} custom validation failed`;
                } );
             * Check if the type & the existence matches the `type` & `required` specifications.
             * @param   validationArgs - Validation step argument.
             * @returns This function returns nothing.
            function checkTypeRequired(
                this: CheckTransformer,
                validationArgs: CheckTransformer.IValidationStepArgs
            ) {
                const { error, fieldDesc, keys, value } = validationArgs;
                // Check the type and the required status
                // Apply the `required` modifier
                if ( fieldDesc.required && isNil( value ) ) {
                    error.required = messageRequired( keys, fieldDesc );
                } else if ( !isNil( value ) ) {
                        // Get the validator. Default to unhandled type
                        get( VALIDATIONS, ['TYPE', fieldDesc.type], VALIDATIONS.TYPE._ ).call( this, keys, fieldDesc, value )
             * Verify if the value correspond to a value in the `enum` property.
             * @param   validationArgs - Validation step argument.
             * @returns This function returns nothing.
            function checkEnum(
                this: CheckTransformer,
                validationArgs: CheckTransformer.IValidationStepArgs
            ) {
                const { error, keys, value } = validationArgs;
                const fieldDesc = validationArgs.fieldDesc;
                // Check enum values
                if (
                    !isNil( value ) &&
                    isArray( fieldDesc.enum )
                ) {
                    const result = some( fieldDesc.enum, enumVal => {
                        if ( enumVal instanceof RegExp ) {
                            return null !== value.match( enumVal );
                        } else {
                            return value === enumVal;
                    } );
                    if ( !result ) {
                        error.enum = `${keys.toValidatePath()} expected to have one of enumerated values "${JSON.stringify(

         * Check if the value matches the field description provided, thus verify if it is valid.
         * @author gerkin
        public apply( entity: IEntityAttributes ) {
            // Apply method `checkField` on each field described
            const checkResults = this.applyObject( entity, [], { getProps: false } );
            if ( !isNil( checkResults ) ) {
                throw new EntityValidationError( checkResults, 'Validation failed' );
            return entity;

         * Validates the given entity attributes at a defined path
         * @author gerkin
         * @param value   - Entity's attributes to test
         * @param keys    - Path to this point of the entity
         * @param options - Additional options for the validation
        public applyObject(
            value: IEntityAttributes,
            keys: PathStack | string[],
            options: { getProps: boolean } = { getProps: false }
            defaults( options, { getProps: true } );
            const keysPathStack = keys instanceof PathStack ? keys : new PathStack( keys );

            const subObj = options.getProps ? keysPathStack.getProp( value ) : value;
            const fieldDesc = keysPathStack.getDesc( this.modelAttributes );
            const outObjectErrors = omitBy(
                mapValues( fieldDesc, ( fieldDesc, field ) => this.applyField( subObj[field], keysPathStack.clone().pushProp( field ), {
                    getProps: false,
                } ) ),
            ) as Dictionary<CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal>;
            if ( isEmpty( outObjectErrors ) ){
                return undefined;
            } else {
                return outObjectErrors;
         * Check if the value matches the field description provided, thus verify if it is valid.
         * @author gerkin
         * @param   value   - Value to check.
         * @param   keys    - Pathstack representing path to this validation.
         * @param   options - Hash of options.
         * @returns Hash describing errors.
        public applyField(
            value: any,
            keys: PathStack | string[],
            options: { getProps: boolean } = { getProps: false }
        ): CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal | null {
            defaults( options, { getProps: true } );
            if ( !( keys instanceof PathStack ) ) {
                keys = new PathStack( keys );
            const val = options.getProps ? get( value, keys.segmentsEntity ) : value;
            const fieldDesc = get( this.modelAttributes, keys.segmentsValidation );
            // TODO: Add checks for strict models (like if we are using MySQL)
            if ( !isObject( fieldDesc ) ) {
                return null;
            const error: CheckTransformer.IErrorObject = {};
            const stepsArgs = {
                value: val,
            forEach( CheckTransformer.validationSteps, validationStep =>
                validationStep.call( this, stepsArgs )
            if ( !isEmpty( error ) ) {
                const finalError = defaults( { value } as CheckTransformer.IErrorObjectFinal, error );
                return finalError;
            } else {
                return null;

    export namespace CheckTransformer{
        export interface IErrorObject {
            validate?: string;
            type?: string;
            spec?: string;
            required?: string;
            enum?: string;
            children?: IErrorObjectFinal[] | { [key: string]: IErrorObjectFinal };

        export interface IErrorObjectFinal extends IErrorObject {
            value: any;

         * This object can be passed through each validation steps.
         * @author Gerkin
        export interface IValidationStepArgs {
             * Error object to extend.
             * @author Gerkin
            error: IErrorObject;
             * Description of the field.
             * @author Gerkin
            fieldDesc: _ModelDescription.FieldDescriptor;
             * Pathstack representing keys so far.
             * @author Gerkin
            keys: PathStack;
             * Value to check.
             * @author Gerkin
            value: any;