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Test Coverage
title: Contact

This entity represents a contact state with another person.

When `blocking` is `true`, `following` and `sharing` need to be `false` (and the other way around).

## Properties

| Property    | Type                         | Description                                         |
| ----------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- |
| `author`    | [diaspora\* ID][diaspora-id] | The diaspora\* ID of the sender of the contact.     |
| `recipient` | [diaspora\* ID][diaspora-id] | The diaspora\* ID of the recipient.                 |
| `following` | [Boolean][boolean]           | `true` if the author is following the recipient.    |
| `sharing`   | [Boolean][boolean]           | `true` if the author is sharing with the recipient. |

## Optional Properties

| Property   | Type               | Description                                     |
| ---------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- |
| `blocking` | [Boolean][boolean] | `true` if the author is blocking the recipient. |

## Example


[diaspora-id]: {{ site.baseurl }}/federation/types.html#diaspora-id
[boolean]: {{ site.baseurl }}/federation/types.html#boolean