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package graph

import (


// NodeID is a custom type for holding a node id.
type NodeID string

// OboGraph is an interface for accessing OBO Graphs.
type OboGraph interface {
    // IRI represents a stable URL for locating the source OWL formatted file
    IRI() string
    // ID is a short and unique name of the graph
    ID() string
    // Label is a short human readable description of the graph
    Label() string
    // Meta returns the associated Meta container
    Meta() *model.Meta
    // ExistsTerm checks for existence of a term
    ExistsTerm(NodeID) bool
    // GetTerm fetches an existing term
    GetTerm(NodeID) Term
    // GetRelationship fetches relationship(edge) between parent(object) and
    // children(subject)
    GetRelationship(NodeID, NodeID) Relationship
    // Relationships returns all relationships(edges) in the graph
    Relationships() []Relationship
    // Terms returns all terms(node/vertex) in the graph
    Terms() []Term
    // TermsByType provides a filtered list of specific terms
    TermsByType(string) []Term
    // Children returns all children terms(depth one)
    Children(NodeID) []Term
    // Parents returns all parent terms(depth one)
    Parents(NodeID) []Term
    // Ancestors returns all reachable(direct or indirect) parent terms. It uses
    // BFS algorithm
    Ancestors(NodeID) []Term
    // Descendents returns all reachable(direct or indirect) children terms. It uses
    // BFS algorithm
    Descendents(NodeID) []Term
    // DescendentsDFS returns all reachable(direct or indirect) children terms
    // using DFS algorithm.
    DescendentsDFS(NodeID) []Term
    // AddRelationship creates relationship between terms, it overrides the
    // existing terms and relationship
    AddRelationship(Term, Term, Term) error
    // AddRelationshipWithID creates relationship between existing terms
    AddRelationshipWithID(NodeID, NodeID, NodeID) error
    // AddTerm add a new Term to the graph overwriting any existing one

type graph struct {
    nodes     map[NodeID]Term
    edgesDown map[NodeID]map[NodeID]Relationship
    edgesUp   map[NodeID]map[NodeID]Relationship
    meta      *model.Meta
    id        string
    lbl       string
    iri       string

func newOboGraph(m *model.Meta, idn, iri string) OboGraph {
    return &graph{
        nodes:     make(map[NodeID]Term),
        edgesUp:   make(map[NodeID]map[NodeID]Relationship),
        edgesDown: make(map[NodeID]map[NodeID]Relationship),
        meta:      m,
        id:        idn,
        iri:       iri,

// Label is a short human readable description of the graph.
func (g *graph) Label() string {
    return g.lbl

// ID is a short and unique name of the graph.
func (g *graph) ID() string {
    return g.id

// IRI represents a stable URL for locating the source OWL formatted file.
func (g *graph) IRI() string {
    return g.iri

// Meta returns the associated Meta container.
func (g *graph) Meta() *model.Meta {
    return g.meta

// Terms returns all terms(node/vertex) in the graph.
func (g *graph) Terms() []Term {
    trm := make([]Term, 0)
    for _, n := range g.nodes {
        trm = append(trm, n)

    return trm

// TermsByType provides a filtered list of specific terms.
func (g *graph) TermsByType(rtype string) []Term {
    trm := make([]Term, 0)
    for _, n := range g.nodes {
        if n.RdfType() == rtype {
            trm = append(trm, n)

    return trm

// Relationships returns all relationships(edges) in the graph.
func (g *graph) Relationships() []Relationship {
    var rel []Relationship
    for id := range g.edgesDown {
        for k := range g.edgesDown[id] {
            rel = append(rel, g.edgesDown[id][k])

    return rel

// Children returns all children terms(depth one).
func (g *graph) Children(id NodeID) []Term {
    return g.getTerms(id, g.edgesDown)

// Parents returns all parent terms(depth one).
func (g *graph) Parents(id NodeID) []Term {
    return g.getTerms(id, g.edgesUp)

// DescendentsDFS returns all reachable(direct or indirect) children terms
// using DFS algorithm.
func (g *graph) DescendentsDFS(idn NodeID) []Term {
    // slice of descendents
    drm := make([]Term, 0)
    // make sure the node exists in the graph
    if _, ok := g.nodes[idn]; !ok {
        return drm
    // stack of term ids
    stn := make([]NodeID, 0)
    // keep track of visited terms
    visited := make(map[NodeID]bool)

    // push the first term(id)
    stn = append(stn, idn)
    for len(stn) > 0 {
        // get the last term(id)
        nid := stn[len(stn)-1]
        if len(stn) == 1 { // the first case
            stn = stn[:0]
        } else { // remove the last item from stack
            stn = stn[:len(stn)-1]
        // mark them if not visited
        if _, ok := visited[nid]; !ok {
            visited[nid] = true
        // get children of this term
        for _, child := range g.Children(nid) {
            // if not visited push them in the stack
            if _, ok := visited[child.ID()]; !ok {
                drm = append(drm, child)
                stn = append(stn, child.ID())

    return drm

// Descendents returns all reachable(direct or indirect) children terms. It uses
// BFS algorithm.
func (g *graph) Descendents(idn NodeID) []Term {
    // slice of descendents
    drm := make([]Term, 0)
    // make sure the node exists in the graph
    if _, ok := g.nodes[idn]; !ok {
        return drm
    // queue of terms
    qid := make([]NodeID, 0)
    // keep track of visited terms
    visited := make(map[NodeID]bool)

    // queue the first item
    qid = append(qid, idn)
    // mark it visited
    visited[idn] = true
    for len(qid) > 0 {
        // dequeue the first element
        nid := qid[0]
        if len(qid) == 1 { // the first case
            qid = qid[:0]
        } else { // remove the first element
            qid = qid[1:]
        // get children of this term
        for _, child := range g.Children(nid) {
            // queue if not visited
            if _, ok := visited[child.ID()]; !ok {
                qid = append(qid, child.ID())
                // mark them visited
                visited[child.ID()] = true
                // collect the children
                drm = append(drm, child)

    return drm

// Ancestors returns all reachable(direct or indirect) parent terms. It uses
// BFS algorithm.
func (g *graph) Ancestors(idn NodeID) []Term {
    // slice of ancestors
    var atrm []Term
    // make sure the node exists in the graph
    if _, ok := g.nodes[idn]; !ok {
        return atrm
    // queue of terms
    qid := make([]NodeID, 0)
    // keep track of visited terms
    visited := make(map[NodeID]bool)

    // queue the first item
    qid = append(qid, idn)
    // mark it visited
    visited[idn] = true
    for len(qid) > 0 {
        // dequeue
        nid := qid[len(qid)-1]
        qid = qid[:len(qid)-1]
        // get children of this term
        for _, parent := range g.Parents(nid) {
            // queue if not visited
            if _, ok := visited[parent.ID()]; !ok {
                qid = append(qid, parent.ID())
                // mark them visited
                visited[parent.ID()] = true
                // collect the children
                atrm = append(atrm, parent)

    return atrm

// ExistsTerm checks for existence of a term.
func (g *graph) ExistsTerm(id NodeID) bool {
    _, ok := g.nodes[id]

    return ok

// GetTerm fetches an existing term.
func (g *graph) GetTerm(id NodeID) Term {
    return g.nodes[id]

// GetRelationship fetches relationship(edge) between parent(object) and
// children(subject).
func (g *graph) GetRelationship(obj NodeID, subj NodeID) (rel Relationship) {
    if v, ok := g.edgesDown[obj]; ok {
        if r, ok := v[subj]; ok {
            return r

    return rel

// AddTerm add a new Term to the graph overwriting any existing one.
func (g *graph) AddTerm(t Term) {
    g.nodes[t.ID()] = t

// AddRelationship creates relationship between terms, it overrides the
// existing terms and relationship.
func (g *graph) AddRelationship(obj, subj, pred Term) error {
    g.nodes[obj.ID()] = obj
    g.nodes[subj.ID()] = subj
    g.nodes[pred.ID()] = pred
    rel := NewRelationship(
    if v, ok := g.edgesDown[obj.ID()]; ok {
        v[subj.ID()] = rel
        g.edgesDown[obj.ID()] = v
    } else {
        g.edgesDown[obj.ID()] = map[NodeID]Relationship{subj.ID(): rel}
    if v, ok := g.edgesUp[subj.ID()]; ok {
        v[obj.ID()] = rel
        g.edgesUp[subj.ID()] = v
    } else {
        g.edgesUp[subj.ID()] = map[NodeID]Relationship{obj.ID(): rel}

    return nil

// AddRelationshipWithID creates relationship between existing terms.
func (g *graph) AddRelationshipWithID(obj, subj, pred NodeID) error {
    if _, ok := g.nodes[obj]; !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("object node id %s does not exist", obj)
    if _, ok := g.nodes[subj]; !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("subject node id %s does not exist", subj)
    if _, ok := g.nodes[pred]; !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("predicate node id %s does not exist", pred)
    rel := NewRelationship(
    if v, ok := g.edgesDown[obj]; ok {
        v[subj] = rel
        g.edgesDown[obj] = v
    } else {
        g.edgesDown[obj] = map[NodeID]Relationship{subj: rel}
    if v, ok := g.edgesUp[subj]; ok {
        v[obj] = rel
        g.edgesUp[subj] = v
    } else {
        g.edgesUp[subj] = map[NodeID]Relationship{obj: rel}

    return nil

func (g *graph) getTerms(id NodeID, edges map[NodeID]map[NodeID]Relationship) []Term {
    trm := make([]Term, 0)
    if _, ok := g.nodes[id]; ok {
        for nid := range edges[id] {
            trm = append(trm, g.nodes[nid])

    return trm