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package service

import (


const limit = 10

type Validatable interface {
    Validate() error

func (srv *AnnotationService) GetAnnotation(
    ctx context.Context,
    req *annotation.AnnotationId,
) (*annotation.TaggedAnnotation, error) {
    tna, err := srv.initializeTaggedAnnotation(ctx, req)
    if err != nil {
        return tna, err
    mid, err := srv.repo.GetAnnotationByID(req.Id)
    if err != nil {
        if repository.IsAnnotationNotFound(err) {
            return tna, aphgrpc.HandleNotFoundError(ctx, err)

        return tna, aphgrpc.HandleGetError(ctx, err)
    if mid.NotFound {
        return tna, aphgrpc.HandleNotFoundError(ctx, err)
    tna.Data = srv.getAnnoData(mid)

    return tna, nil

func (srv *AnnotationService) GetEntryAnnotation(
    ctx context.Context, rea *annotation.EntryAnnotationRequest,
) (*annotation.TaggedAnnotation, error) {
    tna, err := srv.initializeTaggedAnnotation(ctx, rea)
    if err != nil {
        return tna, err
    mne, err := srv.repo.GetAnnotationByEntry(rea)
    if err != nil {
        if repository.IsAnnotationNotFound(err) {
            return tna, aphgrpc.HandleNotFoundError(ctx, err)

        return tna, aphgrpc.HandleGetError(ctx, err)
    tna.Data = srv.getAnnoData(mne)

    return tna, nil

func (srv *AnnotationService) GetAnnotationGroup(
    ctx context.Context, rid *annotation.GroupEntryId,
) (*annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup, error) {
    gta, err := srv.initializeTaggedAnnotationGroup(ctx, rid)
    if err != nil {
        return gta, err
    mga, err := srv.repo.GetAnnotationGroup(rid.GroupId)
    if err != nil {
        if repository.IsGroupNotFound(err) {
            return gta, aphgrpc.HandleNotFoundError(ctx, err)

        return gta, aphgrpc.HandleGetError(ctx, err)

    return srv.getGroup(mga), nil

func (srv *AnnotationService) ListAnnotationGroups(
    ctx context.Context, rgp *annotation.ListGroupParameters,
) (*annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroupCollection, error) {
    gac := &annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroupCollection{}
    // default value of limit
    limit := int64(limit)
    if rgp.Limit > 0 {
        limit = rgp.Limit
    astmt, err := filterStrToQuery(rgp.Filter)
    if err != nil {
        return gac, aphgrpc.HandleInvalidParamError(ctx, err)
    mgc, err := srv.repo.ListAnnotationGroup(rgp.Cursor, limit, astmt)
    if err != nil {
        if repository.IsAnnotationGroupListNotFound(err) {
            return gac, aphgrpc.HandleNotFoundError(ctx, err)

        return gac, aphgrpc.HandleGetError(ctx, err)
    gcdata := make([]*annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroupCollection_Data, 0)
    for _, mgs := range mgc {
        var gdata []*annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup_Data
        for _, m := range mgs.AnnoDocs {
            gdata = append(gdata, srv.getAnnoGroupData(m))
        gcdata = append(
                Type: srv.GetGroupResourceName(),
                Group: &annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup{
                    Data:      gdata,
                    GroupId:   mgs.GroupId,
                    CreatedAt: aphgrpc.TimestampProto(mgs.CreatedAt),
                    UpdatedAt: aphgrpc.TimestampProto(mgs.UpdatedAt),
    if len(gcdata) < int(limit)-2 {
        return &annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroupCollection{
            Data: gcdata,
            Meta: &annotation.Meta{Limit: rgp.Limit},
        }, nil

    return &annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroupCollection{
        Data: gcdata[:len(gcdata)-1],
        Meta: &annotation.Meta{
            Limit:      limit,
            NextCursor: genNextCursorVal(mgc[len(mgc)-1].CreatedAt),
    }, nil

func (srv *AnnotationService) ListAnnotations(
    ctx context.Context, ral *annotation.ListParameters,
) (*annotation.TaggedAnnotationCollection, error) {
    tac := &annotation.TaggedAnnotationCollection{}
    // default value of limit
    limit := int64(limit)
    if ral.Limit > 0 {
        limit = ral.Limit
    astmt, err := filterStrToQuery(ral.Filter)
    if err != nil {
        return tac, aphgrpc.HandleInvalidParamError(ctx, err)
    mlc, err := srv.repo.ListAnnotations(ral.Cursor, limit, astmt)
    if err != nil {
        if repository.IsAnnotationListNotFound(err) {
            return tac, aphgrpc.HandleNotFoundError(ctx, err)

        return tac, aphgrpc.HandleGetError(ctx, err)
    tcdata := make([]*annotation.TaggedAnnotationCollection_Data, 0)
    for _, m := range mlc {
        tcdata = append(tcdata, &annotation.TaggedAnnotationCollection_Data{
            Type:       srv.GetResourceName(),
            Id:         m.Key,
            Attributes: getAnnoAttributes(m),
    if len(tcdata) < int(limit)-2 { // fewer result than limit
        tac.Data = tcdata
        tac.Meta = &annotation.Meta{Limit: ral.Limit}

        return tac, nil
    tac.Data = tcdata[:len(tcdata)-1]
    tac.Meta = &annotation.Meta{
        Limit:      limit,
        NextCursor: genNextCursorVal(mlc[len(mlc)-1].CreatedAt),

    return tac, nil

func (srv *AnnotationService) GetAnnotationTag(
    ctx context.Context, rta *annotation.TagRequest,
) (*annotation.AnnotationTag, error) {
    tag := &annotation.AnnotationTag{}
    if err := rta.Validate(); err != nil {
        return tag, aphgrpc.HandleInvalidParamError(ctx, err)
    mta, err := srv.repo.GetAnnotationTag(rta.Name, rta.Ontology)
    if err != nil {
        if repository.IsAnnoTagNotFound(err) {
            return tag, aphgrpc.HandleNotFoundError(ctx, err)

        return tag, aphgrpc.HandleGetError(ctx, err)
    tag.Id = mta.ID
    tag.Name = mta.Name
    tag.Ontology = mta.Ontology
    tag.IsObsolete = mta.IsObsolete

    return tag, nil

func (srv *AnnotationService) getGroup(
    mga *model.AnnoGroup,
) *annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup {
    gta := &annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup{}
    gta.Data = srv.getGroupData(mga)
    gta.GroupId = mga.GroupId
    gta.CreatedAt = aphgrpc.TimestampProto(mga.CreatedAt)
    gta.UpdatedAt = aphgrpc.TimestampProto(mga.UpdatedAt)

    return gta

func (srv *AnnotationService) getAnnoGroupData(
    m *model.AnnoDoc,
) *annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup_Data {
    return &annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup_Data{
        Type:       srv.GetGroupResourceName(),
        Id:         m.Key,
        Attributes: getAnnoAttributes(m),

func (srv *AnnotationService) getAnnoData(
    m *model.AnnoDoc,
) *annotation.TaggedAnnotation_Data {
    return &annotation.TaggedAnnotation_Data{
        Type:       srv.GetGroupResourceName(),
        Id:         m.Key,
        Attributes: getAnnoAttributes(m),

func (srv *AnnotationService) initializeTaggedAnnotation(
    ctx context.Context,
    req Validatable,
) (*annotation.TaggedAnnotation, error) {
    tna := &annotation.TaggedAnnotation{}
    if err := req.Validate(); err != nil {
        return tna, aphgrpc.HandleInvalidParamError(ctx, err)

    return tna, nil

func (srv *AnnotationService) initializeTaggedAnnotationGroup(
    ctx context.Context,
    rid *annotation.GroupEntryId,
) (*annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup, error) {
    gta := &annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup{}
    if err := rid.Validate(); err != nil {
        return gta, aphgrpc.HandleInvalidParamError(ctx, err)

    return gta, nil

func (srv *AnnotationService) getGroupData(
    mga *model.AnnoGroup,
) []*annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup_Data {
    gdata := make([]*annotation.TaggedAnnotationGroup_Data, 0)
    for _, m := range mga.AnnoDocs {
        gdata = append(gdata, srv.getAnnoGroupData(m))

    return gdata