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package arangodb

import "github.com/dictyBase/go-genproto/dictybaseapis/annotation"

type createParams struct {
    attr *annotation.NewTaggedAnnotationAttributes
    id   string
    tag  string

// CollectionParams are the arangodb collections required for storing
// annotations.
type CollectionParams struct {
    // Annotation is the collection for storing annotation
    Annotation string `validate:"required"`
    // AnnoGroup is the collection for grouping annotations
    AnnoGroup string `validate:"required"`
    // AnnoTerm is the edge collection annotation with a named tag(ontology
    // term)
    AnnoTerm string `validate:"required"`
    // AnnoVersion is the edge collection for connecting different versions of
    // annotations
    AnnoVersion string `validate:"required"`
    // AnnoTagGraph is the named graph for connecting annotation
    // with the ontology
    AnnoTagGraph string `validate:"required"`
    // AnnoVerGraph is the named graph for connecting different
    // version of annotations
    AnnoVerGraph string `validate:"required"`
    // AnnoIndexes is a slice of fields to use as persistent indexes for the
    // Annotation collection
    AnnoIndexes []string `validate:"required"`