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DrupalConsoleStack has 42 functions (exceeds 20 allowed). Consider refactoring.

class DrupalConsoleStack extends CommandStack

    use CommandArguments {
        option as optionNoEqualSign;
Severity: Minor
Found in src/DrupalConsoleStack.php - About 5 hrs to fix

    The class DrupalConsoleStack has 41 non-getter- and setter-methods. Consider refactoring DrupalConsoleStack to keep number of methods under 25.

    class DrupalConsoleStack extends CommandStack
        use CommandArguments {
            option as optionNoEqualSign;
    Severity: Minor
    Found in src/DrupalConsoleStack.php by phpmd


    Since: 0.1

    A class with too many methods is probably a good suspect for refactoring, in order to reduce its complexity and find a way to have more fine grained objects.

    By default it ignores methods starting with 'get' or 'set'.

    The default was changed from 10 to 25 in PHPMD 2.3.


    Source https://phpmd.org/rules/codesize.html#toomanymethods

    The class DrupalConsoleStack has an overall complexity of 57 which is very high. The configured complexity threshold is 50.

    class DrupalConsoleStack extends CommandStack
        use CommandArguments {
            option as optionNoEqualSign;
    Severity: Minor
    Found in src/DrupalConsoleStack.php by phpmd

    The class DrupalConsoleStack has 38 public methods. Consider refactoring DrupalConsoleStack to keep number of public methods under 10.

    class DrupalConsoleStack extends CommandStack
        use CommandArguments {
            option as optionNoEqualSign;
    Severity: Minor
    Found in src/DrupalConsoleStack.php by phpmd


    Since: 0.1

    A class with too many public methods is probably a good suspect for refactoring, in order to reduce its complexity and find a way to have more fine grained objects.

    By default it ignores methods starting with 'get' or 'set'.


    Source https://phpmd.org/rules/codesize.html#toomanypublicmethods

    File DrupalConsoleStack.php has 304 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.

    namespace DigipolisGent\Robo\Task\DrupalConsole;
    use Robo\Common\CommandArguments;
    Severity: Minor
    Found in src/DrupalConsoleStack.php - About 3 hrs to fix

      Each class must be in a namespace of at least one level (a top-level vendor name)

      class RoboFile extends \Robo\Tasks
      Severity: Minor
      Found in RoboFile.php by phpcodesniffer

      The method drupal has a boolean flag argument $assumeYes, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.

          public function drupal($command, $assumeYes = true)
      Severity: Minor
      Found in src/DrupalConsoleStack.php by phpmd


      Since: 1.4.0

      A boolean flag argument is a reliable indicator for a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). You can fix this problem by extracting the logic in the boolean flag into its own class or method.


      class Foo {
          public function bar($flag = true) {

      Source https://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#booleanargumentflag

      The method maintenance has a boolean flag argument $mode, which is a certain sign of a Single Responsibility Principle violation.

          public function maintenance($mode = true)
      Severity: Minor
      Found in src/DrupalConsoleStack.php by phpmd


      Since: 1.4.0

      A boolean flag argument is a reliable indicator for a violation of the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP). You can fix this problem by extracting the logic in the boolean flag into its own class or method.


      class Foo {
          public function bar($flag = true) {

      Source https://phpmd.org/rules/cleancode.html#booleanargumentflag

      Trait name "loadTasks" is not in camel caps format

      trait loadTasks
      Severity: Minor
      Found in src/loadTasks.php by phpcodesniffer