* Check query parameters for a given parameter name, and check the headers for the same parameter name;
* also allow for two or more parameter names to match to the same $paramName using pipes to separate them.
* Also check specially for the "key" param to come from the Authorization header.
* Finally, allows for values set in paths to override all other values.
* @param string $paramName
* @param bool $required
* @param null|string $inPathValue
* @return array|bool|null|string
function checkParam(string $paramName, $required = false, $inPathValue = null)
// Path params
if ($inPathValue) {
return $inPathValue;
// Authorization params (with key => Authorization translation)
if ($paramName === 'key' && request()->header('Authorization')) {
return str_replace('Bearer ','', request()->header('Authorization'));;
foreach (explode('|', $paramName) as $current_param) {
// Header params
if ($url_header = request()->header($current_param)) {
return $url_header;
// GET/JSON/POST body params
if ($queryParam = request()->input($current_param)) {
return $queryParam;
if ($session_param = session()->get($current_param)) {
return $session_param;
if ($required) {
Log::channel('errorlog')->error(["Missing Param '$paramName", 422]);
abort(422, "You need to provide the missing parameter '$paramName'. Please append it to the url or the request Header.");
function apiLogs($request, $status_code, $s3_string = false, $ip_address = null)
$log_string = time().'∞'.config('app.server_name').'∞'.$status_code.'∞'.$request->path().'∞';
$log_string .= '"'.$request->header('User-Agent').'"'.'∞';
foreach ($_GET as $header => $value) {
$log_string .= ($value !== '') ? $header.'='.$value.'|' : $header.'|';
$log_string = rtrim($log_string, '|');
$log_string .= '∞'.$ip_address.'∞';
if ($s3_string) {
$log_string .= $s3_string;
if (config('app.env') !== 'local') {
if (! function_exists('csvToArray')) {
function csvToArray($csvfile)
$csv = [];
$rowcount = 0;
if (($handle = fopen($csvfile, 'r')) !== false) {
$max_line_length = defined('MAX_LINE_LENGTH') ? MAX_LINE_LENGTH : 10000;
$header = fgetcsv($handle, $max_line_length);
$header_colcount = count($header);
while (($row = fgetcsv($handle, $max_line_length)) !== false) {
$row_colcount = count($row);
if ($row_colcount == $header_colcount) {
$entry = array_combine($header, $row);
$csv[] = $entry;
} else {
error_log('csvreader: Invalid number of columns at line ' . ($rowcount + 2) . ' (row ' . ($rowcount + 1) . "). Expected=$header_colcount Got=$row_colcount");
return null;
//echo "Totally $rowcount rows found\n";
} else {
error_log("csvreader: Could not read CSV \"$csvfile\"");
return null;
return $csv;
if (! function_exists('unique_random')) {
* Generate a unique random string of characters
* @param $table - name of the table
* @param $col - name of the column that needs to be tested
* @param int $chars - length of the random string
* @return string
function unique_random($table, $col, $chars = 16)
$unique = false;
// Store tested results in array to not test them again
$tested = [];
do {
// Generate random string of characters
$random = Illuminate\Support\Str::random($chars);
// Check if it's already testing
// If so, don't query the database again
if (in_array($random, $tested)) {
// Check if it is unique in the database
$count = DB::table($table)->where($col, '=', $random)->count();
// Store the random character in the tested array
// To keep track which ones are already tested
$tested[] = $random;
// String appears to be unique
if ($count === 0) {
// Set unique to true to break the loop
$unique = true;
// If unique is still false at this point
// it will just repeat all the steps until
// it has generated a random string of characters
} while (!$unique);
return $random;