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namespace App\Models\Country\FactBook;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

 * Class CountryEconomy
 * @package App\Models\Country\FactBook
 * @OA\Schema (
 *     type="object",
 *     description="The Country Economy Model stores information about the economic status of a country as reported by the CIA's World Factbook",
 *     title="Country Economy",
 *     @OA\Xml(name="CountryEconomy")
 * )
class CountryEconomy extends Model
    protected $connection = 'dbp';
    public $incrementing = false;
    public $table = 'country_economy';

     * @OA\Property(ref="#/components/schemas/Country/properties/id")
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereCountryId($value)
     * @property string $country_id
    protected $country_id;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="Overview",
     *     type="string",
     *     description="A general overview of the countries economic status.",
     *     example="Afghanistan's economy is recovering from decades of conflict. The economy has improved significantly since the fall of the Taliban regime in 2001 largely because of the infusion of international assistance, the recovery of the agricultural sector, and service sector growth..."
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereOverview($value)
     * @property string $overview
    protected $overview;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="GDP (purchasing power parity)",
     *     description="The GDP (PPP) of the country",
     *     type="string",
     *     example="$64.08 billion (2016 est.) ++ $62.82 billion (2015 est.) ++ $62.35 billion (2014 est.)",
     *     @OA\ExternalDocumentation(description="For a detailed list of countries and their PPP GDP see:",url="")
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpPowerParity($value)
     * @property string $gdp_power_parity
    protected $gdp_power_parity;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="GDP real growth rate",
     *     description="The GDP (RGR) of the country",
     *     type="string",
     *     @OA\ExternalDocumentation(description="For a detailed list of countries and their RGR GDP see:",url="")
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpRealGrowth($value)
     * @property string $gdp_real_growth
    protected $gdp_real_growth;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="GDP - per capita (PPP)",
     *     description="The GDP (PPP) of the country",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpPerCapita($value)
     * @property string $gdp_per_capita
    protected $gdp_per_capita;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="GDP - composition, by end use; household consumption",
     *     description="",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpHouseholdConsumption($value)
     * @property string $gdp_household_consumption
    protected $gdp_household_consumption;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="gdp_consumption",
     *     description="GDP - composition, by end use; government consumption",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpConsumption($value)
     * @property string $gdp_consumption
    protected $gdp_consumption;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="gdp_investment_in_fixed_capital",
     *     description="GDP - composition, by end use; investment in fixed capital",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpInvestmentInFixedCapital($value)
     * @property string $gdp_investment_in_fixed_capital
    protected $gdp_investment_in_fixed_capital;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="gdp_investment_in_inventories",
     *     description="GDP - composition, by end use; investment in inventories",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpInvestmentInInventories($value)
     * @property string $gdp_investment_in_inventories
    protected $gdp_investment_in_inventories;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="gdp_exports",
     *     description="GDP - composition, by end use; exports of goods and services",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpExports($value)
     * @property string $gdp_exports
    protected $gdp_exports;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="gdp_imports",
     *     description="GDP - composition, by end use; imports of goods and services",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpImports($value)
     * @property string $gdp_imports
    protected $gdp_imports;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="gdp_sector_agriculture",
     *     description="GDP - composition, by sector of origin; agriculture",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpSectorAgriculture($value)
     * @property string $gdp_sector_agriculture
    protected $gdp_sector_agriculture;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="gdp_sector_industry",
     *     description="GDP - composition, by sector of origin; industry",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpSectorIndustry($value)
     * @property string $gdp_sector_industry
    protected $gdp_sector_industry;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="gdp_sector_services",
     *     description="GDP - composition, by sector of origin; services",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereGdpSectorServices($value)
     * @property string $gdp_sector_services
    protected $gdp_sector_services;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="agriculture_products",
     *     description="Agriculture - products",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereAgricultureProducts($value)
     * @property string $agriculture_products
    protected $agriculture_products;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="industries",
     *     description="Industries",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereIndustries($value)
     * @property string $industries
    protected $industries;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="industrial_growth_rate",
     *     description="Industrial production growth rate",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereIndustrialGrowthRate($value)
     * @property string $industrial_growth_rate
    protected $industrial_growth_rate;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="labor_force",
     *     description="Labor force",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereLaborForce($value)
     * @property string $labor_force
    protected $labor_force;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="labor_force_notes",
     *     description="Labor force; note",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereLaborForceNotes($value)
     * @property string $labor_force_notes
    protected $labor_force_notes;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="labor_force_services",
     *     description="Labor force - by occupation; services",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereLaborForceServices($value)
     * @property string $labor_force_services
    protected $labor_force_services;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="labor_force_industry",
     *     description="Labor force - by occupation; industry",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereLaborForceIndustry($value)
     * @property string $labor_force_industry
    protected $labor_force_industry;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="labor_force_agriculture",
     *     description="Labor force - by occupation; agriculture",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereLaborForceAgriculture($value)
     * @property string $labor_force_agriculture
    protected $labor_force_agriculture;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="labor_force_occupation_notes",
     *     description="Labor force - by occupation; note",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereLaborForceOccupationNotes($value)
     * @property string $labor_force_occupation_notes
    protected $labor_force_occupation_notes;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="unemployment_rate",
     *     description="Unemployment rate",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereUnemploymentRate($value)
     * @property string $unemployment_rate
    protected $unemployment_rate;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="population_below_poverty",
     *     description="Population below poverty line",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy wherePopulationBelowPoverty($value)
     * @property string $population_below_poverty
    protected $population_below_poverty;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="household_income_lowest_10",
     *     description="Household income or consumption by percentage share; lowest 10%",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereHouseholdIncomeLowest10($value)
     * @property string $household_income_lowest_10
    protected $household_income_lowest_10;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="household_income_highest_10",
     *     description="Household income or consumption by percentage share; highest 10%",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereHouseholdIncomeHighest10($value)
     * @property string $household_income_highest_10
    protected $household_income_highest_10;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="budget_revenues",
     *     description="Budget",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereBudgetRevenues($value)
     * @property string $budget_revenues
    protected $budget_revenues;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="taxes_revenues",
     *     description="Taxes and other revenues",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereTaxesRevenues($value)
     * @property string $taxes_revenues
    protected $taxes_revenues;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="budget_net",
     *     description="Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-)",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereBudgetNet($value)
     * @property string $budget_net
    protected $budget_net;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="public_debt",
     *     description="Public debt",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy wherePublicDebt($value)
     * @property string $public_debt
    protected $public_debt;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="external_debt",
     *     description="Debt - external",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereExternalDebt($value)
     * @property string $external_debt
    protected $external_debt;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="fiscal_year",
     *     description="Fiscal year",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereFiscalYear($value)
     * @property string $fiscal_year
    protected $fiscal_year;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="inflation_rate",
     *     description="Inflation rate (consumer prices)",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereInflationRate($value)
     * @property string $inflation_rate
    protected $inflation_rate;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="central_bank_discount_rate",
     *     description="Central bank discount rate",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereCentralBankDiscountRate($value)
     * @property string $central_bank_discount_rate
    protected $central_bank_discount_rate;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="commercial_bank_prime_lending_rate",
     *     description="Commercial bank prime lending rate",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereCommercialBankPrimeLendingRate($value)
     * @property string $commercial_bank_prime_lending_rate
    protected $commercial_bank_prime_lending_rate;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="stock_money_narrow",
     *     description="Stock of narrow money",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereStockMoneyNarrow($value)
     * @property string $stock_money_narrow
    protected $stock_money_narrow;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="stock_money_broad",
     *     description="Stock of broad money",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereStockMoneyBroad($value)
     * @property string $stock_money_broad
    protected $stock_money_broad;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="stock_domestic_credit",
     *     description="Stock of domestic credit",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereStockDomesticCredit($value)
     * @property string $stock_domestic_credit
    protected $stock_domestic_credit;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="exports",
     *     description="Exports",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereExports($value)
     * @property string $exports
    protected $exports;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="exports_commodities",
     *     description="Exports - commodities",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereExportsCommodities($value)
     * @property string $exports_commodities
    protected $exports_commodities;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="exports_partners",
     *     description="Exports - partners",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereExportsPartners($value)
     * @property string $exports_partners
    protected $exports_partners;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="imports",
     *     description="Imports",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereImports($value)
     * @property string $imports
    protected $imports;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="imports_commodities",
     *     description="Imports - commodities",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereImportsCommodities($value)
     * @property string $imports_commodities
    protected $imports_commodities;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="imports_partners",
     *     description="Imports - partners",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereImportsPartners($value)
     * @property string $imports_partners
    protected $imports_partners;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="exchange_rates",
     *     description="Exchange rates",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryEconomy whereExchangeRates($value)
     * @property string $exchange_rates
    protected $exchange_rates;