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namespace App\Models\Country\FactBook;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

 * App\Models\Country\FactBook\CountryTransportation
 * @OA\Schema (
 *     type="object",
 *     description="CountryTransportation",
 *     title="CountryTransportation",
 *     @OA\Xml(name="CountryTransportation")
 * )
 * @mixin \Eloquent
class CountryTransportation extends Model
    protected $connection = 'dbp';
    public $incrementing = false;
    public $table = 'country_transportation';

     * @OA\Property(ref="#/components/schemas/Country/properties/id")
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereCountryId($value)
     * @property string $country_id
    protected $country_id;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="air_carriers",
     *     description="National air transport system; number of registered air carriers",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereAirCarriers($value)
     * @property string $air_carriers
    protected $air_carriers;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="aircraft",
     *     description="National air transport system; inventory of registered aircraft operated by air carriers",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereAircraft($value)
     * @property string $aircraft
    protected $aircraft;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="aircraft_passengers",
     *     description="annual passenger traffic on registered air carriers",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereAircraftPassengers($value)
     * @property string $aircraft_passengers
    protected $aircraft_passengers;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="aircraft_freight",
     *     description="annual freight traffic on registered air carriers",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereAircraftFreight($value)
     * @property string $aircraft_freight
    protected $aircraft_freight;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="aircraft_code_prefix",
     *     description="Civil aircraft registration country code prefix",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereAircraftCodePrefix($value)
     * @property string $aircraft_code_prefix
    protected $aircraft_code_prefix;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="airports",
     *     description="Airports",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereAirports($value)
     * @property string $airports
    protected $airports;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="airports_paved",
     *     description="Airports - with paved runways; total",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereAirportsPaved($value)
     * @property string $airports_paved
    protected $airports_paved;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="airports_info_date",
     *     description="Airports; sub_field",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereAirportsInfoDate($value)
     * @property string $airports_info_date
    protected $airports_info_date;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="major_seaports",
     *     description="Ports and terminals",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereMajorSeaports($value)
     * @property string $major_seaports
    protected $major_seaports;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="oil_terminals",
     *     description="oil terminal(s)",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereOilTerminals($value)
     * @property string $oil_terminals
    protected $oil_terminals;
     * @OA\Property(
     *     title="cruise_ports",
     *     description="cruise port(s)",
     *     type="string"
     * )
     * @method static CountryTransportation whereCruisePorts($value)
     * @property string $cruise_ports
    protected $cruise_ports;