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Test Coverage
# The Layout of Objects in S3

  - bibles.json
  - bibles/{ #id }/info.json
  - bibles/{ #id }/{ #version_id }/{ #provider_id }/{ #file_type }/{ #filename }.html
  - bibles/{ #id }/{ #version_id }/{ #provider_id }/{ #file_type }/{ #metaData }/{ #filename }.json
  - languages.json
  - languages/{ #iso }.json
  - fonts/{ #script_id }.json

### Variable Definitions

#### ID:

**Description:** The Bible ID, a human readable string between 6-12 alpha characters. Starting with the iso code and ending with a version code

**Example:** *ENGNIV*

#### version_id

**Description:** The version ID for each bible ID. A human readable string between 4 and 16 alpha-numeric characters.

**Example:** *NIV1984*

#### provider_id

**Description:** The organization ID for each version ID. A human readable string under 64 alpha-numeric characters.

**Example:** *Crossways*

#### file_type

**Description:** The type of Bible media being delivered.

There are multiple possible duplicate content collections under file_type
for instance you might have might have several different audio Bibles for
a single version id. The *file_type* field should the guide here. It is a
convention not strictly limited to file names. It may contain metadata or

Tags should be after a dash character multiple modifiers are separated by

So if you have a high quality Dramatized Audio Bible...

#### metaData

**Description:** Additional data files to accompany the parent entity

**Note:** These could take the form of timestamps for the audio files and
they could also be dictionary, glossaries, or maps. All variants ought to
be listed in the central index.json


#### filename

**Description:** The filename of the book, chapter, or selection.

**Example 1:** *ENGNIV_40_MAT_001.mp3*

**Example 2:** *ENGNIV_40_MAT.pdf*

#### iso

**Description:** The Iso 639-3 codes curated by the ethnologue and SIL

**Example:** eng

#### script_id

**Description:** The ISO 15924 codes curated by the script source project

## Section Examples:

### Two Possible Variations for Chapter Jsons


    "2": {
        "0" {
            "preface": "A Word about the Contemporary English Version",
            "preface_type": "is1",
            "text": "Translation it is that opens the window, to let in the light; that breaks the shell, that we may eat the kernel; that puts aside the curtain, that we may look into the most holy place; that removes the cover of the well, that we may come by the water.",
            "text_type": ["imi","em"],
            "text_after": "(“The Translators to the Reader,” King James Version, 1611).",
        "1": {
            "text": "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.",
            "text_type": null,
            "preface": "The Creation of the World",
            "preface_type": "is",
            "after": null,
            "after_type": null,
            "footnotes": [
                "Beginning, means at the start",
                "Also known as the big man upstairs",
                "This includes New Jersey"
            "crossreferences": {
                "GN_1_2": "This is the next verse",
                "GN_1_3": "We'll get here eventually"
            "new_paragraph": true,

    "1": {
        "1": "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.",
        "2": "The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters."


### Language JSONs

#### index.json
      "glotto_id": "stan1293",
      "iso": "eng",
      "name": "English"


#### { #iso }.json
      "glotto_id": "stan1293",
      "iso": "eng",
      "name": "English"


### Countries JSONs