This module contains all string representations of all day filter options, used by :class:`` and
The module also contains a constant :attr:`~integreat_cms.cms.constants.all_day.DATATYPE`, which contains the type of the constant
values linked to the strings and is used for correctly instantiating :class:`django.forms.TypedMultipleChoiceField`
instances in :class:``.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from typing import Final
from django.utils.functional import Promise
#: This docstring is overridden by "alias of"
DATATYPE: Final = int
#: Only events which are all day long
ALL_DAY: Final = 1
#: Exclude events which are all day long
NOT_ALL_DAY: Final = 2
#: Choices to use these constants in a database field
CHOICES: Final[list[tuple[int, Promise]]] = [
(ALL_DAY, _("All day long events")),
(NOT_ALL_DAY, _("Not all day long events")),