{% extends "_collapsible_box.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load static %}
{% load parse_struct_time %}
{% block collapsible_box_icon %}
{% endblock collapsible_box_icon %}
{% block collapsible_box_title %}
{% translate "Integreat News" %}
{% endblock collapsible_box_title %}
{% block collapsible_box_content %}
<div class="rss-feed " data-feed-url="{{ feed_url }}">
<div id="feed-loading" class="px-4 hidden">
<i icon-name="loader" class="animate-spin"></i> {% translate "Loading..." %}
<div id="reload" class="hidden">
<div class="text-red-500 px-4">
<i icon-name="alert-triangle"></i> {% translate "Unfortunately there was a problem and the news feed could not load." %}
<button id="reload-button" class="btn">
<i icon-name="refresh-ccw"></i> {% translate "Reload page" %}
<button id="read-more" class="btn hidden">
<i icon-name="book-open"></i> {% translate "Continue reading" %}
{% endblock collapsible_box_content %}