{% extends "_base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load static %}
{% load widget_tweaks %}
{% load rules %}
{% load render_bundle from webpack_loader %}
{% block content %}
<form method="post" id="content_form" data-unsaved-warning>
<h1 class="heading">
{% with source_language=source_imprint_translation.language.translated_name target_language_name=target_language.translated_name %}
{% blocktranslate trimmed %}
Translate the imprint from {{ source_language }} to {{ target_language_name }}
{% endblocktranslate %}
{% endwith %}
<div class="flex flex-wrap grow justify-between gap-2 mb-4">
<a href="{% url 'edit_imprint' region_slug=request.region.slug language_slug=target_language.slug %}"
class="btn btn-outline">
<i icon-name="arrow-left-circle" class="align-top"></i> {% translate "Back to the imprint form" %}
{% if perms.cms.change_imprintpage %}
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-2 ml-auto mr-0 items-center">
{% include "generic_auto_save_note.html" with form_instance=imprint_translation_form.instance %}
<button name="status" value="{{ DRAFT }}" class="btn btn-outline">
{% translate "Save as draft" %}
<button name="status" value="{{ PUBLIC }}" class="btn">
{% if imprint_translation_form.instance.status == PUBLIC %}
{% translate "Update" %}
{% else %}
{% translate "Publish" %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-4">
<div class="border border-blue-500 rounded shadow-2xl bg-white">
<div class="rounded p-4 bg-water-500 font-bold">
{% if source_imprint_translation.is_outdated %}
<span title="{% translate "Translation outdated" %}">
<i icon-name="alert-triangle"></i>
{% elif source_imprint_translation.currently_in_translation %}
<span title="{% translate "Currently in translation" %}">
<i icon-name="clock"></i>
{% else %}
<span title="{% translate "Translation up-to-date" %}">
<i icon-name="check"></i>
{% endif %}
{{ source_imprint_translation.language.translated_name }}
<div class="px-4 pb-4 rounded">
<label class="inline-block">
{% translate "Version" %}:
{{ source_imprint_translation.version }}
<br />
<label class="inline-block">
{% translate "Status" %}:
{{ source_imprint_translation.get_status_display }}
<br />
<label class="inline-block">
{% translate "Link to the imprint" %}:
<a href="{{ WEBAPP_URL }}/{{ request.region.slug }}/{{ source_imprint_translation.language.slug }}/{{ IMPRINT_SLUG }}"
rel="noopener noreferrer"
class="text-blue-600 hover:underline">{{ WEBAPP_URL }}/{{ request.region.slug }}/{{ source_imprint_translation.language.slug }}/{{ IMPRINT_SLUG }}</a>
<a href="#"
data-copy-to-clipboard="{{ WEBAPP_URL }}/{{ request.region.slug }}/{{ source_imprint_translation.language.slug }}/{{ IMPRINT_SLUG }}"
title="{% translate "Copy to clipboard" %}"
class="px-2 text-gray-800 hover:text-blue-600">
<i icon-name="copy"></i>
<i icon-name="check" class="hidden text-green-500"></i>
<br />
{{ imprint_translation_form.title.label }}
<input id="source_translation_title"
value="{{ source_imprint_translation.title }}"
disabled />
<div class="mt-4">
<label class="block mt-4 font-bold">
{{ imprint_translation_form.content.label }}
<textarea id="source_translation_tinymce" cols="40" rows="10" class="tinymce_textarea" disabled data-old="{{ old_translation_content }}" data-new="{{ source_imprint_translation.content }}" data-unsaved-warning-exclude>
{% translate "Actions" %}
<div class="flex flex-wrap gap-4">
<button id="toggle-translation-diff"
class="btn grow bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded"
title="{% if imprint_translation_form.instance.is_up_to_date %}{% translate "No changes have been made to the source translation." %}{% else %}{% translate "Toggle source translation differences" %}{% endif %}"
{% if imprint_translation_form.instance.is_up_to_date %}disabled{% endif %}>
<div class="hidden toggle">
{% translate "Hide source translation differences" %}
{% translate "Show source translation differences" %}
<button id="copy-translation-content"
title="{% translate "Copy content" %}"
class="btn grow bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-600 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">
{% with source_language=source_imprint_translation.language.translated_name target_language_name=target_language.translated_name %}
{% blocktranslate trimmed %}
Copy content of {{ source_language }} to {{ target_language_name }}
{% endblocktranslate %}
{% endwith %}
<i data-feather="arrow-right-circle" class="mr-2"></i>
<div class="border border-blue-500 rounded shadow-2xl bg-white">
<div class="rounded p-4 bg-water-500 font-bold">
{% if %}
{% if imprint_translation_form.instance.is_outdated %}
<span title="{% translate "Translation outdated" %}">
<i icon-name="alert-triangle"></i>
{% elif imprint_translation_form.instance.currently_in_translation %}
<span title="{% translate "Currently in translation" %}">
<i icon-name="clock"></i>
{% else %}
<span title="{% translate "Translation up-to-date" %}">
<i icon-name="check"></i>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<span title="{% translate "Create Translation" %}">
<i icon-name="plus"></i>
{% endif %}
{{ target_language.translated_name }}
<div class="px-4 pb-4 rounded">
{% csrf_token %}
{% if %}
<label class="inline-block">
{% translate "Version" %}:
{{ imprint_translation_form.instance.version }}
<br />
<label class="inline-block">
{% translate "Status" %}:
{{ imprint_translation_form.instance.get_status_display }}
<br />
<label class="inline-block">
{% translate "Link to the imprint" %}:
<a href="{{ WEBAPP_URL }}/{{ request.region.slug }}/{{ target_language.slug }}/{{ IMPRINT_SLUG }}"
rel="noopener noreferrer"
class="text-blue-600 hover:underline">{{ WEBAPP_URL }}/{{ request.region.slug }}/{{ target_language.slug }}/{{ IMPRINT_SLUG }}</a>
<a href="#"
data-copy-to-clipboard="{{ WEBAPP_URL }}/{{ request.region.slug }}/{{ target_language.slug }}/{{ IMPRINT_SLUG }}"
title="{% translate "Copy to clipboard" %}"
class="px-2 text-gray-800 hover:text-blue-600">
<i icon-name="copy"></i>
<i icon-name="check" class="hidden text-green-500"></i>
<br />
{% else %}
<label class="inline-block">
{% translate "Version" %}:
{% translate "New" %}
<br />
<label class="inline-block">
{% translate "Status" %}:
{% translate "Not saved yet" %}
<br />
<label class="inline-block">
{% translate "Link to the imprint" %}:
{% translate "Not saved yet" %}
<br />
{% endif %}
<label for="{{ imprint_translation_form.title.id_for_label }}">
{{ imprint_translation_form.title.label }}
{% render_field imprint_translation_form.title|add_error_class:"border-red-500" id="target_translation_title" %}
<label for="{{ imprint_translation_form.content.id_for_label }}">
{{ imprint_translation_form.content.label }}
{% render_field imprint_translation_form.content|add_error_class:"border-red-500" id="target_translation_tinymce" class="tinymce_textarea" %}
{% translate "Implications on translations" %}
{% render_field imprint_translation_form.minor_edit %}
<label for="{{ imprint_translation_form.minor_edit.id_for_label }}"
{{ imprint_translation_form.minor_edit.label }}
<div class="help-text">
{{ imprint_translation_form.minor_edit.help_text }}
{{ media_config_data|json_script:"media_config_data" }}
{% if not perms.cms.change_imprintpage %}
{% include "../_tinymce_config.html" with readonly=1 language=target_language %}
{% else %}
{% include "../_tinymce_config.html" with language=target_language %}
{% include "../_content_edit_lock.html" with %}
{% endif %}
{% include "../generic_confirmation_dialog.html" %}
{% endblock content %}
{% block javascript %}
{% render_bundle 'editor' 'js' %}
{% endblock javascript %}