{% extends "../generic_tutorial_dialog.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% load static %}
{% block content %}
<!-- Pop-Up Header -->
<div class="flex items-center bg-water-500 w-full rounded h-12">
<i icon-name="help-circle" class="text-black ml-2"></i>
<h2 class="flex items-center font-semibold leading-normal pl-2 text-black text-xl">
{% translate "Introduction - Page Tree" %}
<!-- Pop-Up Content -->
<div class="px-4">
<p class="mt-4 text-s max-w-fit text-gray-600">
{% translate "We merged 'All pages' and 'Tree View' into one single view. In this view you can do the following:" %}
<ul class="list-disc my-2 pl-5 text-s text-gray-600">
{% translate "View the page hierarchy." %}
{% translate "Change the hierarchy with drag & drop." %}
{% translate "View the translation status." %}
{% translate "Open the page editor by clicking on a page." %}
{% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
{% with "images/page_tree_tutorial_"|add:LANGUAGE_CODE|add:'.gif' as image_static %}
{# djlint:off H006 #}
<img alt="page tutorial"
src="{% static image_static %}"
class="m-auto my-4 object-cover" />
{# djlint:on #}
{% endwith %}
{% endblock content %}