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Test Coverage
{% extends "_base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}
{% block content %}
    {% load static %}
    <div class="table-header">
        <h1 class="heading">
            {% translate "Account Management" %}
        <div class="flex justify-between">
            {% include "search_input_form.html" with object_type="user" %}
            {% if perms.cms.change_user %}
                <a href="{% url 'new_region_user' region_slug=request.region.slug %}"
                   class="btn">{% translate "Create account" %}</a>
            {% endif %}
    <div class="table-listing">
        <table class="w-full mt-4 rounded border border-solid border-gray-200 shadow bg-white">
                <tr class="border-b border-solid border-gray-200">
                    <th class="text-sm text-left uppercase py-3 pl-4 pr-2">
                        {% translate "Username" %}
                    <th class="text-sm text-left uppercase py-3 pr-2">
                        {% translate "First Name" %}
                    <th class="text-sm text-left uppercase py-3 pr-2">
                        {% translate "Last Name" %}
                    <th class="text-sm text-left uppercase py-3 pr-2">
                        {% translate "E-mail-address" %}
                    <th class="text-sm text-left uppercase py-3 pr-2">
                        {% translate "Role" %}
                    <th class="text-sm text-left uppercase py-3 pr-2">
                        {% translate "Last Login" %}
                    <th class="text-sm text-left uppercase py-3 pr-4 min">
                        {% translate "Active" %}
                    <th class="text-sm text-left uppercase py-3 pr-4 min">
                        {% translate "Security" %}
                {% for user in users %}
                    {% include "users/region_user_list_row.html" %}
                {% empty %}
                        <td colspan="6" class="px-4 py-3">
                            {% if search_query %}
                                {% translate "No users found with these filters." %}
                            {% else %}
                                {% translate "No users available yet." %}
                            {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
    {% url "region_users" as url %}
    {% include "pagination.html" with chunk=users %}
{% endblock content %}