This module contains helpers regarding unique string identifiers without special characters ("slugs").
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.utils.text import slugify
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
import sys
from typing import Any, Literal, NotRequired, TypeAlias, TypedDict, Unpack
from django.db.models import Manager
from django.forms import ModelForm
from django.http.request import QueryDict
from ..models import Language, Region
from ..models.abstract_base_model import AbstractBaseModel
from ..models.abstract_content_model import AbstractContentModel
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ForeignModelType: TypeAlias = Literal[
"page", "event", "poi", "region", "organization", "offer-template"
class SlugKwargs(TypedDict):
A custom type for keyword arguments to :func:`generate_unique_slug`
cleaned_data: NotRequired[QueryDict]
fallback: NotRequired[Literal["name", "title"]]
foreign_model: ForeignModelType
language: NotRequired[Language]
manager: Manager
object_instance: AbstractBaseModel
region: NotRequired[Region]
slug: NotRequired[str]
def generate_unique_slug_helper(
form_object: ModelForm, foreign_model: ForeignModelType
) -> str:
This function acts like an interface and extracts all parameters of the form_object before actually generating
the unique slug, so that unique slug generation can be performed without any cleaned form data after a form submission.
:param form_object: The form which contains the slug field
:param foreign_model: If the form instance has a foreign key to another model (e.g. because it is a translation of
a content-object), this parameter contains the model of the foreign related object.
:raises ~django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: When no slug is given and there is also no field which can be used
as fallback (either ``title`` or ``name``).
:return: An unique slug identifier
kwargs: SlugKwargs = {
"slug": form_object.cleaned_data["slug"],
"cleaned_data": form_object.cleaned_data,
"manager": form_object.Meta.model.objects,
"object_instance": form_object.instance,
"foreign_model": foreign_model,
"fallback": "name",
if foreign_model in ["page", "event", "poi"]:
"region": form_object.instance.foreign_object.region,
"language": form_object.instance.language,
"fallback": "title",
return generate_unique_slug(**kwargs)
def generate_unique_slug(**kwargs: Unpack[SlugKwargs]) -> str:
This function can be used in :mod:`~integreat_cms.cms.forms` to clean slug fields. It will make sure the slug field contains a
unique identifier per region and language. It can also be used for region slugs (``foreign_model`` is ``None`` in
this case). If the slug field is empty, it creates a fallback value from either the ``title`` or the ``name`` field.
In case the slug exists already, it appends a counter which is increased until the slug is unique.
Example usages:
* :func:`~integreat_cms.cms.forms.regions.region_form.RegionForm.clean_slug`
* :func:`~integreat_cms.cms.forms.pages.page_translation_form.PageTranslationForm.clean_slug`
* :func:``
* :func:`~integreat_cms.cms.forms.pois.poi_translation_form.POITranslationForm.clean_slug`
:param \**kwargs: The supplied keyword arguments
:raises ~django.core.exceptions.ValidationError: When no slug is given and there is also no field which can be used
as fallback (either ``title`` or ``name``).
:return: An unique slug identifier
slug: str = kwargs.get("slug", "")
foreign_model: str | None = kwargs.get("foreign_model")
object_instance: AbstractBaseModel = kwargs["object_instance"]
fallback: Literal["name", "title", ""] = kwargs.get("fallback", "")
cleaned_data: dict[str, Any] = kwargs.get("cleaned_data", {})
region: Region | None = kwargs.get("region")
language: Language | None = kwargs.get("language")
logger.debug("foreign_model: %r", foreign_model)
if foreign_model in ["page", "event", "poi"]:
logger.debug("%r, %r", region, language)
# if slug is empty and fallback field is set, generate from fallback:title/name
if not slug:
if fallback not in cleaned_data:
raise ValidationError(
_("Cannot generate slug from {}.").format(_(fallback)),
# Check whether slug field supports unicode
allow_unicode = object_instance._meta.get_field("slug").allow_unicode
# slugify to make sure slug doesn't contain special chars etc.
slug = slugify(cleaned_data[fallback], allow_unicode=allow_unicode)
# If the title/name field didn't contain valid characters for a slug, we use a hardcoded fallback slug
if not slug and foreign_model:
slug = foreign_model
unique_slug = slug
i = 1
pre_filtered_objects = kwargs["manager"]
# if the foreign model is a content type (e.g. page, event or poi), make sure slug is unique per region and language
if foreign_model in ["page", "event", "poi"]:
pre_filtered_objects = pre_filtered_objects.filter(
foreign_model + "__region": region,
"language": language,
# generate new slug while it is not unique
while True:
# get other objects with same slug
other_objects = pre_filtered_objects.filter(slug=unique_slug)
if object_instance and
if foreign_model in ["page", "event", "poi"]:
# other objects which are just other versions of this object are allowed to have the same slug
other_objects = other_objects.exclude(
foreign_model: object_instance.foreign_object,
"language": language,
# the current object is also allowed to have the same slug
other_objects = other_objects.exclude(
if (
not other_objects.exists()
and not (
foreign_model == "page"
and unique_slug in settings.RESERVED_REGION_PAGE_PATTERNS
and not (
foreign_model == "region"
and unique_slug in settings.RESERVED_REGION_SLUGS
i += 1
unique_slug = f"{slug}-{i}"
logger.debug("unique slug: %r", unique_slug)
return unique_slug