* This component renders the media library in when a directory is viewed.
import { useEffect } from "preact/hooks";
import Library, { LibraryProps } from "./library";
const DirectoryContentLibrary = (props: LibraryProps) => {
const {
apiEndpoints: { getDirectoryContent, getDirectoryPath },
} = props;
// The directory path contains the current directory and all its parents
const [directoryPath, setDirectoryPath] = directoryPathState;
// The current directory is the last element of the directory path
const directory = directoryPath[directoryPath.length - 1];
// The directory content contains all subdirectories and files of the current directory
const [_mediaLibraryContent, setMediaLibraryContent] = mediaLibraryContentState;
// The file index contains the index of the file which is currently opened in the sidebar
const [_fileIndex, setFileIndex] = fileIndexState;
// This state is used to refresh the media library after changes were made
const [refresh, _setRefresh] = refreshState;
// Load the directory path each time the directory id changes
useEffect(() => {
// Reset search query buffer
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams({});
if (directoryId) {
console.debug(`Loading directory with id ${directoryId}...`);
urlParams.append("directory", directoryId);
} else {
console.debug(`Loading root directory...`);
// Load the new directory path
if (directoryId) {
ajaxRequest(getDirectoryPath, urlParams, setDirectoryPath);
} else {
// The root directory is no real directory object, so the path is empty
// Load the new directory content
ajaxRequest(getDirectoryContent, urlParams, setMediaLibraryContent);
// Close the file sidebar
/* eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps */
}, [directoryId, refresh]);
// Debug output on directory change
useEffect(() => {
if (directory) {
console.debug(`Changed to directory with id ${directoryId}:`, directory);
} else if (!directoryId) {
console.debug("Changed to root directory");
/* eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps */
}, [directory]);
return <Library {...props} />;
export default DirectoryContentLibrary;