* Generate a page preview pop-up.
* Put the form handling in a separate file because it interacts
* with the TinyMCE components which can only be initialized once.
import { getContent } from "../forms/tinymce-init";
import { addPreviewWindowListeners } from "./page-preview";
const openPreviewWindowInPageForm = async (overlay: HTMLElement, btn: Element) => {
const rightToLeft = btn.getAttribute("data-right-to-left") === "True";
const title = (document.getElementById("id_title") as HTMLInputElement)?.value;
const pageContent = getContent();
// If the language is read from right to left, change the text layout to align right.
if (rightToLeft) {
} else {
// Insert title and page content.
document.getElementById("preview-content-header").textContent = title;
document.getElementById("preview-content-block").innerHTML = pageContent;
const firstBlock = document.getElementById("preview-content-block-first");
const lastBlock = document.getElementById("preview-content-block-last");
// Reset mirrored page blocks
firstBlock.innerHTML = "";
lastBlock.innerHTML = "";
// Get currently selected mirrored page
const mirroredPageField = document.getElementById("mirrored_page") as HTMLInputElement;
if (mirroredPageField) {
const mirroredPageId = mirroredPageField.value;
// Get selected option node
const selectedOption = mirroredPageField.querySelector(`option[value="${mirroredPageId}"]`);
// fetch mirrored page content based on the current dropdown value states.
const mirroredPagePreviewUrl = selectedOption?.getAttribute("data-preview-url");
if (mirroredPagePreviewUrl) {
const mirroredPageContent = await fetch(mirroredPagePreviewUrl)
.then((response) => response.json())
.then((data) => data.content);
const mirroredPageFirst =
(document.getElementById("mirrored_page_first") as HTMLInputElement)?.value === "True";
// Insert mirrored page content before or after page content.
if (mirroredPageFirst) {
firstBlock.innerHTML = mirroredPageContent;
lastBlock.innerHTML = "";
} else {
firstBlock.innerHTML = "";
lastBlock.innerHTML = mirroredPageContent;
window.addEventListener("load", () => {