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import React, {PropTypes, Component} from 'react';

import {flattenToString, capitalizeFirstLetter, getFirstLetter, startsWithLowerCase} from '../../../../depr/bibtex/field_value/utils'
import Entry from '../../../../depr/bibtex/Entry'
import LastName from '../LastName'
import PersonName from '../../../../src/bibliography/PersonName'
import AuthorValue from '../../../../depr/bibtex/field_value/AuthorValue'
import StringValue from '../../../../depr/bibtex/field_value/StringValue'
import PageRange from '../../../../depr/bibtex/field_value/PageRange'

/* intersperse: Return an array with the separator interspersed between
 * each element of the input array.
 * > _([1,2,3]).intersperse(0)
 * [1,0,2,0,3]
function intersperse(arr, sep) {
  if (arr.length === 0) return [];
  return arr.slice(1).reduce((xs, x) => xs.concat([sep, x]), [arr[0]]);

function renderPersonName(name, i) {
  if (!(name instanceof PersonName))throw new Error("Object must be of type PersonName: " + (name));
  const parts = [];

  // Render last name (von + lastName)
  parts.push(<LastName key="author_lastname" name={name}/>);

  if (name.jrs.length > 0) parts.push(' '));
  if (name.initials.length > 0) parts.push(name.initials.join(""));

  return <span key={i} itemProp="author" itemScope={true} itemType="" className="_bib_author">
    <span itemProp="name">
      {intersperse(parts, ' ')}

function renderStringValueToString(obj) {
  if (!(obj instanceof StringValue))throw new Error("Object must be of type StringValue");
  return obj.toUnicode();

function renderUrl(urlValue) {
  const url = renderStringValueToString(urlValue);
  return <span key="url" className="_bib_url"><a itemProp="url" href={url}>{url}</a>.</span>;
function renderAccessDate(accessDate) {
  if (!accessDate.format) throw new Error("Access date must specify a format function");
  return <span key="accessdate" className="_bib_access_date">
    Accessed <span dateTime={accessDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')}>
    {accessDate.format('MMMM D, YYYY')}
function renderTitle(title) {
  return <span key='title' className="_bib_title_wrapper"><cite className="_bib_title"

function renderAuthorValue(obj) {
  if (!(obj instanceof AuthorValue)) throw new Error("Object must be of type AuthorValue");
  return <span key="authors" className="_bib_authors_wrapper">
    <span className="_bib_authors">{renderAuthors(obj.getAuthors())}</span>.</span>;

class Reference extends Component {
  renderArticleContents() {
    const obj = this.props.entry;
    const nameParts = [];

    if (obj.fields['author']) nameParts.push(renderAuthorValue(obj.fields['author']));
    if (obj.fields['title']) nameParts.push(renderTitle(obj.fields['title']));
    if (obj.fields['url']) nameParts.push(renderUrl(obj.fields['url']));
    if (obj.fields['urldate']) nameParts.push(renderAccessDate(obj.fields['urldate']));

    return intersperse(nameParts, ' ');

  hasField(fieldName) {
    return this.props.entry.hasOwnProperty(fieldName) && (!!(this.props.entry[fieldName]));

  render() {
    const obj = this.props.entry;
    const isEntry = (obj instanceof Entry);
    if (!isEntry) throw new Error("Object must be of type Entry: " + JSON.stringify(obj));

    let children = [];
    switch (obj.type) {
      case 'article':
        // todo Abbreviate the title of the journal according to the listing in PubMed.
        // Navarro P, Chambers I, Karwacki-Neisius V, et al. Molecular coupling of Xist regulation and pluripotency. Science. 2008;321(5896):1693-1695. Accessed June 4, 2009.
        // Porell F, Carter M. Discretionary hospitalization of nursing home residents with and without alzheimer’s disease: a multilevel analysis. J Aging Health. 2005;17(2):207-238.
        children = this.renderArticleContents();
        console.warn("WARNING: There is no styling yet for library types \"" + obj.type + "\". Assuming it behaves like @article.");
        console.warn("Please submit a feature request at");
        children = this.renderArticleContents();

    const props = {
      className: "_bib_citation _bib_ama _bib_" + obj.type,
      itemScope: true,
      itemType: ""
    if (this.props.citation) props['itemProp'] = 'citation';
    return React.createElement(
Reference.propTypes = {
  entry: PropTypes.instanceOf(Entry).isRequired,
  citation: PropTypes.bool
export default Reference;