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`tagrelease` is a simple tool to generate release/build
identifiers from git tag names in an automated way.

`tagrelease` requires Go 1.11 or newer to compile.


Release binaries are available on the
[releases](https://github.com/dikderoy/tagrelease/releases) page




prints help.


`--beta {list of strings}`

provide list of branches recognized as trunked, separated with comma,
all releases on these branches will be marked as B (beta),
except tagged ones (default `trunk`)


`--rc {strings}`

provide list of branches recognized as mainstream,
all releases on these branches will be marked as RC (release candidate),
except tagged ones (default `master`)



enable debug output (to stderr)


`-f, --format {string}`

select output format (default `release`):

- `release` - alias for pep440
- `pep440` - output a release string according to PEP440 format:
  example: `0.1.0+57a182a8`, `0.8.2a84+57a182a8`
- `semver` - semver release format:
  example: `1.2.3`
- `short` - format: `{major}.{minor}`
  example: `1.2`
- `major` - output only a major version
- `minor` - output only a minor version
- `patch` - output only a patch version
- `revision` - full git revision (40 chars)
  example: `57a182a871e042022c22b14ad6314b0618b582f8`
- `revshort` - short git revision (8 chars)
  example: `57a182a8`


`-i, --increment {string}`

select increment strategy (default `upstream`)

- `major` - increment to next major version (`{major+1}.0.0`)
- `minor` - increment to next minor version (`{major}.{minor+1}.0`
- `patch` - increment to next patch version `{major}.{minor}.{patch+1}`
- `upstream` - increment to next patch if present, to next minor otherwise
- `never` - do not increment anything


`-o, --output {string}`

select output target (default is stdout):

- `{file-path}` - if not exists, will be created, otherwise will be truncated
- `-` - for stdout


`-d, --workdir {string}`

select working directory to look for repository
(default is current directory - `.`)