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# @title Events

# Events

## How to use events

discorb uses event driven programming.
You can register event handlers with {Discorb::Client#on}.
Alternatively, you can use {Discorb::Client#once} to register a one-time event handler.

client.on :message do |event|
  puts event.message.content

This example will print the content of every message received.

Since v0.2.5, you can also register event handlers by adding a method to the client, with the prefix `on_` and the event name as the method name.

client = Discorb::Client.new

class << client
  def on_standby
    puts "Ready!"

If you want to separate event handlers from the client, consider using {Discorb::Extension}. {file:docs/extension.md Learn more about extensions}.

Since v0.6.1, you can set `:override` to `true` to register event handlers that can be overridden.

client.on :message, override: true do |event|
  puts "This event handler can be overridden."

client.on :message do |event|
  puts "Override!"

This example will print `Override!`, but not `This event handler can be overridden.`.
This is useful for registering event handlers as default behavior, such as error handlers.

# In the library...

client.on :command_error, override: true do |event, error|
  $stderr.puts "Command error:\n#{error.full_message}"

# In your code...

client.on :command_error do |event, error|
  event.message.reply "An error occurred while executing the command!\n#{error.full_message}"

## Event reference

### Client events

#### `event_receive(event_name, data)`

Fires when an event is received.

| Parameter    | Type     | Description            |
| ------------ | -------- | ---------------------- |
| `event_name` | `Symbol` | The name of the event. |
| `data`       | `Hash`   | The data of the event. |

#### `ready()`

Fires when the client receives the `READY` event.

#### `standby()`

Fires when the client is standby. (When the client connects to Discord, and has cached guilds and members.)

#### `resumed()`

Fires when the client is resumed connection.

#### `error(event_name, args, error)`

Fires when an error occurs during an event.
Defaults to printing the error to stderr, override to handle it yourself.

| Parameter    | Type            | Description                 |
| ------------ | --------------- | --------------------------- |
| `event_name` | `Symbol`        | The name of the event.      |
| `args`       | `Array<Object>` | The arguments of the event. |
| `error`      | `Exception`     | The error that occurred.    |

#### `setup()`

Fires when `discorb setup` is run.
This is useful for setting up some dependencies, such as the database.

#### `shard_standby(shard)`

Fires when a shard is standby.

| Parameter | Type             | Description                |
| --------- | ---------------- | -------------------------- |
| `shard`   | {Discorb::Shard} | The shard that is standby. |

#### `shard_resumed(shard)`

Fires when a shard is resumed connection.

| Parameter | Type             | Description                |
| --------- | ---------------- | -------------------------- |
| `shard`   | {Discorb::Shard} | The shard that is standby. |

### Guild events

#### `guild_join(guild)`

Fires when client joins a guild.

| Parameter | Type             | Description                |
| --------- | ---------------- | -------------------------- |
| `guild`   | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that was joined. |

#### `guild_available(guild)`

Fires when a guild becomes available.

| Parameter | Type             | Description                      |
| --------- | ---------------- | -------------------------------- |
| `guild`   | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that became available. |

#### `guild_update(before, after)`

Fires when client updates a guild.

| Parameter | Type             | Description                  |
| --------- | ---------------- | ---------------------------- |
| `before`  | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild before the update. |
| `after`   | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild after the update.  |

#### `guild_leave(guild)`

Fires when client leaves a guild.

| Parameter | Type             | Description              |
| --------- | ---------------- | ------------------------ |
| `guild`   | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that was left. |

#### `guild_destroy(guild)`

Fires when guild is destroyed.

| Parameter | Type             | Description                   |
| --------- | ---------------- | ----------------------------- |
| `guild`   | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that was destroyed. |

#### `guild_integrations_update(guild)`

Fires when guild integrations are updated.

| Parameter | Type             | Description                                   |
| --------- | ---------------- | --------------------------------------------- |
| `guild`   | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that integrations were updated for. |

#### `guild_ban_add(guild, user)`

Fires when a user is banned from a guild.

| Parameter | Type             | Description                              |
| --------- | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------- |
| `guild`   | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that the user was banned from. |
| `user`    | {Discorb::User}  | The user that was banned.                |

#### `guild_ban_remove(guild, user)`

Fires when a user is unbanned from a guild.

| Parameter | Type             | Description                                |
| --------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| `guild`   | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild that the user was unbanned from. |
| `user`    | {Discorb::User}  | The user that was unbanned.                |

### Channel events

#### `channel_create(channel)`

Fires when a channel is created.

| Parameter | Type               | Description                   |
| --------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------- |
| `channel` | {Discorb::Channel} | The channel that was created. |

#### `channel_update(before, after)`

Fires when a channel is updated.

| Parameter | Type               | Description                    |
| --------- | ------------------ | ------------------------------ |
| `before`  | {Discorb::Channel} | The channel before the update. |
| `after`   | {Discorb::Channel} | The channel after the update.  |

#### `channel_delete(channel)`

Fires when a channel is deleted.

| Parameter | Type               | Description                   |
| --------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------- |
| `channel` | {Discorb::Channel} | The channel that was deleted. |

#### `webhooks_update(event)`

Fires when a webhook is updated.

| Parameter | Type                                    | Description               |
| --------- | --------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::Gateway::WebhooksUpdateEvent} | The webhook update event. |

#### `thread_new(thread)`

Fires when a thread is created.

| Parameter | Type                     | Description                  |
| --------- | ------------------------ | ---------------------------- |
| `thread`  | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread that was created. |

#### `thread_join(thread)`

Fires when client joins a thread.

| Parameter | Type                     | Description                 |
| --------- | ------------------------ | --------------------------- |
| `thread`  | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread that was joined. |

#### `thread_delete(thread)`

Fires when a thread is deleted.

| Parameter | Type                     | Description                  |
| --------- | ------------------------ | ---------------------------- |
| `thread`  | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread that was deleted. |

#### `thread_update(before, after)`

Fires when a thread is updated.

| Parameter | Type                     | Description                   |
| --------- | ------------------------ | ----------------------------- |
| `before`  | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread before the update. |
| `after`   | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread after the update.  |

#### `thread_members_update(thread, added, removed)`

Fires when a thread's members are updated.

| Parameter | Type                                    | Description                                                                             |
| --------- | --------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `thread`  | {Discorb::ThreadChannel}                | The thread that the members were updated for.                                           |
| `added`   | Array<{Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member}> | An array of {Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member} objects that were added to the thread.     |
| `removed` | Array<{Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member}> | An array of {Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member} objects that were removed from the thread. |

#### `thread_member_update(before, after)`

Fires when a thread member is updated.

| Parameter | Type                             | Description                                 |
| --------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| `thread`  | {Discorb::ThreadChannel}         | The thread that the member was updated for. |
| `before`  | {Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member} | The thread member before the update.        |
| `after`   | {Discorb::ThreadChannel::Member} | The thread member after the update.         |

### Integration events

#### `integration_create(integration)`

Fires when a guild integration is created.

| Parameter     | Type                   | Description              |
| ------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `integration` | {Discorb::Integration} | The created integration. |

#### `integration_update(after)`

Fires when a guild integration is updated.

| Parameter | Type                   | Description                       |
| --------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| `after`   | {Discorb::Integration} | The integration after the update. |

#### `integration_delete(integration)`

Fires when a guild integration is deleted.

| Parameter     | Type                   | Description              |
| ------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `integration` | {Discorb::Integration} | The deleted integration. |

### Message events

#### `message(message)`

Fires when a message is created.

| Parameter | Type               | Description          |
| --------- | ------------------ | -------------------- |
| `message` | {Discorb::Message} | The created message. |

#### `message_update(event)`

Fires when a message is updated.

| Parameter | Type                                   | Description                   |
| --------- | -------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::Gateway::MessageUpdateEvent} | The message after the update. |

#### `message_delete(message, channel, guild)`

Fires when a message is deleted.

| Parameter | Type               | Description                               |
| --------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------- |
| `message` | {Discorb::Message} | The deleted message.                      |
| `channel` | {Discorb::Channel} | The channel the message was deleted from. |
| `guild`   | ?{Discorb::Guild}  | The guild the message was deleted from.   |

##### Note

This will fire when cached messages are deleted.

#### `message_delete_id(message_id, channel, guild)`

Fires when a message is deleted.
Not like {file:#message_delete} this will fire even message is not cached.

| Parameter    | Type                 | Description                               |
| ------------ | -------------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| `message_id` | {Discorb::Snowflake} | The deleted message ID.                   |
| `channel`    | {Discorb::Channel}   | The channel the message was deleted from. |
| `guild`      | ?{Discorb::Guild}    | The guild the message was deleted from.   |

#### `message_delete_bulk(messages)`

Fires when a bulk of messages are deleted.

| Parameter  | Type                                                                    | Description           |
| ---------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------- |
| `messages` | Array<{Discorb::Message}, {Discorb::Gateway::UnknownDeleteBulkMessage}> | The deleted messages. |

#### `message_pin_update(event)`

Fires when a message is pinned or unpinned.

| Parameter | Type                                | Description       |
| --------- | ----------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::Gateway::MessagePinEvent} | The event object. |

#### `typing_start(event)`

Fires when a user starts typing.

| Parameter | Type                                 | Description       |
| --------- | ------------------------------------ | ----------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::Gateway::TypingStartEvent} | The event object. |

### Reaction events

#### `reaction_add(event)`

Fires when a reaction is added to a message.

| Parameter | Type                              | Description       |
| --------- | --------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::Gateway::ReactionEvent} | The event object. |

#### `reaction_remove(event)`

Fires when someone removes a reaction from a message.

| Parameter | Type                              | Description       |
| --------- | --------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::Gateway::ReactionEvent} | The event object. |

#### `reaction_remove_all(event)`

Fires when all reactions are removed from a message.

| Parameter | Type                                       | Description       |
| --------- | ------------------------------------------ | ----------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::Gateway::ReactionRemoveAllEvent} | The event object. |

#### `reaction_remove_emoji(event)`

Fires when a reaction is removed from a message.

| Parameter | Type                                         | Description       |
| --------- | -------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::Gateway::ReactionRemoveEmojiEvent} | The event object. |

### Role events

#### `role_create(role)`

Fires when a role is created.

| Parameter | Type            | Description       |
| --------- | --------------- | ----------------- |
| `role`    | {Discorb::Role} | The created role. |

#### `role_update(before, after)`

Fires when a role is updated.

| Parameter | Type            | Description                 |
| --------- | --------------- | --------------------------- |
| `before`  | {Discorb::Role} | The role before the update. |
| `after`   | {Discorb::Role} | The role after the update.  |

#### `role_remove(role)`

Fires when a role is deleted.

| Parameter | Type            | Description       |
| --------- | --------------- | ----------------- |
| `role`    | {Discorb::Role} | The deleted role. |

### Member events

#### Note

These events require the `guild_members` intent.

#### `member_add(member)`

Fires when a member joins a guild.

| Parameter | Type              | Description             |
| --------- | ----------------- | ----------------------- |
| `member`  | {Discorb::Member} | The member that joined. |

#### `member_update(before, after)`

Fires when a member is updated.

| Parameter | Type              | Description                   |
| --------- | ----------------- | ----------------------------- |
| `before`  | {Discorb::Member} | The member before the update. |
| `after`   | {Discorb::Member} | The member after the update.  |

#### `member_remove(member)`

Fires when a member is removed from a guild.

| Parameter | Type              | Description           |
| --------- | ----------------- | --------------------- |
| `member`  | {Discorb::Member} | The member that left. |

### Role events

#### `role_create(role)`

Fires when a role is created.

| Parameter | Type            | Description       |
| --------- | --------------- | ----------------- |
| `role`    | {Discorb::Role} | The created role. |

#### `role_update(before, after)`

Fires when a role is updated.

| Parameter | Type            | Description                 |
| --------- | --------------- | --------------------------- |
| `before`  | {Discorb::Role} | The role before the update. |
| `after`   | {Discorb::Role} | The role after the update.  |

#### `role_remove(role)`

Fires when a role is deleted.

| Parameter | Type            | Description       |
| --------- | --------------- | ----------------- |
| `role`    | {Discorb::Role} | The deleted role. |

### Invite events

#### `invite_create(invite)`

Fires when an invitation is created.

| Parameter | Type              | Description         |
| --------- | ----------------- | ------------------- |
| `invite`  | {Discorb::Invite} | The created invite. |

#### `invite_delete(invite)`

Fires when an invitation is deleted.

| Parameter | Type              | Description         |
| --------- | ----------------- | ------------------- |
| `invite`  | {Discorb::Invite} | The deleted invite. |

### Interaction events

#### `interaction_create(interaction)`

Fires when an interaction is created. This will fire for all interactions.

| Parameter     | Type                   | Description              |
| ------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `interaction` | {Discorb::Interaction} | The created interaction. |

#### `application_command(interaction)`

Fires when an application command is used.

| Parameter     | Type                          | Description              |
| ------------- | ----------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `interaction` | {Discorb::CommandInteraction} | The created interaction. |

#### `slash_command(interaction)`

Fires when a slash command is used.

| Parameter     | Type                                            | Description              |
| ------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `interaction` | {Discorb::CommandInteraction::ChatInputCommand} | The created interaction. |

#### `message_command(interaction)`

Fires when a message command is used.

| Parameter     | Type                                              | Description              |
| ------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `interaction` | {Discorb::CommandInteraction::MessageMenuCommand} | The created interaction. |

#### `user_command(interaction)`

Fires when a user command is used.

| Parameter     | Type                                           | Description              |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------ |
| `interaction` | {Discorb::CommandInteraction::UserMenuCommand} | The created interaction. |

#### `button_click(interaction)`

Fires when a button is clicked.

| Parameter     | Type                                           | Description             |
| ------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| `interaction` | {Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction::Button} | The interaction object. |

#### `select_menu_select(interaction)`

Fires when a select menu is selected.

| Parameter     | Type                                               | Description             |
| ------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| `interaction` | {Discorb::MessageComponentInteraction::SelectMenu} | The interaction object. |

#### `modal_submit(interaction)`

Fires when a modal is submitted.

| Parameter     | Type                        | Description             |
| ------------- | --------------------------- | ----------------------- |
| `interaction` | {Discorb::ModalInteraction} | The interaction object. |

### Voice events

Because it's big, it's documented in {file:docs/voice_events.md}.

### Guild scheduled event events

#### `scheduled_event_create(event)`

Fires when a scheduled event is created.

| Parameter | Type                      | Description                  |
| --------- | ------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::ScheduledEvent} | The created scheduled event. |

#### `scheduled_event_cancel(event)`, `scheduled_event_delete(event)`

Fires when a scheduled event is canceled or deleted.

| Parameter | Type                      | Description                  |
| --------- | ------------------------- | ---------------------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::ScheduledEvent} | The deleted scheduled event. |

#### `scheduled_event_edit(before, after)`

Fires when a scheduled event is edited.

| Parameter | Type                      | Description                          |
| --------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------------ |
| `before`  | {Discorb::ScheduledEvent} | The scheduled event before the edit. |
| `after`   | {Discorb::ScheduledEvent} | The scheduled event after the edit.  |

#### `scheduled_event_start(event)`

Fires when a scheduled event is started.

| Parameter | Type                      | Description                       |
| --------- | ------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::ScheduledEvent} | The scheduled event that started. |

#### `scheduled_event_end(event)`

Fires when a scheduled event is ended.

| Parameter | Type                      | Description                     |
| --------- | ------------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::ScheduledEvent} | The scheduled event that ended. |

### Automod events

#### `auto_moderation_rule_create(rule)`

Fires when an auto moderation rule is created.

| Parameter | Type                   | Description                       |
| --------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| `rule`    | {Discorb::AutoModRule} | The created auto moderation rule. |

#### `auto_moderation_rule_update(rule)`

Fires when an auto moderation rule is updated.

| Parameter | Type                   | Description                       |
| --------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| `rule`    | {Discorb::AutoModRule} | The updated auto moderation rule. |

#### `auto_moderation_rule_delete(rule)`

Fires when an auto moderation rule is deleted.

| Parameter | Type                   | Description                       |
| --------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| `rule`    | {Discorb::AutoModRule} | The deleted auto moderation rule. |

#### `auto_moderation_action_execution(event)`

| Parameter | Type                                                   | Description                |
| --------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------- |
| `event`   | {Discorb::Gateway::AutoModerationActionExecutionEvent} | The auto moderation event. |

### Low-level events

#### `guild_create(guild)`

Fires when `GUILD_CREATE` is received.

| Parameter | Type             | Description             |
| --------- | ---------------- | ----------------------- |
| `guild`   | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild of the event. |

#### `guild_delete(guild)`

Fires when `GUILD_DELETE` is received.

| Parameter | Type             | Description             |
| --------- | ---------------- | ----------------------- |
| `guild`   | {Discorb::Guild} | The guild of the event. |

#### `thread_create(thread)`

Fires when `THREAD_CREATE` is received.

| Parameter | Type                     | Description              |
| --------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------ |
| `thread`  | {Discorb::ThreadChannel} | The thread of the event. |

#### `scheduled_event_update(before, after)`

Fires when `SCHEDULED_EVENT_UPDATE` is received.

| Parameter | Type                      | Description                            |
| --------- | ------------------------- | -------------------------------------- |
| `before`  | {Discorb::ScheduledEvent} | The scheduled event before the update. |
| `after`   | {Discorb::ScheduledEvent} | The scheduled event after the update.  |