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module Discorb
  # Represents a allowed mentions in a message.
  class AllowedMentions
    # Initializes a new instance of the AllowedMentions class.
    # @param [Boolean] everyone Whether to allow @everyone or @here.
    # @param [Boolean, Array<Discorb::Role>] roles The roles to allow, or false to disable.
    # @param [Boolean, Array<Discorb::User>] users The users to allow, or false to disable.
    # @param [Boolean] replied_user Whether to ping the user that sent the message to reply.
    def initialize: (
      ?everyone: bool?,
      ?roles: (bool | ::Array[Discorb::Role])?,
      ?users: (bool | ::Array[Discorb::User])?,
      ?replied_user: bool?
    ) -> void

    def inspect: -> String

    # Converts the object to a hash.
    # @private
    # @param [Discorb::AllowedMentions, nil] other The object to merge.
    # @return [Hash] The hash.
    def to_hash: (?Discorb::AllowedMentions? other) -> ::Hash[untyped, untyped]

    def nil_merge: (*untyped args) -> untyped

    # @return [Boolean] Whether to allow @everyone or @here.
    attr_accessor everyone: bool?

    # @return [Boolean, Array<Discorb::Role>] The roles to allow, or false to disable.
    attr_accessor roles: (bool | ::Array[Discorb::Role])?

    # @return [Boolean, Array<Discorb::User>] The users to allow, or false to disable.
    attr_accessor users: (bool | ::Array[Discorb::User])?

    # @return [Boolean] Whether to ping the user that sent the message to reply.
    attr_accessor replied_user: bool?