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Test Coverage
module Discorb
  # Represents a text channel.
  class TextChannel < Discorb::GuildChannel
    include Discorb::Messageable

    # Edits the channel.
    # @async
    # @macro edit
    # @param [String] name The name of the channel.
    # @param [Integer] position The position of the channel.
    # @param [Discorb::CategoryChannel, nil] category The parent of channel. Specify `nil` to remove the parent.
    # @param [Discorb::CategoryChannel, nil] parent Alias of `category`.
    # @param [String] topic The topic of the channel.
    # @param [Boolean] nsfw Whether the channel is nsfw.
    # @param [Boolean] announce Whether the channel is announce channel.
    # @param [Integer] rate_limit_per_user The rate limit per user (Slowmode) in the channel.
    # @param [Integer] slowmode Alias of `rate_limit_per_user`.
    # @param [Integer] default_auto_archive_duration The default auto archive duration of the channel.
    # @param [Integer] archive_in Alias of `default_auto_archive_duration`.
    # @param [String] reason The reason of editing the channel.
    # @return [Async::Task<self>] The edited channel.
    def edit: (
      ?name: String,
      ?position: Integer,
      ?category: Discorb::CategoryChannel?,
      ?parent: Discorb::CategoryChannel?,
      ?topic: String,
      ?nsfw: bool,
      ?announce: bool,
      ?rate_limit_per_user: Integer,
      ?slowmode: Integer,
      ?default_auto_archive_duration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080,
      ?archive_in: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080,
      ?reason: String?
    ) -> Async::Task[self]

    # Create webhook in the channel.
    # @async
    # @param [String] name The name of the webhook.
    # @param [Discorb::Image] avatar The avatar of the webhook.
    # @return [Async::Task<Discorb::Webhook::IncomingWebhook>] The created webhook.
    def create_webhook: (
      String name,
      ?avatar: Discorb::Image?
    ) -> Async::Task[Discorb::Webhook::IncomingWebhook]

    # Fetch webhooks in the channel.
    # @async
    # @return [Async::Task<Array<Discorb::Webhook>>] The webhooks in the channel.
    def fetch_webhooks: -> Async::Task[::Array[Discorb::Webhook]]

    # Bulk delete messages in the channel.
    # @async
    # @param [Discorb::Message] messages The messages to delete.
    # @param [Boolean] force Whether to ignore the validation for message (14 days limit).
    # @return [Async::Task<void>] The task.
    def delete_messages:
      (*Discorb::Message messages, ?force: bool) -> Async::Task[void]
      | (*Array[Discorb::Message] messages, ?force: bool) -> Async::Task[void]

    # Follow the existing announcement channel.
    # @async
    # @param [Discorb::NewsChannel] target The channel to follow.
    # @param [String] reason The reason of following the channel.
    # @return [Async::Task<void>] The task.
    def follow_from: (
      Discorb::NewsChannel target,
      ?reason: String?
    ) -> Async::Task[void]

    # Start thread in the channel.
    # @async
    # @param [String] name The name of the thread.
    # @param [Discorb::Message] message The message to start the thread.
    # @param [:hour, :day, :three_days, :week] auto_archive_duration The duration of auto-archiving.
    # @param [Boolean] public Whether the thread is public.
    # @param [Integer] rate_limit_per_user The rate limit per user.
    # @param [Integer] slowmode Alias of `rate_limit_per_user`.
    # @param [String] reason The reason of starting the thread.
    # @return [Async::Task<Discorb::ThreadChannel>] The started thread.
    def start_thread: (
      String name,
      ?message: Discorb::Message?,
      ?auto_archive_duration: Symbol?,
      ?public: bool,
      ?rate_limit_per_user: Integer?,
      ?slowmode: Integer?,
      ?reason: String?
    ) -> Async::Task[Discorb::ThreadChannel]

    # Fetch archived threads in the channel.
    # @async
    # @return [Async::Task<Array<Discorb::ThreadChannel>>] The archived threads in the channel.
    def fetch_archived_public_threads: -> Async::Task[::Array[Discorb::ThreadChannel]]

    # Fetch archived private threads in the channel.
    # @async
    # @return [Async::Task<Array<Discorb::ThreadChannel>>] The archived private threads in the channel.
    def fetch_archived_private_threads: -> Async::Task[::Array[Discorb::ThreadChannel]]

    # Fetch joined archived private threads in the channel.
    # @async
    # @param [Integer] limit The limit of threads to fetch.
    # @param [Time] before <description>
    # @return [Async::Task<Array<Discorb::ThreadChannel>>] The joined archived private threads in the channel.
    def fetch_joined_archived_private_threads: (
      ?limit: Integer?,
      ?before: Time?
    ) -> Async::Task[::Array[Discorb::ThreadChannel]]

    # @return [String] The topic of the channel.
    attr_reader topic: String

    # @return [Boolean] Whether the channel is nsfw.
    attr_reader nsfw: bool

    # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The id of the last message.
    attr_reader last_message_id: Discorb::Snowflake

    # @return [Integer] The rate limit per user (Slowmode) in the channel.
    attr_reader rate_limit_per_user: Integer

    # @return [Time] The time when the last pinned message was pinned.
    attr_reader last_pin_timestamp: Time

    # @return [Integer] The default value of duration of auto archive.
    attr_reader default_auto_archive_duration: 60 | 1440 | 4320 | 10080

    # @!attribute [r] threads
    #   @return [Array<Discorb::ThreadChannel>] The threads in the channel.
    attr_reader threads: untyped