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module Discorb
  # A module for Discord Gateway.
  # This module is internal use only.
  module Gateway
    # Represents an event.
    # @abstract
    class GatewayEvent
      # Initializes a new instance of the GatewayEvent class.
      # @private
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (Discorb::json data) -> void

      def inspect: -> String

    # Represents a reaction event.
    class ReactionEvent < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # Initializes a new instance of the ReactionEvent class.
      # @private
      # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client that instantiated the object.
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (Discorb::Client client, Discorb::json data) -> void

      # Fetch the message.
      # If message is cached, it will be returned.
      # @async
      # @param [Boolean] force Whether to force fetching the message.
      # @return [Async::Task<Discorb::Message>] The message.
      def fetch_message: (?force: bool) -> Async::Task[Discorb::Message]

      # @return [Hash] The raw data of the event.
      attr_reader data: Discorb::json

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the user who reacted.
      attr_reader user_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the channel the message was sent in.
      attr_reader channel_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the message.
      attr_reader message_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the guild the message was sent in.
      attr_reader guild_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel the message was sent in.
      attr_reader channel: Discorb::Channel?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild the message was sent in.
      attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Message] The message the reaction was sent in.
      attr_reader message: Discorb::Message?

      # @return [Discorb::UnicodeEmoji, Discorb::PartialEmoji] The emoji that was reacted with.
      attr_reader emoji: Discorb::UnicodeEmoji | Discorb::PartialEmoji

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::User, Discorb::Member] The user that is typing.
      attr_reader user: Discorb::Member | Discorb::User
      alias member user

    # Represents a `INTEGRATION_DELETE` event.
    class IntegrationDeleteEvent < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # Initialize a new instance of the IntegrationDeleteEvent class.
      # @private
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (untyped _client, Discorb::json data) -> void

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the integration.
      attr_reader id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild of the integration.
      attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::User] The user associated with the integration.
      attr_reader user: Discorb::User?

    # Represents a `MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL` event.
    class ReactionRemoveAllEvent < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # Initialize a new instance of the ReactionRemoveAllEvent class.
      # @private
      # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client that instantiated the object.
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (Discorb::Client client, Discorb::json data) -> void

      # Fetch the message.
      # If message is cached, it will be returned.
      # @async
      # @param [Boolean] force Whether to force fetching the message.
      # @return [Async::Task<Discorb::Message>] The message.
      def fetch_message: (?force: bool) -> Async::Task[Discorb::Message]

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the channel the message was sent in.
      attr_reader channel_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the message.
      attr_reader message_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the guild the message was sent in.
      attr_reader guild_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel the message was sent in.
      attr_reader channel: Discorb::Channel?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild the message was sent in.
      attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Message] The message the reaction was sent in.
      attr_reader message: Discorb::Message?

    # Represents a `MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI` event.
    class ReactionRemoveEmojiEvent < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # Initialize a new instance of the ReactionRemoveEmojiEvent class.
      # @private
      # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client that instantiated the object.
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (Discorb::Client client, Discorb::json data) -> void

      # Fetch the message.
      # If message is cached, it will be returned.
      # @async
      # @param [Boolean] force Whether to force fetching the message.
      # @return [Async::Task<Discorb::Message>] The message.
      def fetch_message: (?force: bool) -> Async::Task[Discorb::Message]

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the channel the message was sent in.
      attr_reader channel_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the message.
      attr_reader message_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the guild the message was sent in.
      attr_reader guild_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel the message was sent in.
      attr_reader channel: Discorb::Channel?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild the message was sent in.
      attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Message] The message the reaction was sent in.
      attr_reader message: Discorb::Message?

      # @return [Discorb::UnicodeEmoji, Discorb::PartialEmoji] The emoji that was reacted with.
      attr_reader emoji: Discorb::UnicodeEmoji | Discorb::PartialEmoji

    class ScheduledEventUserEvent < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # Initialize a new instance of the ScheduledEventUserEvent class.
      # @private
      # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client that instantiated the object.
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (Discorb::Client client, Discorb::json data) -> void

      # @return [Discorb::User] The user that triggered the event.
      attr_reader user: Discorb::User

      # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild the event was triggered in.
      attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild

      # @return [Discorb::ScheduledEvent] The scheduled event.
      attr_reader scheduled_event: Discorb::ScheduledEvent

    # Represents a `MESSAGE_UPDATE` event.
    class MessageUpdateEvent < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # @!attribute [r] channel
      #   @macro client_cache
      #   @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel the message was sent in.
      # @!attribute [r] guild
      #   @macro client_cache
      #   @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild the message was sent in.
      def initialize: (
        untyped client,
        untyped data,
        untyped before,
        untyped after
      ) -> void

      # Fetch the message.
      # @async
      # @return [Async::Task<Discorb::Message>] The message.
      def fetch_message: -> Async::Task[Discorb::Message]

      # @return [Discorb::Message] The message before update.
      attr_reader before: Discorb::Message

      # @return [Discorb::Message] The message after update.
      attr_reader after: Discorb::Message

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the message.
      attr_reader id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the channel the message was sent in.
      attr_reader channel_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the guild the message was sent in.
      attr_reader guild_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [String] The new content of the message.
      attr_reader content: String

      # @return [Time] The time the message was edited.
      attr_reader timestamp: Time

      # @return [Boolean] Whether the message pings @everyone.
      attr_reader mention_everyone: bool

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Array<Discorb::Role>] The roles mentioned in the message.
      attr_reader mention_roles: ::Array[Discorb::Role]?

      # @return [Array<Discorb::Attachment>] The attachments in the message.
      attr_reader attachments: ::Array[Discorb::Attachment]

      # @return [Array<Discorb::Embed>] The embeds in the message.
      attr_reader embeds: ::Array[Discorb::Embed]

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel the message was sent in.
      attr_reader channel: Discorb::Channel?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild the message was sent in.
      attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild?

    # Represents a message but it has only ID.
    class UnknownDeleteBulkMessage < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # Initialize a new instance of the UnknownDeleteBulkMessage class.
      # @private
      # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client that instantiated the object.
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (
        Discorb::Client client,
        _ToS id,
        Discorb::json data
      ) -> void

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the message.
      attr_reader id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel the message was sent in.
      attr_reader channel: Discorb::Channel?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild the message was sent in.
      attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild?

    # Represents a `INVITE_DELETE` event.
    class InviteDeleteEvent < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # Initialize a new instance of the InviteDeleteEvent class.
      # @private
      # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client that instantiated the object.
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (Discorb::Client client, Discorb::json data) -> void

      # @return [String] The invite code.
      attr_reader code: String

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel the message was sent in.
      attr_reader channel: Discorb::Channel?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild the message was sent in.
      attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild?

    # Represents a `TYPING_START` event.
    class TypingStartEvent < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # Initialize a new instance of the TypingStartEvent class.
      # @private
      # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client that instantiated the object.
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (Discorb::Client client, Discorb::json data) -> void

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the channel the user is typing in.
      attr_reader user_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel the user is typing in.
      attr_reader channel: Discorb::Channel?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild the user is typing in.
      attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::User, Discorb::Member] The user that is typing.
      attr_reader user: Discorb::Member | Discorb::User
      alias member user

    # Represents a message pin event.
    class MessagePinEvent < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # @!attribute [r] pinned?
      #   @return [Boolean] Whether the message was pinned.
      # @!attribute [r] unpinned?
      #   @return [Boolean] Whether the message was unpinned.
      def initialize: (untyped client, untyped data, untyped message) -> void

      # @return [Discorb::Message] The message that was pinned.
      attr_reader message: Discorb::Message

      # @return [:pinned, :unpinned] The type of event.
      attr_reader type: Symbol

      # @return [Boolean] Whether the message was pinned.
      attr_reader pinned?: bool

      # @return [Boolean] Whether the message was unpinned.
      attr_reader unpinned?: bool

    # Represents a `WEBHOOKS_UPDATE` event.
    class WebhooksUpdateEvent < Discorb::Gateway::GatewayEvent
      # Initialize a new instance of the WebhooksUpdateEvent class.
      # @private
      # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client that instantiated the object.
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (Discorb::Client client, Discorb::json data) -> void

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel where the webhook was updated.
      attr_reader channel: Discorb::Channel?

      # @macro client_cache
      # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild where the webhook was updated.
      attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild?

    # Represents a `AUTO_MODERATION_ACTION_EXECUTION` event.
    class AutoModerationActionExecutionEvent < GatewayEvent
      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The id of the rule.
      attr_reader rule_id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [Symbol] The type of action that was executed.
      attr_reader rule_trigger_type: Discorb::AutoModRule::trigger_type

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The id of the message that triggered the action.
      # @return [nil] If the message was deleted.
      attr_reader message_id: Discorb::Snowflake?

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The id of the system message that was sent.
      # @return [nil] If the system message channel was not set.
      attr_reader alert_system_message_id: Discorb::Snowflake?

      # @return [String] The content of the message that was sent.
      attr_reader content: String

      # @return [String] The keyword that triggered the action.
      # @return [nil] If the action was not triggered by a keyword.
      attr_reader matched_keyword: String?

      # @return [String] The content that triggered the action.
      # @return [nil] If the action was not triggered by a keyword.
      attr_reader matched_content: String?

      # @return [Discorb::AutoModRule::Action] The action that was executed.
      attr_reader action: Discorb::AutoModRule::Action

      # Initialize a new instance of the AutoModerationActionExecutionEvent class.
      # @private
      # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client that instantiated the object.
      # @param [Hash] data The data of the event.
      def initialize: (Discorb::Client client, Discorb::json data) -> void

      # @!attribute [r] guild
      #   @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild where the rule was executed.
      def guild: -> Discorb::Guild

      # @!attribute [r] channel
      #   @return [Discorb::Channel] The channel where the rule was executed.
      def channel: -> Discorb::Channel

      # @!attribute [r] member
      #   @return [Discorb::Member] The member that triggered the action.
      def member: -> Discorb::Member

      alias user member

    # A module to handle gateway events.
    module Handler
      def connect_gateway: (untyped reconnect) -> untyped

      def send_gateway: (untyped opcode, **untyped value) -> untyped

      def handle_gateway: (untyped payload, untyped reconnect) -> untyped

      def handle_heartbeat: -> untyped

      def handle_event: (untyped event_name, untyped data) -> untyped

      def ready: -> untyped

    # A class for connecting websocket with raw bytes data.
    # @private
    class RawConnection < Async::WebSocket::Connection
      def inspect: -> String

      def closed?: -> bool

      def close: -> untyped

      def force_close: -> untyped

      def io: -> untyped

      def parse: (untyped buffer) -> untyped

      def dump: (untyped object) -> untyped