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Test Coverage
module Discorb
  # Represents a integration.
  class Integration < Discorb::DiscordModel
    EXPIRE_BEHAVIOR: Hash[Integer, Symbol]

    # Initialize a new integration.
    # @private
    # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client.
    # @param [Hash] data The data of the welcome screen.
    # @param [Discorb::Guild] guild The guild this integration is in.
    def initialize: (
      Discorb::Client client,
      Discorb::json data,
      _ToS guild_id
    ) -> void

    # Delete the integration.
    # @async
    # @param [String] reason The reason for deleting the integration.
    # @return [Async::Task<void>] The task.
    def delete: (?reason: String?) -> Async::Task[void]

    # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the integration.
    attr_reader id: Discorb::Snowflake

    # @return [Symbol] The type of integration.
    attr_reader type: Symbol

    # @return [Boolean] Whether the integration is enabled.
    attr_reader enabled: bool

    # @return [Boolean] Whether the integration is syncing.
    attr_reader syncing: bool

    # @return [Boolean] Whether the integration is enabled emoticons.
    attr_reader enable_emoticons: bool

    # @return [:remove_role, :kick] The behavior of the integration when it expires.
    attr_reader expire_behavior: Symbol

    # @return [Integer] The grace period of the integration.
    attr_reader expire_grace_period: Integer

    # @return [Discorb::User] The user for the integration.
    attr_reader user: Discorb::User

    # @return [Discorb::Integration::Account] The account for the integration.
    attr_reader account: Discorb::Integration::Account

    # @return [Integer] The number of subscribers for the integration.
    attr_reader subscriber_count: Integer

    # @return [Boolean] Whether the integration is revoked.
    attr_reader revoked: bool

    # @return [Discorb::Application] The application for the integration.
    attr_reader application: Discorb::Application

    # @macro client_cache
    # @return [Discorb::Guild] The guild this integration is in.
    attr_reader guild: Discorb::Guild?

    # Represents an account for an integration.
    class Account < Discorb::DiscordModel
      # Initialize a new account.
      # @private
      # @param [Hash] data The data from Discord.
      def initialize: (Discorb::json data) -> void

      # @return [String] The ID of the account.
      attr_reader id: String

      # @return [String] The name of the account.
      attr_reader name: String

    # Represents an application for an integration.
    class Application < Discorb::DiscordModel
      # Initialize a new application.
      # @private
      # @param [Discorb::Client] client The client.
      # @param [Hash] data The data from Discord.
      def initialize: (Discorb::Client client, Discorb::json data) -> void

      # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The ID of the application.
      attr_reader id: Discorb::Snowflake

      # @return [String] The name of the application.
      attr_reader name: String

      # @return [Asset] The icon of the application.
      # @return [nil] If the application has no icon.
      attr_reader icon: Asset?

      # @return [String] The description of the application.
      attr_reader description: String

      # @return [String] The summary of the application.
      attr_reader summary: String

      # @return [Discorb::User] The bot user associated with the application.
      # @return [nil] If the application has no bot user.
      attr_reader bot: Discorb::User?