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module Discorb
  class Interaction < Discorb::DiscordModel
    # A module for response with source.
    module SourceResponder
      # Response with `DEFERRED_CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE`(`5`).
      # @async
      # @param [Boolean] ephemeral Whether to make the response ephemeral.
      # @return [Async::Task<void>] The task.
      def defer_source: (?ephemeral: bool) -> Async::Task[void]

      # Response with `CHANNEL_MESSAGE_WITH_SOURCE`(`4`).
      # @async
      # @param [String] content The content of the response.
      # @param [Boolean] tts Whether to send the message as text-to-speech.
      # @param [Discorb::Embed] embed The embed to send.
      # @param [Array<Discorb::Embed>] embeds The embeds to send. (max: 10)
      # @param [Discorb::AllowedMentions] allowed_mentions The allowed mentions to send.
      # @param [Discorb::Attachment] attachment The attachment to send.
      # @param [Array<Discorb::Attachment>] attachments The attachments to send. (max: 10)
      # @param [Array<Discorb::Component>, Array<Array<Discorb::Component>>] components The components to send.
      # @param [Boolean] ephemeral Whether to make the response ephemeral.
      # @return [Discorb::Interaction::SourceResponder::CallbackMessage, Discorb::Webhook::Message]
      #   The callback message.
      def post: (
        ?String? content,
        ?tts: bool,
        ?embed: Discorb::Embed?,
        ?embeds: ::Array[Discorb::Embed]?,
        ?allowed_mentions: Discorb::AllowedMentions?,
        ?attachment: Discorb::Attachment?,
        ?attachments: ::Array[Discorb::Attachment]?,
        ?components: (::Array[Discorb::Component]
        | ::Array[::Array[Discorb::Component]])?,
        ?ephemeral: bool
      ) -> (Discorb::Interaction::CallbackMessage | Discorb::Webhook::Message)

    # Represents of a callback message of interaction.
    class CallbackMessage
      # Initializes a new instance of CallbackMessage.
      # @private
      # @param [Client] client The client.
      # @param [Hash] data The payload.
      # @param [String] application_id The application ID.
      # @param [String] token The token.
      def initialize: (
        Client client,
        Discorb::json data,
        String application_id,
        String token
      ) -> void

      # Edits the callback message.
      # @async
      # @macro edit
      # @param [String] content The new content of the message.
      # @param [Discorb::Embed] embed The new embed of the message.
      # @param [Array<Discorb::Embed>] embeds The new embeds of the message.
      # @param [Array<Discorb::Attachment>] attachments The attachments to remain.
      # @param [Discorb::Attachment] file The file to send.
      # @param [Array<Discorb::Attachment>] files The files to send.
      # @return [Async::Task<void>] The task.
      def edit: (
        ?String content,
        ?embed: Discorb::Embed,
        ?embeds: ::Array[Discorb::Embed],
        ?file: Discorb::Attachment,
        ?files: ::Array[Discorb::Attachment],
        ?attachments: ::Array[Discorb::Attachment]
      ) -> Async::Task[void]

      # Deletes the callback message.
      # @async
      # @note This will fail if the message is ephemeral.
      # @return [Async::Task<void>] The task.
      def delete: -> Async::Task[void]

      def inspect: -> String

    # A module for response with update.
    module UpdateResponder
      # Response with `DEFERRED_UPDATE_MESSAGE`(`6`).
      # @async
      # @param [Boolean] ephemeral Whether to make the response ephemeral.
      # @return [Async::Task<void>] The task.
      def defer_update: (?ephemeral: bool) -> Async::Task[void]

      # Response with `UPDATE_MESSAGE`(`7`).
      # @async
      # @param [String] content The content of the response.
      # @param [Boolean] tts Whether to send the message as text-to-speech.
      # @param [Discorb::Embed] embed The embed to send.
      # @param [Array<Discorb::Embed>] embeds The embeds to send. (max: 10)
      # @param [Discorb::AllowedMentions] allowed_mentions The allowed mentions to send.
      # @param [Array<Discorb::Component>, Array<Array<Discorb::Component>>] components The components to send.
      # @param [Boolean] ephemeral Whether to make the response ephemeral.
      # @return [Async::Task<void>] The task.
      def edit: (
        String content,
        ?tts: bool,
        ?embed: Discorb::Embed?,
        ?embeds: ::Array[Discorb::Embed]?,
        ?allowed_mentions: Discorb::AllowedMentions?,
        ?attachment: Discorb::Attachment?,
        ?attachments: ::Array[Discorb::Attachment]?,
        ?components: (::Array[Discorb::Component]
        | ::Array[::Array[Discorb::Component]])?,
        ?ephemeral: bool
      ) -> Async::Task[void]

    # A module for response with modal.
    module ModalResponder
      # Response with `MODAL`(`9`).
      # @param [String] title The title of the modal.
      # @param [String] custom_id The custom id of the modal.
      # @param [Array<Discorb::TextInput>] components The text inputs to send.
      # @return [Async::Task<void>] The task.
      def show_modal: (
        String title,
        String custom_id,
        ::Array[Discorb::TextInput] components
      ) -> Async::Task[void]