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# Discount Network


Ruby API client for Discount Network API

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "discountnetwork", "~> 0.1.1"

And then execute:

$ bundle

## Configure

Once you have your API keys from Discount Network, then you can add an initializer
to set up your API keys

DiscountNetwork.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

  # Default configurations
  # config.api_host = ""

## Usages

### Session

Session API allow you to authenticate a subscriber, create a new session or
destroying an existing session.

#### Create a new session

Creating a new session will verify the subscriber and return the `subscriber`
object with subscription details.

  name: "username", password: "secret_password"

### Account

#### Find user account

To retrieve the user account details using the Discount Network `account` API

# The `auth_token` is optional, if you don't pass any
# parameter then it will try to retrieve the subscriber
# using the `auth_token` configuration.


#### Create a user account

To create a new user account you can use the `Account.create` interface, but one
important things to remember that account creation is not available for all white
label, so if it's failing then most likely this feature is not supported on your
white label.


#### Update user account

Once the user is logged in and `auth_token` has been configured properly then
we can update the user details using the DiscountNetwork `account` API


### Activation

#### Find a subscriber

The `activation` offers an easier way to find the subscriber details based on
the `activation_token`. To find a `subscriber` use


#### Activate a subscriber

Once subscriber has provided their required information then we can activate
their account using the `Activation` API. The API already has validations in
place but it would be easier to implement some validation before sending any
activation API request.

  activation_token, subscriber_attributes

### Password

#### Forgot password

If the subscriber forgot their password then developer can allow them to reset
their password using the Discount network API.


#### Validate reset token

Before allowing subscriber to reset their password, developer can validate if
the reset token is valid or not as expired or invalid reset token won't allow
subscriber to reset their password.


#### Set new password

Once subscriber has submitted a valid reset request and followed the instruction
then we can allow them to set their password as follow

DiscountNetwork::Password.create(reset_token, password_attributes)

### Supplementary

Each Discount Network subscription comes with varies number of supplementary
subscribers, that means primary member can add one or more of this friends or
family member to his subscription. The supplementary API provides an easier
way to manage the supplementary subscribers. Please note, This interface expects
that the subscriber has already been authenticated before making any API call.

#### List supplementaries

To list all the supplementary subscribers for the authenticated subscriber
developer can use the `list` interface for supplementary.


#### Add supplementary

To add a new supplementary subscriber with authenticated subscriber's
subscription developer can use the `create` interface for supplementary.


# subscriber attributes
subscriber_attributes = {
  first_name: "John",
  last_name: "Green",
  phone: "+1 123 345 5678",
  email: ""

### Destination

#### List destinations

Retrieve the list of destinations based on a search term. This is useful when
you are planning to show the list of destinations while user start to type
destination name

DiscountNetwork::Destination.list(term: "bangkok")

### Search

#### Create new search

You can create a new search using the API. Please note: It's advisable to wait
10-15 seconds before trying to retrieve the search results.

  adults: 2,
  children: 0,
  room_numbers: 1
  location_id: 835,
  check_in: "25/10/2016",
  check_out: "28/10/2016",
  location_name: "Bangkok, Thailand",

#### Retrieve search details

Once, you have created a new search and you have the search id then you can
retrieve the search details as


### Result

#### Retrieve search results

Retrieve the hotel search results from the Discount Network API.

  search_id: search_id

#### Retrieve a hotel details

Retrieve the hotel details for a specific search

  search_id: search_id, hotel_id: hotel_id

### Booking

#### Creating a new booking

Submit a new booking request for a specific hotel using the API.

# Creating a new booking request for a specific hotel, Pay close
# attention to the construction of the booking object
# If you want to add multiple travellers in one booking then
# pass an Array for travellers as
# `travellers: [traveller_one_attributes, traveller_two_attributes]`
# If you need to add multiple properties in one request, like one
# hotel and a condo in one booking request, then pass an Array as
#`properties: [property_one_attributes, property_two_attributes]`

  hotel_id: "hotel_id",
  search_id: "search_id",
  travellers: traveller_attributes,
  properties: property_attributes

# Traveller attributes

traveller_attributes = {
  first_name: "John",
  last_name: "Doe",
  phone: "012 345 6789",
  email: "",
  address: "123 Main Street",
  city: "New York",
  state: "New York",
  zip: "NY10310"

# Property attributes

property_attributes = {
  property_id: "property_101",
  provider_name: "",
  name: "Nasa Vagas, Thailand",
  price: "100.99",
  description: "Description",
  review_score: "90",
  total_reviews: "10000",
  currency_code: "USD"

### Find a booking

To find the details for a specific booking request, including the confirmation
number, use


### Providers

Discount Network partnered with multiple vendors to provide the best possible
price in all sort of travel. This will allow developer to add those public
provider in their site and let their subscriber search and contact the support
to receive their subscriber discount.

#### Retrieving providers

This will allow developer to retrieve all of the specified public travel partner
so they can show them to their site. Note: They `type` is mandatory and
the supported value for `type` are `hotel`, `cruise`, `resort`, `tour`, `package`
and `car`.

DiscountNetwork::Provider.where(type: "hotel")

### Find a provider

On the provider listing API, one of the most important `attribute` the API
returns is `slug`, we can use that `slug` to retrieve the details about any
specific provider.


## Development

We are following Sandi Metz's Rules for this gem, you can read the
[description of the rules here]
( All new code should follow these rules. If you make changes in a pre-existing
file that violates these rules you should fix the violations as part of
your contribution.

### Setup

* Clone the repository.

git clone

* Setup your environment.


* Run the test suite


### PlayBox

* Setup API keys.

cp .sample.pryrc .pryrc
vim .pryrc

* Start your console.


* Start playing with it.

DiscountNetwork::Session.create(name: "username", password: "password")

## Testing

### RSpec

This gem provides an easier way to test Discount Network API Responses. Simply
include the following line in your `spec_helper` and you should have access to
all of the test helpers.

require "discountnetwork/rspec"

## Contributing

First, thank you for contributing! We love pull requests from everyone. By
participating in this project, you hereby grant the right to grant or transfer
an unlimited number of non exclusive licenses or sub-licenses to third parties,
under the copyright covering the contribution to use the contribution by all

Here are a few technical guidelines to follow:

1. Open an [issue][issues] to discuss a new feature.
1. Write tests to support your new feature.
1. Make sure the entire test suite passes locally and on CI.
1. Open a Pull Request.
1. [Squash your commits][squash] after receiving feedback.
1. Party!


## License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](