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Test Coverage
# Description of variables
builds: [src, reference1, reference2, ..., dst]     # List of all involved builds (src, references and dst), where each item must contain at lest:

    reference1: {
        build: 57   # build number
        machine: testmachine.example.org     # Full machine name
        machine_url: http://beaker.example.org/view/testmachine.example.org     # url to machine
        url: "https://jenkins.example.org/view/runperf/job/rp-testmachine/57"  # url to build results
        distro: Fedora-32     # Host distribution version
        distro_short: A                 # Short version of distro (usuall A, A, B, ... where all A-s are the same)
        guest_distro: DISTRO            # Guest distro (DISTRO == the same as distro)
        runperf_version: 04ef7ec9f93fc3929e82d413cccf8230222b3382   # Sha of the runperf version
        runperf_cmd: "python3 scripts/run-perf -vvv --hosts testmachine.example.org --distro DISTRO --remote --beaker --default-password password --profiles DefaultLibvirt TunedLibvirt -- fio uperf"  # command that generated those results
        runperf_cmd_short: "A"  # Short version of the cmd (usually A, A, A, B, ... where all A-s share the same cmd and B-s are different than A-s)
        environment: {'world': {'rpm': 'foo-1.0\nbar-2.0', 'kernel': ...}   # raw environment of this build (comes from runperf METADATA)
        environment_diff: {'world': ['SOME\n====\n+line\n-line'], ...}    # diff of the environment compare to src build (per machine)
        environment_short: {'world': ['A'], 'profile': ['B'], ...}  # Short version of the environment where the same letters share the same raw environment (per machine)
        environment_diff_sections: {'world': [1], 'profile': [5], ...}  # How many sections contain non-empty diff (per machine)
        failures: 3     # Number of failures in this build
        group_failures: 0   # Number of group failures in this build
        errors: 3    # Number of errors (provisioning/runtime/... issues)
        total: 357      # Overall number of checks
        score: 31       # Overall build score (calculated from failures, group_failures, ...
        relative_score: 2   # Relative score to other builds (sorted list 0-n), multiple same entries possible

src: {  # Base build info
    build: 57   # build number
    url: "https://jenkins.example.org/view/runperf/job/rp-testmachine/57"  # url to build results
    distro: "Fedora-32"     # Used distro
    guest_distro: "DISTRO"        # guest distro (or DISTRO when matching)
    description: "linear model from builds 57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66 using 4% tolerances"     # Human description of the src data and/or model used for comparison

dst: {  # Target build info
    build: 71   # build number
    url: "https://jenkins.example.org/view/runperf/job/rp-testmachine/71"  # url to build results
    distro: "Fedora-32"     # Used distro
    guest_distro: "DISTRO"    # guest distro (or DISTRO when matching)
    list_of_failures: [{...}, {...}, ...]   # list of failure details
    list_of_group_failures: [{...}, {...}, ...]     # list of group failures, where:
        failure: {
            summary: "DefaultLibvirt/uperf/0000:./tcp_stream-64B-64i/throughput/Gb_sec.stddev (BIG model 23.36%>10.0% GOOD mraw -2.58%~~10.0%, raw -2.11%~~10.0%)"      # Human readable summary of the failure
            facts: ["No failure in reference builds", "No DefaultLibvirt/uperf/0000:./tcp_stream-* failures in reference builds"]       # List of extra facts about the failure

charts: ["Section name", {...}, {...}, "Section name", {...}, ...]   # dict of charts and section names, where:
    "Section name": "Overall charts"    # String means it's not a chart, but section divider
    chart: {   # Details about individual chart
        id: "averages"  # Id of the chart
                        # when chart name endswith "_cont", it's displayed in-line with the previous chart(s)
        type: "area"  # type of the chart (line|area|...)
        description: "Average values per section"   # description of the chart
        xAxis: ["57", "67", "68", "69", "70", "71"]     # X axis item names
        xAxisDescription: "Builds"  # X axis description
        YAxisDescription: "Percentage"  # Description of X axis
        stacked: False  # Whether to stack series on top of each others
        backgroundColor: "white"    # Background color
        series: [{...}, {...}, ...]   # list of series (defined below)
        invisible: False    # Make it invisible by default (optional)

    serie: {
        name: "avg_equals"  # name of the serie
        color: "red"    # HTML color (optional)
        data: [3, 8, 5, 5, 3, 2]     # Values
        invisible: False    # Make it invisible by default (optional)

builds_statuses: [results_of_test1, results_of_test2, ...]  # List of results of all tests of all builds
results_of_test1: [test_name, result_of_build1, result_of_build2, ...]
result_of_build1: (-1, "foo", -3.1, ("short_version_of_params", "full_version_of_params", ...))    # where:
    # -1 is a build status, which should be in status_map and str_status_map
    # "foo" is the description of the failure/pass
    # -3.1 is the build score (%.1f)
    # (short_version_of_params, full_version_of_params) is an optional warning that will be marked by
    # :wrench: icon. The "short_version_of_params" will be displayed as a tooltip on hover and the
    # "full_version_of_params" will be stored in clipboard on click.
    # optionally params might contain 3rd item [MMAX, MMIN], where:
        # MMAX is model maximal acceptable result
        # MMIN is model minimal acceptable result

filters: {category: [tag1, tag2, ...], "profiles": ["TunedLibvirt", "DefaultLibvirt"], ...}     # filters based on test name, always have to be unique and are used mainly in table_of_failures

group_statuses: [group_results_1, group_results_2, ...]  # List of group results of all builds
group_results_1: [test_name, result_of_build1, result_of_build2, ...]
result_of_build1: (-1, "GOOD raw\n...", -3.1)    # where
    # -1 is a build status, which should be in status_map and str_status_map
    # "GOOD raw\n..." is the description of the failure/pass
    # -3.1 is the build score (%.1f)

profiles: [profile1, profile2, ...]  # List of profiles used to run tests on
with_charts: False  # Whether to include graphs (they are nice but consume a lot of space)

# Description of extra rules
* chart_* HTML ids are reserved for list of charts
* chart ids must be unique
* chart_section_* HTML ids are reserved for list of chart sections
* chart section names must be unique
* table_of_failures* are reserved for table_of_failures handling
* table_of_failures_button* are reserved for name-filtering button ids
* table_of_group_failures* are reserved for table_of_group_failures handling
* table_of_group_failures_button* are reserved for group failures name-filtering button ids
* status_* classes are intended for reported test statuses
* any_status_* classes also maps to status_* but indicates any of the items are of those status
* env_*-raw are reserved for the basic overview table's environment divs