# Contributing to this project
1. [Contributing](#contributing)
1. [Submitting an Issue](#issues)
1. [Submitting a Pull Request](#pull-requests)
## Contributing
Thank you for your interest in contributing to this project. There are several
ways to help out, even if you've never worked on an open source project before.
* If you've found a bug or want to request a feature, you can report it by
[posting an issue] - be sure to read the [guidelines](#issues) first!
* If you want to contribute your own work (be it code or documentation), please
read the [guidelines](#pull-requests) for submitting a pull request.
* **If you want to report a security issue, please read
[the Security guidelines]( first!**
## Issues
Issues are intended for reporting bugs and weird behaviour or suggesting
improvements to this project.
Before you submit an issue, please go through the following checklist:
* Search through existing issues (*including closed issues!*) first: you might
be able to get your answer there.
* Double check your issue manually, because it could be an external issue.
* What providers are you using?
* If you post logs, please use pastebin or github gist to store them!
* Give a short step by step of how to reproduce the error.
* What browser are you using and on which OS if it's a front-end issue.
* Which system is this project deployed on if it's an application error.
The more relevant information you provide, the more likely that your issue will
be resolved.
## Pull Requests
Pull requests are intended for contributing code or documentation to the
Before you submit a pull request, consider the following:
* Make sure your pull request is made for the *develop* branch (or relevant
feature branch).
* Have you tested your PR? If not, why?
* Does your PR have any limitations we should know of?
* Is your PR up-to-date with the branch you're trying to push into?
* Is your code in check with the [PSR-2 Coding Style Guide].
[posting an issue]:
[PSR-2 Coding Style Guide]: