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Test Coverage
name: "\U0001F4D8 Documentation report"
about: 'Something isn''t described correctly in the documentation or needs to be updated?
  Here is the right place to report. '
title: "[DOC]"
labels: 'component: documentation'
assignees: ''


Please fill in each section below, otherwise, your issue will be closed.
This info allows django CMS maintainers to diagnose (and fix!) your issue
as quickly as possible.

## Description

If this is a security issue stop immediately and follow the instructions at:

## Screenshots

<!--If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

## Additional information (CMS/Python/Django versions)

Add any other context about the problem such as environment,
CMS/Python/Django versions, logs etc. here.

## Do you want to help fix this documentation issue?

The django CMS project is managed and kept alive by its open source community and is backed by the [django CMS Association](https://www.django-cms.org/en/about-us/). We therefore welcome any help and are grateful if people contribute to the project. Please use 'x' to check the items below.

* [ ] Yes, I want to help fix this issue and I will join #workgroup-documentation on [Slack](https://www.django-cms.org/slack) to confirm with the team that a PR is welcome. 
* [ ] No, I only want to report the issue.