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.. _upgrade-to-3.1.4:

3.1.4 release notes

What's new in 3.1.4

Bug Fixes

- Fixed a problem in ``0010_migrate_use_structure.py`` that broke some migration paths to Django 1.8
- Fixed ``fix_tree`` command
- Removed some warnings for Django 1.9
- Fixed issue causing plugins to move when using scroll bar of plugin menu in Firefox & IE
- Fixed JavaScript error when using ``PageSelectWidget``
- Fixed whitespace markup issues in draft mode
- Added plugin migrations layout detection in tests
- Fixed some treebeard corruption issues

Treebeard corruption

Prior to 3.1.4 deleting pages could lead to some non-fatal tree corruptions, raising an error when
publishing, deleting, or moving pages.

To fix these problems, upgrade to 3.1.4 and then run ``manage.py cms fix-tree`` command to
repair the tree.