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.. _upgrade-to-3.10.0:

3.10.0 release notes

This release focuses on Python 3.10, node 16 (for build system), and bug fixes.

What's new in 3.10.0

* Add support for Django 3.2 LTS version
* Page changed_date added to the Page tree admin actions dropdown template #6701 (#7046) (73cbbdb00) -- Vladimir Kuvandjiev
* Allow recursive template extending in placeholders (#6564) (fed6fe54d) -- Stefan Wehrmeyer
* Added ability to set placeholder global limit on children only (#6847) (18e146495) -- G3RB3N
* Replaced Travis.CI with Github Actions (#7000) (0f33b5839) -- Vinit Kumar
* Added support for Github Actions based CI.
* Added Support for testing frontend, docs, test and linting in different/parallel CI pipelines.
* Added django-treebeard 4.5.1 support, previously pinned django-treebeard<4.5 to avoid breaking changes introduced
* Improved performance of ``cms list plugins`` command
* Page changed date added to the Page tree admin actions dropdown

Bug Fixes:

* using .nvmrc to target the right nvm version (3e5227def) -- Florian Delizy
* Fixed an issue where the wrong page title was returned (#6466) (3a0c4d26e) -- Alexandre Joly
* Add toolbar fix for broken CMS in the release 3.10.x -- Vinit Kumar
* Fixed #6413: migrations 0019 and 0020 on multi db setups (#6708) (826d57f0f) -- Petr Glotov
* Added fix to migrations to handle multi database routing (#6721) (98658a909) -- Michael Anckaert
* Fixed issue where default fallbacks is not used when it's an empty list (#6795) (5d21fa5eb) -- Arjan de Pooter
* Fixed prefix_default_language = False redirect behavior (#6851) (34a26bd1b) -- Radek Stępień
* Fix not checking slug uniqueness on page move (#6958) (5976d393a) -- Iacopo Spalletti
* Fixed DontUsePageAttributeWarning message (#6734) (45383888e) -- carmenkow
* Fixed Cache not invalidated when using a PlaceholderField outside the CMS #6912 (#6956) (3ce63d7d3) -- Benjamin PIERRE
* Fixed unexpected behavior get_page_from_request (#6974) (#6073) (52f926e0d) -- Yuriy Mamaev
* Fixed django treebeard 4.5.1 compatibility (#6988) (eeb86fd70) -- Aiky30
* Fixed Bad Title.path in Multilanguage sites if parent slug is created or modified (#6968) (6e7b0ae48) -- fp4code
* Fixed redirect issues when i18n_patterns had prefix_default_language = False
* Fixed not checking slug uniqueness when moving a page
* Fixed builds on RTD
* Fixed the cache not being invalidated when updating a PlaceholderField in a custom model
* Fixed 66622 bad Title.path in multilingual sites when parent slug is created or modified
* Fixed 6973 bag with unexpected behavior ``get_page_from_request``
* Fixed migrations with multiple databases
* Fix styles issues, caused by switching to the ``display: flex`` on the page tree renderer.
* Fixed missing builtin arguments on main ``cms`` management command causing it to crash
* Fixed template label nested translation
* Fixed a bug where the fallback page title would be returned instead of the one from the current language
* Fixed an issue when running migrations on a multi database project

How to upgrade to 3.10.0

We assume you are upgrading from django CMS 3.9.0.

Please make sure that your current database is consistent and in a healthy
state, and **make a copy of the database before proceeding further.**

Check your settings of `CMS_LANGUAGES` (if used), as it was ignored by default in preceding versions.
For more information, please see: https://github.com/django-cms/django-cms/pull/6795

Then run::

    python manage.py migrate  # to ensure that your database is up-to-date with migrations
    python manage.py cms fix-tree

Check custom code and third-party applications for use of deprecated or removed functionality or
APIs (see above). Some third-party components may need to be updated.

Install the new version of django CMS from GitHub or via pip.


    python manage.py migrate

to apply the new migrations.