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# Laravel Grammar
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Laravel Grammar allows you detect the part of speech of a word. It returns an array of parts of speech a word belong to.

- [Laravel Grammar](#laravel-grammar)
    - [Installation](#installation)
        - [Laravel 5.5 and above](#laravel-55-and-above)
        - [Laravel 5.4 and older](#laravel-54-and-older)
        - [Lumen](#lumen)
    - [Usage](#usage)
        - [All parts of speech](#get-all-parts-of-speech)
        - [Get part of speech](#get-word-part-of-speech)
    - [Contributing](#contributing)

## Installation

### Step 1
You can install the package via composer:

composer require djunehor/laravel-grammar

#### Laravel 5.5 and above

The package will automatically register itself, so you can start using it immediately.

#### Laravel 5.4 and older

In Laravel version 5.4 and older, you have to add the service provider in `config/app.php` file manually:

'providers' => [
    // ...
#### Lumen

After installing the package, you will have to register it in `bootstrap/app.php` file manually:
// Register Service Providers
    // ...

### Step 2 - Publishing files
`php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-grammar`
This will move the migration file, seeder file and config file to your app. You can change the entries table name in config/laravel-grammar.php

### Step 3 - Publishing files
- Run`php artisan migrate` to create the table.
- Run `php artisan db:seed --class=LaravelGrammarSeeder` to seed table

## Usage
use Djunehor\Grammar\Word;`

$grammar = new Word();

### Get All Parts of Speech
$partsOfSpeech = $grammar->getPartsOfSpeech();
// ['Preposition', 'Noun', 'Pronoun', 'Adverb', 'Adjective', 'Verb', 'Interjection', 'Conjunction']

### Get Word part of Speech
$word = 'boy';
$partsOfSpeech = $grammar->getWordPartOfSpeech($word);
// ['Noun']

### Check if is noun
$word = 'boy';
$grammar = new Word($string);
$isNoun = $grammar->isNoun();
// true

### Using Facade
In order to use the Grammar facade:
- First add `    'Grammar' => GrammarFacade::class,` to aliases in `config/app.php`
- Then use like `\Grammar::getPartsOfSpeech();`

## Contributing
- Fork this project
- Clone to your repo
- Make your changes and run tests `composer test`
- Push and create Pull request