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Test Coverage
    "main": {
        "ignore": {
            "format" : "<rule[,rule]+>",
            "description" : "Indicate which rules to ignore completely.",
            "default": 0,
            "alias": ["0", "false"]
        "warnings": {
            "format" : "<rule[,rule]+>",
            "description" : "Indicate which rules to include as warnings.",
            "default": 1,
            "alias": ["1", ""]
        "errors": {
            "format" : "<rule[,rule]+>",
            "description" : "Indicate which rules to include as errors.",
            "default": 2,
            "alias": ["2", "true"]
    "cli": {
        "help"        : { "format" : "",                       "description" : "Displays this information."},
        "version"     : { "format" : "",                       "description" : "Outputs the current version number."},
        "list-rules"  : { "format" : "",                       "description" : "Outputs all of the rules available."},
        "format"      : { "format" : "<format>",               "description" : "Indicate which format to use for output, only for legacy reporter."},
        "quiet"       : { "format" : "",                       "description" : "Only output when errors are present."},
        "exclude-list": { "format" : "<file|dir[,file|dir]+>", "description" : "Indicate which files/directories to exclude from being linted."},
        "config"      : { "format" : "<file>",                 "description" : "Reads csslint options from specified file."},
        "squash"      : { "format" : "",                       "description" : "Detailed cli options merging into rcs."},
        "reporter"    : { "format" : "<string|function>",      "description" : "Formatter function, legacy for native reporter with --format support."},
        "threshold"   : { "format" : "<mixed>",                "description" : "Explicit sting or number represintation to default rule lint level, if nothing set `warnings` used."}