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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Ensures JWT secure communication."""
# Shamelessly (mostly) stolen from
# Inspired by

# Main JWT manager object
class JWTConsumer(object):
    This object is used to hold the JWT settings and callback functions.

    Instances :class:`JWTManager` are *not* bound to specific apps, so
    you can create one in the main body of your code and then bind it
    to your app in a factory function.

    def __init__(self, app=None):
        Create the JWTManager instance.

        You can either pass a flask application
        in directly here to register this extension with the flask app, or
        call init_app after creating this object
        :param app: A flask application
        # Register this extension with the flask app now (if it is provided)
        if app is not None:

    def init_app(self, app):
        Register this extension with the flask app.

        :param app: A flask application
        # Save this so we can use it later in the extension
        if not hasattr(app, 'extensions'):   # pragma: no cover
            app.extensions = {}
        app.extensions['flask-jwt-management'] = self

    def _set_default_configuration_options(app):
        """Sets the default configuration options used by this extension."""
        # Options for JWTs when the TOKEN_LOCATION is headers
        app.config.setdefault('JWT_USE_COOKIE', False)
        app.config.setdefault('JWT_HEADER_NAME', 'Authorization')
        app.config.setdefault('JWT_HEADER_TYPE', 'Bearer')

        # What algorithm to use to sign the token. See here for a list of options:
        app.config.setdefault('JWT_ALGORITHM', 'RS256')

        # Expected value of the audience claim
        app.config.setdefault('JWT_IDENTITY', None)

        # Whether or not to disable audience verification
        app.config.setdefault('VERIFY_AUD', True)

        # Key to verify JWTs with when use when using an asymmetric
        # (public/private key) algorithms, such as RS* or EC*
        app.config.setdefault('JWT_AUTHORIZED_KEYS', None)