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# Soprano

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Soprano is the set of Capistrano recipes that help me to deploy my

Soprano by default uses Mongrel cluster (or Passenger) as an application
server, nginx as a web server, MySQL as a database server and git as a SCM.

The latest version of Soprano was inspired by Rubaidh's
[Rubaidhstrano]( and some code has
been borrowed from its sources.

## Installation

For Rails 3 add to your `Gemfile`:

    gem 'soprano', :require => false

## Example usage

To start using Soprano you just need to add `require "soprano"` to your
`config/deploy.rb` file and set some variables:

    require "soprano"

    set :application, "set your application name here"
    set :repository,  "set your repository location here"
    set :host,        "set your host here"

    # See soprano/recipes/defaults.rb for defaults

## Features

### Remote

*Sometimes* we need to execute an arbitrary command or script on our
server within the application. To aid with thin, Soprano offers a bunch
of `remote` scripts. For example:

$ cap remote:command -s cmd="ls -l"
you'll even get the output here...

Similar tasks exist for rake, thor and runner. Try `cap -T remote`. Note:
runner does not put to the STDOUT anything.

$ cap remote:rake -s cmd="db:drop" && echo "What have I done!"
$ cap remote:thor -s cmd="thor:task"
$ cap remote:runner -s cmd="1000**1000 while true" && echo "Computers should compute"

Don't forget to use `-s` option. Also wrap `cmd=` argument in quotes.
Yeah, this is not comfortable, but it's intentional. Consider it a
syntax vinegar. If you have a repeated task, write a Capistrano recipe
for it. This remote calls are for really occasional tasks.

You also have `cap remote:tail` to tail the application log.

If all you need is just remotely run the rake tasks, you may also want to
consider using [Cape](

### Other

Readme about other features in process...

## Thanks

- Jamis Buck for [Capistrano](,
- Rubaidh Ltd for their awesome
- Denis Barushev for [Capone](

## Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 Dmitriy Kiriyenko. See LICENSE for details.