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Test Coverage
# Bitly_api_version <- "v4"
# Isgd_api_version <- "v2019"
.urlshorteneREnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

#' @title is_token
#' @description is the object a token
#' @noRd
#' @keywords Internal
is_token <- function(x) inherits(x, "Token")

#' @title Assign API tokens using OAuth2.0
#' @param debug - whether to print additional debug messages
#' @description
#' There are 2 ways of how you can authenticate using this package.
#' 1. The recommended practise for the end-user of this package is to use default API keys which
#' are provided using this method.
#' 2. Alternatively, you can register your own application via the web in order to get Client ID
#' and Client Secret code.
#' For that go first to \url{}. Click \code{REGISTERED OAUTH APPLICATIONS},
#' Open your email that you will receive and click \code{COMPLETE REGISTRATION}.
#' Make up an \code{APPLICATION NAME} that is unique. Unless you know to do otherwise,
#' type "http://localhost:1410/" (slash at the end is important) in \code{REDIRECT URIs}. For
#' \code{APPLICATION LINK} and \code{APPLICATION DESCRIPTION} you can type whatever you like.
#' @section However Important Information:
#' Before choosing registering new application yourself, you can try using my API keys (the default option). No
#' worries, no information is exposed to me at all: neither what you shorten nor who does it, etc.
#' In fact, quote: "If you are shortening URLs on behalf of end-users, we ask that you use our OAuth 2
#' implementation to authenticate end-users before shortening. URLs shortened in this manner
#' will be added to the specified end-user's history, allowing the end-user to manage and
#' track the shortened URLs".
#' @section WARNING:
#' If using RStudio in the browsers via RStudio Server, then authentication may not work well. In
#' such case, use desktop RStudio application. Look for help at <>.
#' @param key - Client ID
#' @param secret - Client Secret
#' @param token - a \code{Token} object or a file path to an rds file containing a token.
#' @seealso See \url{}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # overwrite keys - Variant 2
#' bitly_token <-
#'   bitly_auth(
#'     key = "be03aead58f23bc1aee6e1d7b7a1d99d62f0ede8",
#'     secret = "f9c6a3b18968e991e35f466e90c7d883cc176073"
#'   )
#' # default variant
#' bitly_token <- bitly_auth()
#' saveRDS(bitly_token, "bitly_token.rds")
#' # for non-interactive use:
#' bitly_auth(token = "bitly_token.rds")
#' }
#' @import httr
#' @export
bitly_auth <- function(key = "be03aead58f23bc1aee6e1d7b7a1d99d62f0ede8",
                      secret = "f9c6a3b18968e991e35f466e90c7d883cc176073", debug = F, token) {
  if (!missing(token)) {
    if (!is_token(token)) {
      token <- readRDS(token)
      if (!is_token(token)) stop("Invalid token")
  } else if (interactive()) {
    token <- httr::oauth2.0_token(
        authorize = "",
          access = ""
      httr::oauth_app("bitly", key = key, secret = secret),
      cache = TRUE
  } else {
    stop("Save token as rds and pass to token to run non-interactively.")
  if (isTRUE(debug)) {
    message(paste0("urlshorteneR: You have been authorized as ", token$credentials$login,
                   " with access token ", token$credentials$access_token))
  .urlshorteneREnv$access_token <- token$credentials$access_token
  .urlshorteneREnv$token <- token


#' Get Bitly access token
#' Extract token from \code{bitly_auth} method
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
bitly_auth_access <- function() {

  if (is.null(.urlshorteneREnv$token) && interactive()) {
    .urlshorteneREnv$token <- bitly_auth()
  } else if (is.null(.urlshorteneREnv$token)) {
    .urlshorteneREnv$token <- readRDS("../bitly_local_token.rds")
  .urlshorteneREnv$acc_token <- .urlshorteneREnv$token$credentials$access_token


#' @title Generalized function for executing REST requests
#' @param verb - REST verb
#' @param url - which is used for the request
#' @param queryParameters - parameters that are used for building a URL
#' @param showURL - for debugging purposes only: it shows what URL has been called
#' @import httr
#' @import jsonlite
#' @return json data
#' @noRd
#' @keywords internal
doRequest <- function(verb = "", url = NULL, queryParameters = NULL, patch_body = NULL, showURL = NULL) {
    "PATCH" = {
      return_request <- suppressMessages(httr::PATCH(url,
        query = queryParameters, body = patch_body,
        encode = "json", content_type_json(),
        httr::config(token = .urlshorteneREnv$token)
    "GET" = {
      return_request <- httr::GET(url, query = queryParameters, httr::config(token = .urlshorteneREnv$token))
    "POST" = {
      return_request <- suppressMessages(httr::POST(url,
        body = queryParameters, encode = "json",
        httr::content_type_json(), httr::config(token = .urlshorteneREnv$token)

  if (http_error(return_request) == FALSE) {
    stop_for_status(return_request, "you are not a premium account holder, or internet connection does
                    not work properly")

    text_response <- content(return_request, as = "text", encoding = "utf-8")
    json_response <- fromJSON(text_response)

    if (is.null(return_request$status_code) == FALSE && return_request$status_code >= 400) {
      message(sprintf("Code: %s - %s", json_response$message, json_response$description))

    if (identical(showURL, TRUE)) {
      cat("The requested URL has been this: ", return_request$request$url, "\n")
  } else {
    text_response <- content(return_request, as = "text", encoding = "utf-8")
    json_response <- fromJSON(text_response)
    message(sprintf("Code: %s - %s", json_response$message, json_response$description))
    cat("The requested URL has been this: ", return_request$request$url, "\n")
