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Test Coverage
#' @title Create a short Bitlink
#' @description See \url{} and
#' \url{}
#' Convert a long url to a Bitlink and set additional parameters.
#' @param long_url - required, a long URL to be shortened (example:
#' Must contain http/https
#' @param domain - (optional) the short domain to use; either,, or or
#' a custom short domain. The default for this parameter is the short domain selected by each
#' user in their bitly account settings. Passing a specific domain via this parameter will override
#' the default settings.
#' @param title - title of the bitlink
#' @param tags - Array of string, use e.g. \code{c("test1", "test2")}
#' @param showRequestURL - show URL which has been build and requested from server. For debug
#' purposes.
#' @param deeplinks_list - a list containing parameters below
#' @param app_uri_path - app_uri_path
#' @param install_type - install_type
#' @param install_url - install_url
#' @param app_id - app_id
#' @inheritParams bitly_create_campaigns
#' @note Look in the vignette for bulk shortening of URLs. Each call of this function == 1 API call.
#' Take that into consideration due to limits etc.
#' @note The bitly API does not support shortening more than one long URL with a single API call.
#' Meaning 1 Long URL = 1 Function call.
#' @note Long URLs should be URL-encoded. You can not include a longUrl in the request
#' that has &, ?, #, or other reserved parameters without first encoding it.
#' @note The default value for the domain parameter is selected by each user from within their bitly
#' account settings at <>.
#' @note Long URLs should not contain spaces: any longUrl with spaces will be rejected. All spaces
#' should be either percent encoded %20 or plus encoded +. Note that tabs, newlines and trailing
#' spaces are all indications of errors. Please remember to strip leading and trailing whitespace
#' from any user input before shortening.
#' @return id - a short bitly identifier for long_url which is unique to the given account.
#' @return long_url - This may not always be equal to the URL requested, as some URL normalization
#' may occur (e.g., due to encoding differences, or case
#' differences in the domain). This long_url will always be functionally identical the the request
#' parameter.
#' @return link - an bitly id with http(s) prefix
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_create_bitlink(long_url = "")
#' }
#' @export
bitly_create_bitlink <- function(long_url = NULL, domain = "", title = NULL, tags = NULL,
                                group_guid = NULL,
                                deeplinks_list = list(app_uri_path = NULL,
                                            install_type = NULL,
                                            install_url = NULL,
                                            app_id = NULL), showRequestURL = FALSE) {
   links_shorten_url <- ""

   body_req_query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), domain = domain,
                          long_url = long_url)

   if (!length(deeplinks_list$app_uri_path) == 0 || !length(deeplinks_list$install_type) == 0 ||
       !length(deeplinks_list$install_url) == 0 || !length(deeplinks_list$app_id) == 0) {
      body_req_query$deeplinks <- deeplinks_list

   if (length(title) >= 1) {
      body_req_query$title <- title

   if (length(tags) >= 1) {
      body_req_query$tags <- tags

   if (length(group_guid) >= 1) {
      body_req_query$group_guid <- group_guid

   body_req_query_cleaned <- toJSON(body_req_query, auto_unbox = T)

   df_link_shorten <- doRequest("POST", links_shorten_url,
                                queryParameters = body_req_query_cleaned, showURL = showRequestURL)

   df_link_shorten <- data.frame(t(, df_link_shorten)), stringsAsFactors = F)
   df_link_shorten$created_at <- now("UTC")


#' @title Get Metrics for a Bitlink by referring domains
#' @description This endpoint will rollup the click counts to a referrer about a single Bitlink.
#' @seealso See \url{}
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_sorted_links
#' @return facet - string | One of "countries" "referrers" "referrers_by_domain"
#' "referring_domains" "referring_networks" "shorten_counts"
#' @param bitlink - required, a Bitlink made of the domain and hash
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_user_metrics_referring_domains(bitlink = "", unit = "month", units = -1,
#' size = 100)
#' }
#' @export
bitly_user_metrics_referring_domains <- function(bitlink = NULL, unit = "day", units = -1,
                                              size = 50, unit_reference = NULL,
                                              showRequestURL = FALSE) {

  user_metrics_referring_domains_url <- paste0("", bitlink, "/referring_domains")

  query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), bitlink = bitlink, unit = unit, units = units, size = size,
      unit_reference = unit_reference)

  df_user_metrics_referring_domains <- doRequest("GET", user_metrics_referring_domains_url,
                                                  query, showURL = showRequestURL)
  df_user_metrics_referring_domains$unit_reference <- ymd_hms(df_user_metrics_referring_domains$unit_reference, tz = "UTC")

  if (length(df_user_metrics_referring_domains$metrics) == 0) {
     df_user_metrics_referring_domains <- NULL
     message("The domain has no metrics available. Has it been shared ?")


#' @title Expand a Bitlink
#' @description See \url{}
#' This endpoint returns public information for a Bitlink.
#' @inheritParams bitly_user_metrics_referring_domains
#' @inheritParams bitly_create_channel
#' @return long_url - a full URL to which bitlink points to
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_expand_link(bitlink_id = "")
#' bitly_expand_link(bitlink_id = "")
#' ## manyHashes <- list("", "", "", "")
#' ## for (u in 1:length(manyHashes)) {
#' ##   print(bitly_expand_link(bitlink_id = manyHashes[[u]], showRequestURL = TRUE))
#' ## }
#' }
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @export
bitly_expand_link <- function(bitlink_id = NULL, showRequestURL = FALSE) {
   links_expand_url <- ""

   if (!is.null(bitlink_id)) {
      body_req_query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(),
                             bitlink_id = bitlink_id)

   df_link_expand <- doRequest("POST", links_expand_url, queryParameters = body_req_query, showURL = showRequestURL)
   df_link_expand <- data.frame(df_link_expand, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
   df_link_expand$created_at <- ymd_hms(df_link_expand$created_at, tz = "UTC")


#' Wrapper url expander
#' @description url expander functions have different argnames to pass short URLs
#'   therefore a wrapper is needed to avoid changing argnames to main functions.
#' @noRd
bitly_expand_link_ <- function(shorturl, ...) {
   bitly_expand_link(bitlink_id = shorturl, ...)

#' @title Shorten a Link
#' @description See \url{}
#' Convert a long url to a Bitlink
#' @inheritParams bitly_create_bitlink
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_shorten_link(url = "")
#' bitly_shorten_link(url = "", showRequestURL = TRUE)
#' manyUrls <- list(
#'   "", "",
#'   "", ""
#' )
#' for (u in 1:length(manyUrls)) {
#'   print(bitly_shorten_link(long_url = manyUrls[[u]], showRequestURL = TRUE))
#' }
#' }
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @export
bitly_shorten_link <- function(domain = "", group_guid = NULL, long_url = NULL, showRequestURL = FALSE) {
   links_shorten_url <- ""

   if (!is.null(long_url)) {
      body_req_query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), group_guid = group_guid,
                             long_url = long_url, domain = domain)

   df_link_shorten <- doRequest("POST", links_shorten_url, queryParameters = body_req_query, showURL = showRequestURL)
   df_link_shorten <- data.frame(t(, df_link_shorten)), stringsAsFactors = F)
   df_link_shorten$created_at <- now("UTC")


#' Wrapper url shortener
#' @description url shortener function have different argnames to pass long URLS
#'   theefore a wrapper is needed to avoid changing argnames to main functions.
#' @noRd
bitly_shorten_link_ <- function(longUrl, ...) {
   bitly_shorten_link(long_url = longUrl, ...)

#' @title Update a Bitlink
#' @description See \url{}
#' Update fields in the Bitlink
#' @inheritParams bitly_create_bitlink
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_bitlinks_by_groups
#' @inheritParams bitly_create_channel
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_links_grouped
#' @inheritParams bitly_user_metrics_referring_domains
#' @inheritParams bitly_add_cust_bitlink
#' @inheritParams bitly_update_cust_bitlink
#' @inheritParams bitly_update_channel
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_sorted_links
#' @inheritParams bitly_app_details
#' @param created_at - update created at parameter
#' @param created_by - update user
#' @param custom_bitlinks - update custom_bitlinks
#' @param link - link
#' @param id - id
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_update_bitlink(bitlink = "", title = "novy titulek")
#' ## hash is the one which is only returned. Dont use
#' bitly_update_bitlink(bitlink = "")
#' ## manyHashes <- list("", "", "", "")
#' ## for (u in 1:length(manyHashes)) {
#' ##   print(bitly_update_bitlink(bitlink = manyHashes[[u]],
#' ##                 title = stri_rand_strings(1, 8, pattern = "[A-Za-z0-9]")))
#' ## }
#' }
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @export
bitly_update_bitlink <- function(bitlink = NULL, archived = NULL, tags = NULL, showRequestURL = FALSE,
                                  created_at = NULL, title = NULL, created_by = NULL, long_url = NULL,
                                  client_id = NULL, custom_bitlinks = NULL, link = NULL, id = NULL,
                                  deeplinks = list(bitlink = NULL, install_url = NULL, created = NULL,
                                                  modified = NULL, app_uri_path = NULL, install_type = NULL,
                                                  app_guid = NULL, guid = NULL, os = NULL)) {

   link_update <- paste0("", bitlink)

   query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access())
   body_upd = list()

   if (!length(deeplinks$bitlink) == 0 || !length(deeplinks$created) == 0 ||
       !length(deeplinks$install_url) == 0 || !length(deeplinks$app_uri_path) == 0 ||
       !length(deeplinks$modified) == 0 || !length(deeplinks$install_type) == 0 ||
       !length(deeplinks$app_guid) == 0 || !length(deeplinks$guid) == 0 ||
       !length(deeplinks$os) == 0) {
      body_upd$deeplinks <- deeplinks

   if (length(tags) >= 1) {
      body_upd$tags <- tags

   if (length(archived) >= 1) {
      body_upd$archived <- archived

   if (length(created_at) >= 1) {
      body_upd$created_at <- created_at

   if (length(created_by) >= 1) {
      body_upd$created_by <- created_by

   if (length(title) >= 1) {
      body_upd$title <- title

   if (length(long_url) >= 1) {
      body_upd$long_url <- long_url

   if (length(client_id) >= 1) {
      body_upd$client_id <- client_id

   if (length(custom_bitlinks) >= 1) {
      body_upd$custom_bitlinks <- custom_bitlinks

   if (length(link) >= 1) {
      body_upd$link <- link

   if (length(id) >= 1) {
      body_upd$id <- id

   body_req_query_cleaned <- toJSON(body_upd, auto_unbox = T)

   df_update_pref <- doRequest("PATCH", url = link_update, queryParameters = query,
                              patch_body = body_req_query_cleaned, showURL = showRequestURL)

   df_update_pref <- data.frame(t(, df_update_pref)), stringsAsFactors = F)
   df_update_pref$created_at <- ymd_hms(df_update_pref$created_at, tz = "UTC")


#' @title Retrieve a Bitlink
#' @description This endpoint returns information for a Bitlink.
#' @seealso See \url{}
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_sorted_links
#' @inheritParams bitly_update_bitlink
#' @inheritParams bitly_create_bitlink
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_bitlinks_by_groups
#' @inheritParams bitly_create_channel
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_links_grouped
#' @inheritParams bitly_user_metrics_referring_domains
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_retrieve_bitlink(bitlink = "")
#' }
#' @export
bitly_retrieve_bitlink  <- function(bitlink = NULL, showRequestURL = FALSE) {

   get_bitlink_url <- paste0("", bitlink)

   query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), bitlink = bitlink)

   df_bitlink <- doRequest("GET", get_bitlink_url, queryParameters = query, showURL = showRequestURL)
   df_bitlink <- data.frame(t(, df_bitlink)), stringsAsFactors = F)
   df_bitlink$created_at <- ymd_hms(df_bitlink$created_at, tz = "UTC")


#' @title Get Metrics for a Bitlink by referrers by domain
#' @description This endpoint will group referrers metrics about a single Bitlink.
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @inheritParams bitly_user_metrics_referring_domains
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_retrieve_metrics_by_referrers_by_domain(bitlink = "", unit = "day",
#' units = -1, size = 100)
#' }
#' @export
bitly_retrieve_metrics_by_referrers_by_domain <- function(bitlink = NULL, size = 50, unit_reference = NULL, unit = NULL,
                                                units = -1, showRequestURL = FALSE) {

   metrics_referrers_by_domain_url <- paste0("", bitlink, "/referrers_by_domains")

   query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), bitlink = bitlink, size = size,
                 units = units, unit = unit, unit_reference = unit_reference)

   df_metrics_referrers_by_domain <- doRequest("GET", metrics_referrers_by_domain_url,
                                                    query, showURL = showRequestURL)


#' @title Get Clicks for a Bitlink
#' @description See \url{}
#' This will return the click counts for a specified Bitlink. This returns an array with clicks based on a date.
#' @param size - The quantity of items to be be returned
#' @param units - An integer representing the time units to query data for. pass -1 to return all units of time.
#' @param unit - A unit of time
#' @param showRequestURL - show URL which has been build and requested from server. For debug
#' purposes.
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_metrics_by_referrers_by_domain
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_retrieve_clicks(bitlink = "", unit = "day", units = -1, size = 100)
#' }
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @export
bitly_retrieve_clicks <- function(bitlink = NULL, size = 50, unit_reference = NULL, unit = NULL,
                                    units = -1, showRequestURL = FALSE) {

   user_metrics_clicks_url <- paste0("", bitlink, "/clicks")

   query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), bitlink = bitlink, unit_reference = unit_reference,
      unit = unit, units = units)

   df_user_metrics_clicks <- doRequest("GET", user_metrics_clicks_url, query, showURL = showRequestURL)
   df_user_metrics_clicks$link_clicks$date <- ymd_hms(df_user_metrics_clicks$link_clicks$date, tz = "UTC")
   df_user_metrics_clicks$unit_reference <- ymd_hms(df_user_metrics_clicks$unit_reference, tz = "UTC")


#' @title Get Clicks Summary for a Bitlink
#' @description See \url{}
#' This will return the click counts for a specified Bitlink. This rolls up all the data into a
#' single field of clicks.
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_clicks
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_retrieve_clicks_summary(bitlink = "", unit = "day", units = -1, size = 100)
#' }
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @export
bitly_retrieve_clicks_summary <- function(bitlink = NULL, size = 50, unit_reference = NULL, unit = NULL,
                                  units = -1, showRequestURL = FALSE) {

   user_metrics_clicks_url_sum <- paste0("", bitlink, "/clicks/summary")

   query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), bitlink = bitlink, unit_reference = unit_reference,
                 unit = unit, units = units, size = size)

   df_user_metrics_clicks_sum <- doRequest("GET", user_metrics_clicks_url_sum, query, showURL = showRequestURL)
   df_user_metrics_clicks_sum$unit_reference <- ymd_hms(df_user_metrics_clicks_sum$unit_reference, tz = "UTC")


#' @title Get Metrics for a Bitlink by countries
#' @description This endpoint will return metrics about the countries referring click traffic to
#' a single Bitlink.
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_clicks_summary
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_retrieve_metrics_by_countries(bitlink = "", unit = "day", units = -1,
#' size = 100)
#' }
#' @export
bitly_retrieve_metrics_by_countries <- function(bitlink = NULL, size = 100, unit = NULL,
                                                unit_reference = NULL,
                                                units = -1, showRequestURL = FALSE) {

   link_metrics_countries_url <- paste0("", bitlink, "/countries")

   query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), bitlink = bitlink, unit_reference = unit_reference,
                 unit = unit, units = units, size = size)

   df_link_metrics_countries <- doRequest("GET", link_metrics_countries_url, query, showURL = showRequestURL)
   df_link_metrics_countries$unit_reference <- ymd_hms(df_link_metrics_countries$unit_reference, tz = "UTC")


#' @title Get Metrics for a Bitlink by referrers
#' @description This endpoint will return metrics about the referrers referring click traffic to
#' a single Bitlink.
#' @seealso \url{}
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_metrics_by_countries
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_retrieve_metrics_by_referrers(bitlink = "", unit = "day",
#' units = -1, size = 100)
#' }
#' @export
bitly_retrieve_metrics_by_referrers <- function(bitlink = NULL, size = 100, unit = NULL, unit_reference = NULL,
                                                units = -1, showRequestURL = FALSE) {

   link_metrics_countries_url <- paste0("", bitlink, "/referrers")

   query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), bitlink = bitlink, unit_reference = unit_reference,
                 unit = unit, units = units, size = size)

   df_link_metrics_countries <- doRequest("GET", link_metrics_countries_url, query, showURL = showRequestURL)
   df_link_metrics_countries$unit_reference <- ymd_hms(df_link_metrics_countries$unit_reference, tz = "UTC")


#' @title Retrieve Bitlinks by Group
#' @description See \url{}
#' Retrieve a paginated collection of Bitlinks for a Group
#' @param query_q - a query to look for in bitlinks; acts a filter
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_metrics_by_referrers
#' @inheritParams bitly_update_bitlink
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_sorted_links
#' @inheritParams bitly_create_bitlink
#' @inheritParams bitly_create_channel
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_links_grouped
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_retrieve_bitlinks_by_groups(group_guid = "", keyword = "novy titulek")
#' }
#' @import httr jsonlite
#' @export
bitly_retrieve_bitlinks_by_groups <- function(group_guid = NULL, size = 50, page = 1,
                                  showRequestURL = FALSE,
                                  keyword = NULL, query_q = NULL, created_before = NULL,
                                  created_after = NULL,
                                  modified_after = NULL, archived = "both", deeplinks = "both",
                                  campaign_guid = NULL,
                                  channel_guid = NULL, custom_bitlink = "both", tags = NULL,
                                  encoding_login = NULL,
                                  domain_deeplinks = "both") {

    link_by_groups <- paste0("", group_guid, "/bitlinks")

    query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), size = size, page = page,
                  archived = archived, domain_deeplinks = domain_deeplinks,
      deeplinks = deeplinks, custom_bitlink = custom_bitlink)

    if (!length(tags) >= 1) {
      query$tags <- tags

    if (!length(keyword) >= 1) {
      query$keyword <- keyword

    if (!length(query_q) >= 1) {
      query$query_q <- query_q

    if (!length(created_before) >= 1) {
      query$created_before <- created_before

    if (!length(created_after) >= 1) {
      query$created_after <- created_after

    if (!length(modified_after) >= 1) {
      query$modified_after <- modified_after

    if (!length(campaign_guid) >= 1) {
      query$campaign_guid <- campaign_guid

    if (!length(channel_guid) >= 1) {
      query$channel_guid <- channel_guid

    if (!length(encoding_login) >= 1) {
      query$encoding_login <- encoding_login

    df_bitlinks_byGroup <- doRequest("GET", url = link_by_groups, queryParameters = query, showURL = showRequestURL)

#' @title Retrieve Sorted Bitlinks for Group
#' @description See \url{}
#' This will retrieve a paginated response for Bitlinks that are sorted for the Group
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_metrics_by_referrers
#' @inheritParams bitly_update_bitlink
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_bitlinks_by_groups
#' @inheritParams bitly_retrieve_groups
#' @param sort - required, Enum:"clicks" - The type of sorting that you would like to do
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bitly_retrieve_sorted_bitlinks_by_groups(group_guid = "", sort = "clicks")
#' }
#' @import httr jsonlite lubridate
#' @export
bitly_retrieve_sorted_bitlinks_by_groups <- function(group_guid = NULL, unit = "day", units = -1, sort = "clicks",
                                              size = 50, unit_reference = NULL, showRequestURL = FALSE) {

    link_by_sorted_groups <- paste0("", group_guid, "/bitlinks/", sort)

    query <- list(access_token = bitly_auth_access(), unit_reference = unit_reference,
                 unit = unit, units = units, size = size)

    df_bitlinks_byGroup <- doRequest("GET", url = link_by_sorted_groups, queryParameters = query, showURL = showRequestURL)