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#' @title Given a long URL, returns a short link.
#' @description See \url{}
#' @param longUrl - The url parameter is the address that you want to shorten.
#' @param shorturl - (optional) You can specify the shorturl parameter if you'd like to pick a
#' shortened URL instead of having randomly generate one. These must be between
#' 5 and 30 characters long and can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.
#' Shortened URLs are case sensitive. Bear in mind that a desired short URL might already
#' be taken (this is very often the case with common words) so if you're using this option
#' be prepared to respond to an error and get an alternative choice from your app's user.
#' @param logstats - (optional) Adding the parameter logstats=1 turns on logging of detailed
#' statistics when the shortened URL you create is accessed. This allows you to see how many
#' times the link was accessed on a given day, what pages referred people to the link, what
#' browser visitors were using etc. You can access these stats via the link preview page for
#' your shortened URL (add a hyphen/dash to the end of the shortened URL to get to it). Creating
#' links with statistics turned on has twice the "cost" towards our rate limit of other shortened
#' links, so leave this parameter out of your API call if you don't require statistics on usage. See
#' our usage limits page for more information on this \url{}.
#' @param showRequestURL - show URL which has been build and requested from server.
#' For debug purposes.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' short_lin <- isgd_LinksShorten(longUrl = "",showRequestURL = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
isgd_LinksShorten <- function(longUrl = "", logstats = "0", shorturl = NULL, showRequestURL = FALSE) {
  links_shorten_url <- ""

  query <- list(url = longUrl, logstats = logstats, shorturl = shorturl)

  df_link_shorten <- doRequest("GET", links_shorten_url, queryParameters = query, showURL = showRequestURL)


#' @title Expand a short URL to a longer one
#' @inheritParams isgd_LinksShorten
#' @description See \url{}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' isgd_LinksExpand(shorturl = "", showRequestURL = TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
isgd_LinksExpand <- function(shorturl = "", showRequestURL = FALSE) {
  links_expand_url <- ""

  query <- list(shorturl = shorturl)

  df_link_expand <- doRequest("GET", links_expand_url, queryParameters = query, showURL = showRequestURL)
