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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/bitly_links.R
\title{Create a short Bitlink}
  long_url = NULL,
  domain = "",
  title = NULL,
  tags = NULL,
  group_guid = NULL,
  deeplinks_list = list(app_uri_path = NULL, install_type = NULL, install_url = NULL,
    app_id = NULL),
  showRequestURL = FALSE
\item{long_url}{- required, a long URL to be shortened (example:
Must contain http/https}

\item{domain}{- (optional) the short domain to use; either,, or or
a custom short domain. The default for this parameter is the short domain selected by each
user in their bitly account settings. Passing a specific domain via this parameter will override
the default settings.}

\item{title}{- title of the bitlink}

\item{tags}{- Array of string, use e.g. \code{c("test1", "test2")}}

\item{group_guid}{- a GUID for a Bitly group}

\item{deeplinks_list}{- a list containing parameters below}

\item{showRequestURL}{- show URL which has been build and requested from server. For debug

\item{app_uri_path}{- app_uri_path}

\item{install_type}{- install_type}

\item{install_url}{- install_url}

\item{app_id}{- app_id}
id - a short bitly identifier for long_url which is unique to the given account.

long_url - This may not always be equal to the URL requested, as some URL normalization
may occur (e.g., due to encoding differences, or case
differences in the domain). This long_url will always be functionally identical the the request

link - an bitly id with http(s) prefix
See \url{} and
Convert a long url to a Bitlink and set additional parameters.
Look in the vignette for bulk shortening of URLs. Each call of this function == 1 API call.
Take that into consideration due to limits etc.

The bitly API does not support shortening more than one long URL with a single API call.
Meaning 1 Long URL = 1 Function call.

Long URLs should be URL-encoded. You can not include a longUrl in the request
that has &, ?, #, or other reserved parameters without first encoding it.

The default value for the domain parameter is selected by each user from within their bitly
account settings at <>.

Long URLs should not contain spaces: any longUrl with spaces will be rejected. All spaces
should be either percent encoded %20 or plus encoded +. Note that tabs, newlines and trailing
spaces are all indications of errors. Please remember to strip leading and trailing whitespace
from any user input before shortening.
bitly_create_bitlink(long_url = "")
